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View Full Version : I broke my ankle!

11-02-2006, 09:32 AM
Monday night, practicing for my competition, broke my ankle. Just lost my balance partway through my footwork, started to fall backward and then my edge caught and I rolled over on my ankle. Left ankle. Folks at the rink were super and my coach is a total rockstar because he stayed with me at the hospital for like 5 hours!

they did surgery on Tuesday and I have 2 screws that will stay in and 1 that will have to come out in 8 weeks. No weight bearing until that screw comes out, which totally sucks. But the surgery went well and they say it was a good break and it's stable now. It's just so hard to get around.

So think of me and if you pray, pray for me!

I won't be on line too much right now but if you have my phone number from previous meetings, feel free to call. It doesn't matter if you wake me up since that's pretty much all I have to do!

Pat, sigh.

11-02-2006, 09:40 AM
Oh, Pat!
You were having such a good time this season.
I'm so sorry. Hope you heal fast!

PS - Are your skates still in their hard guards?
You might want to give the blades a rubdown with WD40 or vaseline since you'll be off the ice for a bit.

Team Arthritis
11-02-2006, 09:46 AM
8O Oh man that is terrible! I hope you heal well. I found that playing shootemup games on the internet helped me recover from surgery :twisted:

Mrs Redboots
11-02-2006, 11:00 AM
Oh Pat, I'm so sorry. Lots of healing thoughts and vibes.

11-02-2006, 11:18 AM
Thats really bad luck, I also send healing vibes to you. Its every skaters nightmare. hope you heal well and quickly.

11-02-2006, 11:26 AM
OH NO! Pat, I'm soooo sorry. Would a loaner laptop help? Let me know, I would be happy to drive down with one and get to see you too.

11-02-2006, 11:38 AM
Oh no, I am so sorry!!!! Kudos to you for being so positive, even though I know you must be so frustrated at having to miss your competition (not to mention staying off the ice for awhile). But I'm glad the break was not a messy one, so you will be able to skate again once it's healed.

Sending a hug and lots of healing energy your way. . .:)

11-02-2006, 11:42 AM
I just said some prayers for you for a quick and full recovery with an ankle that is better and stronger than ever! Stay positive! My thoughts are with you.

11-02-2006, 11:50 AM
OMG!!! PAT!!! 8O 8O 8O

I'm so sorry you broke your ankle! :cry: Get well soon... are you okay enough to get around on crutches when you're working? Or are you pretty much either sitting or lying down? Thank goodness it's a clean break, huh?

Yeah, I like computer games too. The infamous Japanese torture game (aka Sedoku) definitely will easily "entertain" (i.e. frustrate) you for a while. (I of course, also like shoot-em-up games...oh, and pinball too!!!)

11-02-2006, 01:48 PM
I am sorry about your pain and your accident. Broke mine in January and it was a long haul.....I will keep you in my prayers. A new sympathy for the handicapped was what i gained, plus learned patience. Hope you'll be okay.

11-02-2006, 02:19 PM
Thanks everyone for your sympathies. The thing is right now it is in a splint, not a cast, and i am suppposed to be lying down as much as possible with the leg up. Really they want my knee and my hip at 90 degrees. Of course i have to move around a bit, but I am trying to be super good about this for obvious reasons. Plus it hurts less that way.

i'm using a walker rather than crutches. I liked the stability of the walker more siince I am not allowed to have any weight at all on the left foot. They told me around 20 times, so I guess they must mean it! I have about 4 steps to negotiate here at home, which sucks, but I manage by sitting down and scootching up and around. It tires me out though.

DBNY --thanks so much for your generous offer. I do have an iBook (that I'm typing on right now) and in fact my boss is sending a laptop tonight. It's just awkward positioning that's the problem.

And I'm not sure when I will go back to work. Not until the cast is on and I feel up to it. Technically, I'll be able to drive but it's scary to think of getting myself and my walker and stuff into the car. So we'll see. But my boss and the people I work with are great and I'm sure we'll work something out. It won't be as efficient as I usually am, but I'll get something done!

Thank you again everyone for your support.


