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View Full Version : 2007 ISU All Adult (Oberstdorff) announcement ready

11-27-2006, 09:09 AM
Rhea Schwartz has sent out the 2007 announcement. Until the USFSA puts it on their website, I've got it here:



Mrs Redboots
11-27-2006, 09:36 AM
I've also put it on the Mountain Cup Yahoo Group site (PM me if you'd like to join this group - it's fairly quiet most of the time!).

11-27-2006, 10:53 AM
Interesting...This is over Memorial Day Weekend? There is a possibility that I could do this!

I will do some research!

11-27-2006, 12:54 PM
I to hope to attend the ISU AI in 2007.
This will my my first time..

One of these years it has to come to the States. Canada or Austraila, so people can get a break on the currency..It is so expensive to go there.

I am sure it will be an awesome experience.

Goldie Medal

NoVa Sk8r
11-27-2006, 01:11 PM
They've also put in more restrictions this year (which is good) to keep the programs more in line with the traditional well-balanced program requirements.

No more 4-jump combos/sequences for me! :halo:

While speaking to some of the organizers at the last event, I learned that it will *probably* never be in North America.

11-27-2006, 04:41 PM
I hope I can do this. I was planning on going 100%, but then my parents invited us to join them traveling to Maccu Piccu starting June 1st (my dad's bday is June 7th, and they want to be there for it. So I don't know how I could swing heading to Germany to compete, and then heading to Peru immediately afterwards! Sigh. What a problem to have!:P

11-27-2006, 05:11 PM
I've been traveling quite a bit this year (Back and forth to Atlanta, Dallas for Nats, France, Florida, Hawaii) so any over seas skating trips are questionable.

11-27-2006, 08:27 PM
Missed the age qualifier by two months. :( Next year, definitely!!

Mrs Redboots
11-28-2006, 06:34 AM
I've been traveling quite a bit this year (Back and forth to Atlanta, Dallas for Nats, France, Florida, Hawaii) so any over seas skating trips are questionable.I hope you'll come, Flo - it was so good to see you last year.

I think we'll be at Oberstdorf, we haven't totally decided yet. Husband wants to do his free skating, and I am very, very, very tempted to have a go at the Original and Free dances - not much point our doing the compulsory dances as our Foxtrot is non-existent at the moment! Anyway, plenty of time to decide.... we'll definitely be at the Mountain Cup, of course.

I'm just thankful our daughter's wedding is the previous month - there was some talk of May, and I was like, "Nooooooooo" and e-mailed Barbara to see if she knew what dates the various comps would be (which, luckily, she did!).

11-28-2006, 09:14 AM
Mrs. R - It was great to see you and hubby as well. Orberstdorf would be fun, but I really loved the Mountain Cup. If I went, it would probably be there or Estonia so I could do interpretive. This will be my 13th Nationals, and I started skating a couple years before that, and fs has never really been my main event - it's been pairs or interp.
We'll have to get you over here to nats!

11-28-2006, 09:33 PM
I am seriously considering doing this competition as well as Mountain Cup (I'd really like to do figures there.....)
I have not traveled overseas in a very long time. How hard is it to manage logistics? Is it worth using a travel agent who is familiar with the area? Or are people planning on going in groups from the states? I'd be a willing travel buddy. I minored in French in college though haven't used it in years and could really use Spanish here in AZ!


11-29-2006, 02:38 AM
The first year that I went, I just used Expedia for the plane fares and booked into Le Diamante (recommended accomodations on the announcement - a good choice) I bought my train ticket at the Paris station an hour before catching the train.

This past May we used a travel agent for the flights and the trains, because there were so many of us travelling together (Synchro Team) and (of course) booked into Le Diamante again.

Mrs Redboots
11-29-2006, 10:14 AM
I am seriously considering doing this competition as well as Mountain Cup (I'd really like to do figures there.....)
I have not traveled overseas in a very long time. How hard is it to manage logistics? Is it worth using a travel agent who is familiar with the area? Or are people planning on going in groups from the states? I'd be a willing travel buddy. I minored in French in college though haven't used it in years and could really use Spanish here in AZ!

PedonskatesYou can book nearly everything on-line - Expedia for the flight(s), RailEurope for the train tickets, and you contact Le Diamant direct by e-mail.

When the Mountain Cup announcement comes out, which I expect will be within the next week or so, it is usually very soon after the Oberstdorf one, Barbara will enclose a letter with the various accommodation options, names, addresses and websites of hotels and apartments, and also a "how to get there" section. You could probably print this off and show it to a travel agent. But basically, you just tell the agent to get you to Lyon or Grenoble, as there are direct buses from there.

Do come - it's the most enormous fun!

11-29-2006, 01:54 PM
When I went to Oberstdorf the first year, I stayed at the Oberstdorfer Einkehr. A fabulous little bed and breakfast type of place, very comfortable and I thought it was reasonable, and the food was good. The people are very nice, but their English is not too good. I speak German so it wasn't a problem for me, but if you don't speak any, you might have a little trouble making arrangements and such. It's also not too far from the rink, about a 10 or 15 minute stroll.

03-06-2007, 01:24 AM

I was reading the announcement and it didn't state like it did last year that only music without vocal are allowed. Have they changed this? Is there allowed to be vocals. If you could let me know whether or not this is the case that would be great.


Mrs Redboots
03-06-2007, 06:56 AM
I don't think the ISU has changed its rules on vocal music, and the Oberstdorf competition will follow ISU rules on this. Presumably vocals are allowed for the free and original dances, but that's all.

03-06-2007, 08:25 AM
I am going to O'dorf and Mc for the third year, it's very nice and I just really enjoy both events. O'dorf is the more serious and MC is the fun event, I think I am doing 6 or 7 events at MC. I would like the ISU event to change venues one day, and they polled us last year about places it could possibly be held. I'd like it to be at Sheffield, I just skated there in February and that is a very nice facility and it wouldn't be difficult to go on to other events from Sheffield.
