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11-13-2006, 11:04 AM
Boy, am I tired! Had my first physical therapy today and they took a lot of measurements of the dimensions of my left foot and ankle compared with my right one, measured how much range of motion I had (about 10 degrees short of 90 degrees when flexed, and about 10 degrees off when pointed, I think). Again that was compared to my right ankle. Then he did an ultrasound treatment and gave me some exercises to do. Next I hopped with my walker the length of the place, then got to rest, then hopped back and he had me use one of those machines where you pedal with your arms, and I did 2 minutes forward and 2 minutes backward. I was exhausted! I'm still tired but I feel okay. My next session is Thursday.

So, it's just more progress. My therapist seemed to think the ankle looked good, and especially since it's been less than 2 weeks since the surgery. We're going to do some work with crutches and steps, too, as well as some limited range of motion exercises, some massage, and then cardio work. I am tired all over again just thinking about it!

Wish me luck!

11-13-2006, 11:23 AM
Sounds like a good start! Wishing you a quick and complete recovery! :)

Team Arthritis
11-13-2006, 11:58 AM
Good job 3screws, PT is hard and once you get it they find ways to make it harder! Best of luck

11-13-2006, 12:31 PM
Nice job! Hope you heal well. Will it make me sound like a dork if I say I actually enjoyed going to PT for my knee? Maybe it was actually because of my therapist. He was really cute, and an Islanders fan where I was a Rangers fan, so we had some heated discussions. But I'll never forget that damn wobble disc. They had me stand on it, throw a ball at a trampoline, and then catch it when it came back. First time i did this, the force of the ball completely threw me off balance and I ended up falling backwards. Beware of wobbly things.

11-13-2006, 02:22 PM
Sue123-- :lol: :lol: at your "beware of wobbly things" comment. I actually have a wobbleboard that a friend built for me, 5 or 6 years ago when I had tendonitis in my other ankle. I'm sure we'll get to that kind of stuff, oh, maybe 3 months or more from now.

You guys aren't kidding about them making it harder for you! My therapist is nice enough, but he did have almost an evil grin at one point. Still, it was okay and I'm glad to be starting it.

11-13-2006, 02:46 PM
You have to look at PT's as an off-ice version of your on-ice coach...they know you can do the work, and they will push further than you think you can go (sound familiar?) each step of the way. In the end, it does make you stronger and heal faster (i.e. less scar tissue and problems down the road).

Sounds like you have a good PT and you are well on your way to recovery!

11-13-2006, 09:28 PM
Progress! =-) My fav was the ultrasound treatment and the whirlpool bath. Did you get to do the whirlpool bath? If not, you should ask! I wasn't allowed to leave the hospital until I could use crutches. A walker sounds easier. =-) You'll get to be a great hopper before your fully recovered. Believe me, I could out hop anyone in my family for awhile! Oh, I can still feel my screws...I think you asked. I have skinny ankles and the doctor just couldn't hide them. =-/ I think it's great you get yours out...I wish I would have had this option.


11-14-2006, 08:27 AM
Hmnnn... I didn't notice any pools but maybe they have one hidden away. I didn't care one way or the other about the ultrasound, but I am working very hard to see if the swelliing will go down a little more by Thursday! I had to be able to use either crutches or a walker to leave the hospital, and I picked the walker because it seemed more stable. I want to get better with crutches, though, so I can use them for just one or two steps so I can go out a little more. That's weird that you can feel your screws! I can't feel mine although my ankles are normally pretty skinny (unlike the rest of me, hah hah). But only one screw is supposed to come out (and has to come out if I'm ever to walk again!), and the other two will stay. I hope I won't feel them. It looked in the x-ray like they were in a good position, so I'll cross my fingers.

Mrs Redboots
11-14-2006, 10:05 AM
But am I right in thinking that in the USA you have those funny "pirate-style" crutches rather than the elbow crutches that are the norm here? They must be far more difficult to use than ours.

11-14-2006, 12:35 PM
But am I right in thinking that in the USA you have those funny "pirate-style" crutches rather than the elbow crutches that are the norm here? They must be far more difficult to use than ours.

Most poeple do get the style of crutches that goes under your arm, but the elbow crutches are also around. I know my friend who lost her leg, they gave her a choice of which crutches she wants to use. At first, she picked the underarm crutches because she said she felt more stable on them, but now she switched to the elbow crutches because although she doesn't need them when she has her prosthetic on, when she's around the house or whatnot, there's less wear on your body with teh elbow crutches.

11-14-2006, 09:22 PM

Ask on the whirlpool! I can just feel the screw heads in my ankle, not the whole screw. Maybe when your swelling goes down...and maybe not if your lucky. It used to bug me that I could, but now I just feel lucky that I've done so well over the long haul. Except for an occasional no jump day I don't have any issues. Use frozen peas for the swelling and try massage when your ready. I found both really helped my swelling. Ask on the whirlpool. =-)


11-15-2006, 08:50 AM
Yeah, the doctor told me I would feel the screw head on the screw they are going to take out if they didn't take it out. So hopefully they positioned the other two so they won't bother me. I'll ask about the whirlpool, LOL.

11-20-2006, 03:03 PM
Had my third session today. My PT commented on how much more range of motion I have now, compared to a week ago. Then he aded more weight to some of the exercises. Evil, I tell you, the man is evil. ;) He also did some massage today to help with the swelling.

I feel stronger and can get around better and I'm not half-dead at the end of the hour, like I was the first time. But still have a ways to go. I see my doctor next Thursday.

11-20-2006, 11:20 PM
Hang in there, Pat! It'll be worth it in the end.