11-02-2006, 02:27 PM
Yikes!! Ouch! So sorry to hear this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

11-02-2006, 02:57 PM
Sorry to hear about your ankle! I broke my right one in almost the same way a few years ago. If you have hardwood floors, I recommend a wheely desk chair for getting around. Just watch out for those steps. If it makes you feel better, I broke mine in three places, and it's fine now. But, it also wasn't my landing foot. They told me 8 weeks, too, but it was more like 6. Good luck, I hope it heals quickly!

11-02-2006, 02:58 PM
Ouchies! I hope you heal quick. If the laptop is uncomfortable to type while you're lying down, have you thought about getting one of those laptop desks? It has a hard surface and you put this pillow part on your legs and it's very stable too. Easier to put the laptop on it and balance it and all that.

11-02-2006, 03:03 PM
Oh no! From one skater who did the same thing and has the plate and screws still in place, you have my full sympathies. Breaking your ankle is horrendous...there's no getting away from it. It will be a long journey from here until you next get on the ice, but you will do it. Rest up as much as you can now, keep that ankle elevated to reduce the swelling, do as you're told and don't bear weight on it, and you will be doing all you need for the time being for a good recovery. When I broke mine, I couldn't weight bear for the six weeks I was in a cast so I had to learn to walk on it again, but it came back within a couple of weeks, and I was back skating three months after the accident, albeit taking it very gently and refraining from jumping till I'd been back on the ice for a couple of months. I still suffer with ankle pain now if I over do the skating, and if the weather's damp and miserable, so be prepared for that, but a broken ankle doesn't mean the end of your skating days, that's for sure!


Team Arthritis
11-02-2006, 03:59 PM
Here is my favorite online sudoku site:

Ice Dancer
11-02-2006, 04:07 PM
I really hope you getting better soon, eat lots of chocolate you deserve it!

Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.

11-02-2006, 04:07 PM
Sorry to hear about that! Good thing we got good medicine and reasonably good technology these days. We want to see you in rehab first thing tomorrow ok. And then back on the ice next week:!:

Ok...if not next week, then ASAP.

11-02-2006, 04:51 PM
Awww thats too bad! .. I hope it is a quick recovery! Good Luck!

11-02-2006, 05:30 PM
:cry: I'm so sorry to hear of your broken ankle. Healing thoughts winging their way across the ocean to you.

11-02-2006, 05:34 PM
I'm sorry to hear that! Heal quickly. The ice will be waiting for you to return.

11-02-2006, 06:32 PM
I am so sorry to hear about your ankle!

I am wishing you a speedy recovery ....


11-02-2006, 06:58 PM
Oh, Pat...Lee just told me about your accident. We both wish you a very speedy recovery.

Lovepairs and Pairsman2

11-02-2006, 07:37 PM
I hope your ankle feels better soon, Pat!!! {{{{{{Hugs to you}}}}}

11-02-2006, 08:46 PM
That brings back too vivid memories of my ankle (something, sprain or what) but that kept me off the ice for half a year and hardly any skating for a year. What can I say... I got very acquainted with the computer and drawing during that period of time. All the best for a good recovery!

11-02-2006, 08:51 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this! You were doing so well with your program too! This just bites!!!:cry: I do hope you heal quickly and are up and around in no time!!!

11-02-2006, 10:39 PM
Glad to hear your job is taking care of you! Can you get a temp handicapped
parking permit for when you do drive, or even for others who may drive you places?

11-02-2006, 11:02 PM
I'm sorry about your accident and hope for a quick and total recovery for you. I'm another person who broke her ankle and needed screws, seven. Recovery is challenging, but you can do it. =-) Oh, didn't break it skating. But, I did start skating because of it.


11-03-2006, 12:08 PM
Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I am doing better, I suppose, but it is certainly overwhelming.

DBNy, I'll have to ask about the handicapped parking permit when i see the doctor next week. I won't be driving myself anywhere soon, but we'll see.

Chico, that's interesting that you started skating because of an ankle break! And you needed 7 screws, wow! I'm such a slacker, only needed 3!

Thanks again. I'll try to hang in there.


11-03-2006, 12:35 PM
I'm sorry about your accident and hope for a quick and total recovery for you. I'm another person who broke her ankle and needed screws, seven. Recovery is challenging, but you can do it. =-) Oh, didn't break it skating. But, I did start skating because of it.


:) and I started after rupturing my achilles tendon. Injuries seem to make you stronger, I think!

Jazzpants, I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. It's never fair that injuries happen to the people who really love to move (versus those couch potatoes who wouldn't mind sitting still for weeks)!

Take advantage of the downtime to just enjoy the little things that our busy lives keep us from doing.

I found that being confined to a sofa or bed for weeks and weeks and weeks on end was a great excuse to watch old cheesy tv shows, read all of those fashion magazines that I'd never buy otherwise (British Glamour is awesome-- one big little magazine that's just the perfect size to drag around on crutches), catch up on old movies, crochet, and journal the entire experience.

Getting back to where you were before the injury might be an annoyance, but the positive is that you're actually resting everything else that you don't get a chance to rest. After coming off of my 3.5 months in crutches and 1 month in a walking boot, I found that my old hamstring injury had finally healed 100% (after 6 years! of affecting my flexibility), old hip pains were finally gone, and my body was ready to accept anything that therapy threw my way.

Feel better and I hope you come back a million times better and stronger!

11-03-2006, 01:13 PM
Jazzpants, I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle. It's never fair that injuries happen to the people who really love to move (versus those couch potatoes who wouldn't mind sitting still for weeks)!Actually it's sk8pics (Pat) that broke her ankle!!! Oh, THANK GOD, I didn't break my ankle. I have my NYC trip, as well as other various skating stuff that I'm working on this year (some of you guys know what it is... ;) .) This would be an EXTREMELY BAD time for me to break my ankle! 8O

Given that, I have had two bad shin/achilles tendon sprain one year caused by my old boots which has little to no support left. I was very determined to make my very first lesson with my NYC coach! I tried to skate on it when I was visiting NYC and it was just AWFUL to do so. (He never knew about it, BTW and it wasn't bad until I got off the ice.) So I definitely don't think your achilles tendon ruptures are small potatoes injury either!

The blessing about it is... I can finally "allow myself" to get what is now my current pair of beautiful and comfy PURPLE CUSTOM Harlicks! No more shin/achilles tendon problems! No arch problems either! The boot fit like a dream!!! It's expensive as hell, but the comfort level and the progress I've made on my skating b/c of these boots are just wonderful!!! :D (And I'm not even gonna go into all the wonderful comments I got on my purple boots either... 8O :D )

11-03-2006, 03:33 PM
Actually it's sk8pics (Pat) that broke her ankle!!! Oh, THANK GOD, I didn't break my ankle. I have my NYC trip, as well as other various skating stuff that I'm working on this year (some of you guys know what it is... .) This would be an EXTREMELY BAD time for me to break my ankle!

Ooops... sorry Jazzpants... and I hope your ankle gets better, Pat!

So I definitely don't think your achilles tendon ruptures are small potatoes injury either!

The rupture definitely was a big potato-- my surgeon basically told me that it's a career-ending injury, etc, etc, I'd never get back up to 100%, etc, etc, and that it's one of the worst injuries that one can do to oneself. It's a year after starting therapy, and I'm still not up to full heel lift (releve) and still have a lot of weakness in the front of my foot. But my progress and level of recovery have surprised both doc and therapist alike-- and my doctor has revised his earlier prediction and thinks that I may actually get to nearly 100%... so it goes to show that being active before an injury definitely improves recovery.

And this year and a half of injury, rehab, and discovering new ways to still do the things I love has been an amazing journey-- I won't go so far to say that I wouldn't trade it for a perfect tendon again, but I can't say that I regret it. Big injuries really have a way of bringing out the strongest in us (even though it doesn't feel that way at the time), and of making us appreciate even the little daily annoyances of all of the things that we love.

AAANNNDDD... skating is AMAZING rehab. There's nothing like backwards one-footed pumps to build foot and calf strength in the injured leg! and you can't limp on the ice... you have to share your weight evenly if you don;t want to just keep going in one big circle:D

11-03-2006, 04:49 PM
The rupture definitely was a big potato-- my surgeon basically told me that it's a career-ending injury, etc, etc, I'd never get back up to 100%, etc, etc, and that it's one of the worst injuries that one can do to oneself.

Give your doctor a tape of Shen & Zhao at the 2006 Olympics! If Zhao hadn't ruptured his achilles, I think they would have had the gold. My bet on you is that you'll get back to 100%, as will Pat.

11-03-2006, 05:11 PM
Very sorry to hear about your injury! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Terri C
11-03-2006, 06:10 PM
Man, this sucks!! And you were going to compete this weekend too!!:cry:
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!!

11-03-2006, 07:27 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your accident just before competition.

I broke my right ankle in '98 while skating (swerved to avoid someone, blade got caught in the ice as I fell) and tore ligaments. I had one screw put in which was removed 6 weeks later. The bone healed in 2 months, but the ligaments took 6 months to recover. I did get everything back, and the ankle is as good as it has ever been.

I hope you could keep your spirits up. Maybe during your recovery you could buy yourself something nice with the money that you would've spent skating.
I wish you a quick recovery!

11-03-2006, 07:49 PM
Injuries are so frustrating...

It took almost 3 months for my wrist to recover.
My finger is still not healed and the poor joint is huge now and still doesn't bend all the way.

But as annoying as these minor things are, I can't imagine breaking an ankle. I was skating again within a couple days of both of the other injuries...

When NCSkater02 broke her ankle a while back, it haunted my skating dreams for ages to come. But I guess, things do finally get better, and you get to come back to skating in due time. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery, and I hope that it's not to bothersome in the interim.

Best of wishes,

11-03-2006, 08:54 PM

Three....seven....nasty anyway you look at it! I had a sport medicine doctor for my surgery and he felt skating would be a great way to regain my ankle strength and flexibility. I've always been a physical person and this was important to me. I have to be honest and say it was HARD. Saying that, I fell in love with the sport and was motivated to ignore the pain and try. The pain does get better but I do have bad bouts sometimes. I would suggest getting a Bunga sleeve to act as a barrier when you do return. Pressure on those screws heads isn't fun. You can do this! =-)


11-03-2006, 09:00 PM
When NCSkater02 broke her ankle a while back, it haunted my skating dreams for ages to come.

Gee, thanks....I think. Glad to know someone thinks about me. :lol:

I was off ice 14 weeks. One thing that will help is doing leg lifts. The unused leg will atrophy quickly without use. Mine had a very noticeable size difference. Check with your MD first, of course.

January will be two years, and I'm back to where I was before, and better. I still can't do anything on the redline on the hockey circle (gives me nightmares--my coach laughs at me for it) I figure when I test prebronze moves Jan 27 (did I really put that down on paper?) they will have me do my edges on the red line and I will totally freak out about it and fail.:roll:

11-03-2006, 09:02 PM
Yuck - I hope it heals quickly. That's horrible that it happened right before your competition! To help it heal, I would send someone out to get me lots of chocolate, some good movies, and a stack of books:)

11-03-2006, 09:05 PM
Monday night, practicing for my competition, broke my ankle. Just lost my balance partway through my footwork, started to fall backward and then my edge caught and I rolled over on my ankle. Left ankle. Folks at the rink were super and my coach is a total rockstar because he stayed with me at the hospital for like 5 hours!

Pat, sigh.

Sorry to hear this! Sigh.... :bow: to your coach for staying with you. I hope you are up and around soon. I've known two people who have broken their ankles skating. Both came back and did fine, and I hope you do, too.

11-04-2006, 02:08 AM
So sorry to hear your news,:cry: there are least 2 other people on this forum that have done the same in the past, if not a lot more - NickiT and myself, we both overcame it very well and continued to skate competitively after things had settled, so make the most of the rest, you will soon be back and raring to go!!!:D


11-04-2006, 09:20 AM
Thank you guys for everything, you are really helping me. This is all definitely scary and frustrating. And so hard to get around or do anything. I'm hoping it will be a little better when I get my cast on. One of my other coaches is most likely going to take me for that. Do I have great coaches, or what?

People have been great and I totally appreciate everything. I have to think of some nice things to do for all the folks who are helping me out, but I have plenty of time to think.

And the nurse at my job was helpful yesterday with some info that I needed. She seems to think I shouldn't come back until I can walk some, so that would mean after the cast is off. That's good and bad. But I can do work at home and when I get up to 4 hours a day that will take me off the disability rolls, which is good all around.

Anyway, thanks again to everyone for their posts here, and also for the private emails. don't forget about me as the days and weeks pass!


11-04-2006, 02:37 PM
Anyway, thanks again to everyone for their posts here, and also for the private emails. don't forget about me as the days and weeks pass!


We won't! And it's great to hear you have supportive coaches. My coach was great when I broke mine. She paid regular visits to keep me up to date with what was going on at the rink, and I had a great circle of friends who took it in turns to pick me up on their way through to the rink so that I could sit rinkside and feel a part of it.


11-05-2006, 02:45 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident, Pat. It sounds suspiciously (and scarily) like an accident I had this past June, except with my left leg. I was doing a double flip-double toe and totally missed my toe pick on the double toe. I crashed in twisty-top fashion onto my left leg. Luckily, I didn't break my ankle (thought I had at first). I ended up dislocating my knee and tearing a ligament that runs over the top of my ankle. Couldn't so much as do a 3-turn on that foot for a month. :\

I hope you feel better soon! Take it easy!

11-05-2006, 09:33 AM
Ouch, whispersung. Reading that description made me cringe. I wasn't even doing anything exciting, which is what is so annoying. Just a fluke thing. I'm glad you didn't break anything with your fall!

11-05-2006, 04:50 PM
Broke my ankle doing a 3turn in July, the day after my husband had a hip replacement. I was in a cast for 2 months, and on crutches for 2 wks after. I am still limping slightly, but have returned to the ice. My skating is very simple, but I can balance well on the bad foot. I broke the rt ankle, so I could not even drive. Try to do exercises to keep muscle tone in your injured leg. It will be very difficult. Although I lifted weights, my muscles atrophied. When the thigh part of the cast came off, I had a very skinny thigh. When the rest of the cast came off, my calf looked like a toothpick. I always had legs like tree trunks. It has been a long battle, but I have learned a lot about myself and taking things for granted. I am very grateful to be able to walk. i had plenty of time for introspection. Now that i am on the ice, I really appreciate it though it somehow does not seem very important anymore. I will always skate, but this experience really changed my perspective.

If you're interested, the whole thing is documented on my journal web site.

11-06-2006, 08:34 AM
Thank you, I had actually been reading your journal and appeciated your candor. Now I can really empathize with your struggles. My splint goes to just below my knee and so I can bend my leg and I do that periodically, basically doing leg extensions with the weight of the splint.

I also can well understand your comments about your perspective changing

Thanks again,

11-06-2006, 10:46 PM
Pat, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. But-- fear not, you WILL be able to eventually get back and skate as you did before the injury. I busted my ankle and tore ligaments in my rt. ankle over 4 years ago. I had a plate and 5 screws inserted. It was about 6 months before I could skate again, and even then, I was scooting around cautiously, not jumping, and still having swelling and pain. A little less than a year after surgery, I was back to my pre-injury state of skating (single jumps and mostly botched axel attempts). Last year, I had surgery again to take out the plate and screws, and recovery time was about 4-5 months. Some people were telling me to just stop skating, which I was not willing to do, because otherwise I'd become a blob. :)

As NCSkater02 said, your injured leg will atrophy, so try to do what you can to stay in shape without skating, like leg lifts, arm exercises, etc. I remember how my right calf looked really creepy and scrawny-chicken-like after I got the cast taken off. Anyway, stock up on skating DVDs, books you've always wanted to read, and take up a sedentary hobby (knitting? Sudoku?) while you recuperate, then get ready to return triumphantly to the ice! Good luck! :)

11-07-2006, 09:42 PM
(((((((Sending prayers and hugs to you for a speedy recovery, Pat)))))))