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12-10-2006, 12:59 PM
Not only Im having a head case with doing the axel but also my overall things with skating. Something keeps telling me NO, I DONT THINK SO, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?, YOURE TIRED-GET OFF THE ICE! :giveup: Am I the only one with this head case problem?

12-10-2006, 01:03 PM
I have the same issue. Its often a confidence problem. Once the confidence goes up, I'm better at not beating myself up.

I also made a lot of changes with regards to coaching, ice time, location which have helped

Not only Im having a head case with doing the axel but also my overall things with skating. Something keeps telling me NO, I DONT THINK SO, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?, YOURE TIRED-GET OFF THE ICE! :giveup: Am I the only one with this head case problem?

Rusty Blades
12-10-2006, 04:33 PM
I was in a funk a couple of weeks ago, bad enough I was ready to pitch my skates in the garbage. I took a few days off, changed coaches, moved to morning sessions (I am a "morning person") and am trying to "regroup".

I lost my backward edges while I was distracted with other things and have been struggling to get them back - just had no confidence in them at all! On a light session today, I put on my iPod and started working with my music. With the music playing in one ear, watching for other skaters, and trying to choreograph on the fly, all of a sudden my backward edges were getting a whole lot better. I think I over-loaded my poor feeble brain to the point where it didn't have time to worry about going over backwards (again) off a back edge - I was totally into the music and the moves (and watching for wayward kiddies) and skated like I knew what I was doing.

Last summer I saw a lady around my age (57), maybe older, an EXCELLENT skater, working on a double jump and crashing often. I complimented her later and said I wished I could trow myself into the air like that with total abandon! She said she still thought of herself as being 14 - she said she wont allow herself to acknowledge her age when she is on the ice! Wow!

How do you get rid of the doubt, the subconscious fear? I don't really known, but I do know that's the key.

12-10-2006, 05:11 PM
This sounds really pathetic but when I'm feeling like I'm a terrible skater and should just quit, I go skate on the senior citizen sessions. They let me because they like me, and a couple of sessions doing nothing but skating around in circles with the occasional spin in the middle and catching up on all the small town gossip does wonders for my confidence. It's all about taking a step back and feeling the ice again.

I discovered this while having my enforced summer off the ice. I had some overuse injuries and my coach forbade me from skating and pulled my summer school, but forgot to mention not to skate with the senior seniors, although it's 55 plus, most are close to 75. It does make me inspired that I'll still be skating at that age.

12-10-2006, 05:28 PM
Wow, the story of the 57 year old inspires me....but, if you really ARE tired, maybe you don't want to be on the ice. I think a lot of injuries can happen if you stay on extra and you are starting to lose focus.

If it is just an excuse, maybe something new added to your perspective will help, i.e, dance class, a new off-ice class, or something.

12-11-2006, 01:06 AM
Getting on the harness helps me get through my fear and mental blocks on jumps. It used to be the axel, but these days it's the double toe. But it has always worked for me, so try it if you have the chance!

12-11-2006, 08:29 AM
I'm a head case from the word go. My reflexes simply prevent me from getting in the air on the waltz, toe and salchow. There is no physical reason that I abort every attempt -- I'm right over my blades, my set up and timing are good and I can jump like a kangaroo off-ice. But on ice? Heck no -- no ait for me. Don't ask me why -- I've been struggling with this for nearly three years... Same this with three turns -- I go OUT OF MY WAY to put my free foot down. I think someone needs to hypnotize me before a sessoin so that I am able to just get out there and do it -- I know I can, but I just don't.

Team Arthritis
12-11-2006, 10:43 AM
OK fellow headcases (I mean how many of us AOSS aren't?). May I suggest a little Yoga? The whole concept of being "centered" physically, emotionally and spiritually is a pretty decent goal in life, and sure helps my backspin;) . Sure, I don't go in for much of the religious stuff but the concept that there is a little bit of "God" within all of us and that both the source of most of our problems and the answers to those problems lies within has helped me. I hope I haven't offended anyone.

Mel On Ice
12-11-2006, 02:04 PM
I had Isuckitis this weekend, and challenged my coach and a friend to tell me at least one thing I was good at in this sport. I got *crickets* - thanks for the support!

