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View Full Version : Baseball and skating

10-28-2006, 07:12 AM
You know you are an addict when you're watching the World Series and Granderson loses his footing in the outfield ('cause it's been raining for two days) and your first thought/reaction is "he lost his edge" :lol:

GOOOO Cardinals!!!!!

Mrs Redboots
10-28-2006, 08:30 AM
Been there and done that - not with baseball, which is more or less unknown here, but certainly in some other sports.

Plus my niece is a dressage rider (as, I know, are one or two others on here), and on the very rare occasions that dressage is televised, I always think of the "Kur" (freestyle event) as the "Free Dance" - and, after all, it is called the "Kurtanz" in Germany!