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Terri C
09-28-2006, 06:38 PM
Well it's for sure that I will be re-taking Bronze moves on December 8.
Being that I've got the entire day off of work and the moves are making smooth progress, I'm comtemplating re-taking my Bronze freestyle too for the fifth time.
I discussed it with my coach yesterday and she told me that I'd have to make sure that I devote equal time to both tests. I'm trying to figure out how that can be done.
Any thoughts or ideas about taking moves and free in one day?
Oh I also need to add that if I do pass, I still have no plans to attend AN in 2007- will go for 2008.

09-28-2006, 06:57 PM
Here's how you do it:

Everytime you skate use the moves as your "warm up" then practice your Bronze Free. Divide your session up between the two.

The only thing you have to do is to make sure the referee knows not to schedule your two tests back-to-back. You might need time to change, or just take a rest.

We've take two tests in one day a few times now. It is much more mentally taxing then physically. So, if you feel prepared and up for it, go fot it!

Good luck!

09-28-2006, 06:59 PM
Are your test sessions typically scheduled so the moves & FS parts of the test day are awhile apart? I'd base the decision on that--if it looks like you have to skate one right after the other (so to speak), I'd be more hesitant.

Just an aside---how can you have tested Bronze FS before, if you haven't passed bronze moves? Just curious.

Terri C
09-28-2006, 07:04 PM
First of all, the Bronze moves test would have to be scheduled first, then the freestyle later on during the session as a contingency test. I'm a club officer and well I do have some pull on these things.... I managed to get the test session on a Friday 'cause it's the one weekday I could be off work with no hassle.

Terri C
09-28-2006, 07:07 PM
Just an aside---how can you have tested Bronze FS before, if you haven't passed bronze moves? Just curious.

There was a time that adults didn't have moves tests. I had my tests and retries between 2001 and 2002. After retry #4 (January, 2002 to be exact) my coach said no more until my sitspin was low enough and the loop solid- which well, can happen, but it's not consistent yet.

09-28-2006, 07:53 PM
I took my Gold MIF and FS on the same day and it was pretty tough but I managed to squeak by and pass both.
My strategy was to focus 75% of my energy on the MIF test and consider it a bonus if I passed the freestyle test, too. After all, you don't even get to take the freestyle test if you don't pass the moves test, so the MIF test needs to be job #1.

09-28-2006, 08:25 PM
I don't recommend doing both in one day. Lots of people have a hard time staying "up" for the second test because they're physically tired and mentally wrung out. Since there's no rush to beat the AN dealine, why not just spread them over 2 test sessions?

09-28-2006, 08:31 PM
Well, this is just me but...

I'm also more on skaternum's camp about testing. I just can't concentrate on more than one thing when preparing for testing. Heck, I have enough trouble concentrating on just the 5 moves elements for the Bronze Moves test. And especially since you're not going to AN in 2007, then it probably wouldn't matter if you pass it in Dec vs. somewhere in 2007, right?

I'm just now (after two months) getting back into doing my Bronze FS test program... it's gonna be a lot more work than I thought getting back into the mindset of the program and get it to the quality that I had just before Sectionals. :oops:

Debbie S
09-28-2006, 10:10 PM
I took my Pre-Bronze MIF and FS tests in the same session, and passed both, but the FS test was just elements in isolation and not a program, and I could do all the FS test elements in my sleep. For Bronze FS, for me anyway, some of the elements were a bit iffy so I wouldn't have wanted to do both tests in the same session. Then again, if the elements were all pretty much automatic, then I probably would have been OK. I just felt that I needed to focus on one Bronze test at a time.

Since you're not trying to get to AN next year, why not wait? You can always "skate up" to Bronze. :)

09-28-2006, 11:45 PM
After pre-prelim, the only thing I've been able to successfully test in groups are dances. They're not nearly as stressful as moves or freestyle.

09-29-2006, 04:55 AM
Don't know how your club does things, but here contingency tests are generally not allowed. If they do accept a contingency test and the tester does not pass the first test then s/he is out the test fee for the contingency test too. No refunds, no carry-over to the next test session.
Could be an expensive gamble.

09-29-2006, 09:20 AM
I took 3 fs tests in one day, something I wouldn't recommend but a FS and a FM test on the same level seems doable, the question is: Is it too much for you? I find the FM tests very stressful, but I like the FS tests and dance tests are a little easier overall because you have a partner to calm you down. If you are going to do both you should do what lovepairs said, practice the moves as the warm up to the fs test. When you practice if it stresses you to much then don't take them together..do what works for you.

As the test chair for my club I tend to always have a dance test with and a FS or FM test and it is easy to keep them seperated, all you have to do is ask the test chair. I try to make sure everyone gets a rest between their tests as do most chairs.

Good luck!

09-29-2006, 09:28 AM
[QUOTE=Terri C]Well it's for sure that I will be re-taking Bronze moves on December 8.
Being that I've got the entire day off of work and the moves are making smooth progress, I'm comtemplating re-taking my Bronze freestyle too for the fifth time.

I'm not a big fan of taking a FM & FS test the same day. FM tests can be grueling enough and I am usually wiped out after I take them. They seem to drag on forever (10+minutes depending on level) and then you are finally done testing, are high on adrenaline, then all of a sudden you have to get ready for a FS test on top of that?? Just my personal experience.

The only times I have tested multiple times in one day:
- All 3 prelim dances the same day (tested back to back).

- Pre-prelim FS + cha cha dance the same day. I took the pre-prelim FS test just for fun so I didn't mind putting it back to back with a dance test.

Good luck with those Bronze moves!

09-29-2006, 05:36 PM
I took 3 fs tests in one day, something I wouldn't recommend

Good golly! Was it hard to remember all 3 programs? I would have trouble keeping them all straight!

Anyhow, Terri, good luck on your tests, whenever you do take them. Knock 'em dead! :D