Rusty Blades
12-11-2006, 02:42 PM
I had Isuckitis this weekend, and challenged my coach and a friend to tell me at least one thing I was good at in this sport. I got *crickets* - thanks for the support!

If that's the way your "support network" is, then I would say you are EXCELLENT at self-motivation!

(Hope that helps!)

12-11-2006, 04:11 PM
I had Isuckitis this weekend, and challenged my coach and a friend to tell me at least one thing I was good at in this sport. I got *crickets* - thanks for the support!

you have lovely spirals :bow:
you work very hard :)
you have a great sense of style on the ice :P
you can drink my concoctions better than anyone I know (cherry vanilla martini, anyone?)!! :bow: :bow:

12-11-2006, 08:11 PM
I had Isuckitis this weekend, and challenged my coach and a friend to tell me at least one thing I was good at in this sport. I got *crickets* - thanks for the support!

ITA with techskater on your spirals - they're gorgeous! :P

12-11-2006, 10:47 PM
Me too. =-) I worry myself to death. I often can do what my head struggles with.

Mel On Ice
12-12-2006, 09:19 AM
thank you tech and f~c for the support. I wish hard work = success, I'd have a couple doubles under my belt, all things being equal. As it is, I'm still convinced I'm going to knock myself unconscious on the flip and lutz.

As for the cherry vanilla martini, I don't remember drinking it, so it must have been that good! *hiccup*

12-12-2006, 09:49 AM
As for the cherry vanilla martini, I don't remember drinking it, so it must have been that good! *hiccup*

They were good. Techskater asked me to come up with a martini idea, and this was the cheapest/quickest version I could think of!!!


12-12-2006, 10:08 AM
you can drink my concoctions better than anyone I know (cherry vanilla martini, anyone?)!! :bow: :bow:

I don't drink at all but I must admit that your concoction sounds delicious. lol :P

12-13-2006, 09:15 AM
I skated last night at Brooklyn-Aviator sports. Again it was not a good session. There was an elite junior skater that got me intimidated. It got me gawking and trying to watch out for him most of the time. My body again was not in sync with my head. So it was 7:55 and he got off the ice and Thanked God for it. I tried to do my program run-throughs and none were up to par where I want to be. I was almost in tears and I tried to distract myself, so I started helping Angelo.

On the way back, Angelo and I discussed my problem in detail. I wondered why my body is not cooperating:
1. Last time I was doing clean run-throughs was during my high school years. I was heavily involved in Dance class (pushups, sit-ups, the whole works, & dance numbers).
2. I was jumping off-ice feverishly. I would do in before I would go to school, in between classes, gym class, when I get home, and jump throughout the night before I go to bed.
Approximately I do at least 20 to 25 Double Axels, Lutzes, Salchows, Toe Loops, Loops, and Flips a day. And that helped my centering and endurance. It has been 6 and a-half years since I had that regimen. I could pull off; going on the ice and do a 30 minute practice and have everything go right, go compete without doing a morning practice and jump into warm-up, do multiple program run-throughs, and just basically was not too much work.

Now I have to find within myself to get motivated to work out, stretch, and find my center again. Plus a routine I need to do before getting on the ice. Thankfully I have until March to get my act together.

Thank you all for your kind advice

12-13-2006, 12:18 PM
I don't drink at all but I must admit that your concoction sounds delicious. lol :Ptechskater: Is this a "Virgin" version of it for us non-alcoholic drinkers!!! :P

(Don't worry, Mel! I *will* have that "champagne welcome" when I see you at AN! But just don't be surprise if I'm sipping instead of gulping it. It's call "savoring the moment!" ;) :twisted: )

12-14-2006, 06:08 PM
Jazz -
Unfortunately, not that I am aware of, but if you aren't alergic to it, one won't kill ya!!

12-14-2006, 06:28 PM
Jazz -
Unfortunately, not that I am aware of, but if you aren't alergic to it, one won't kill ya!!Hmmm... since you've put it that way.... ;) :twisted: :lol:

12-14-2006, 07:04 PM
Yes, Jazz, come to the dark side!!! :halo: