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09-05-2002, 05:07 PM
Here goes...

First, I have noticed from studying the diagrams in the USFSA rulebook that "intro steps are optional". Does this mean then that the moves could be started from a standstill? I find that for my forward power crossover stroking benefits best from a few intro strokes. However, I find I have more control over the 5-step mohawk and the power threes if I start from just the pushoff.

Secondly, I will grandfather into the adult moves at the Bronze level, and plan to take that test sometime this year. I have also thought about testing the standard MITF track as well. If I decide to test both tracks, neither one should have any impact on the other since they are supposed to be separate...would that be right?

09-05-2002, 08:18 PM
To answer your first question: yes, AFAIK you can start from a standstill. I've never seen anyone do so, though. I would assume that's because it would be very difficult to start from a standstill and get the power the judges would expect. Judging starts on the first step of the move, so right from there they expect the degree of power required for that level, although I know what you mean about feeling more in control starting from a standstill.

As for your second question, my understanding is that no, taking the standard MITF in addition to the adult does not impact your adult MITF. (Stupid, IMO, but unfortunately I don't make the rules :)) And it would be your adult MITF test that is the prerequisite for your adult FS tests. Hope that helps!

09-05-2002, 08:19 PM
1. For moves where you want to start from a standstill, just make sure you can generate sufficient power for the move. For moves where you want to take introductory steps, I think you're allowed no more than 7 intro steps (in fact this was one of my deductions on my last moves test). As always double check with your coach.

2. I have heard of no grandfathering between the tracks, so I would guess they are for all intents and purposes completely separate.

09-05-2002, 08:20 PM
I believe you are right about neither MITF track affecting the other. My coach was just discussing my test strategy today and suggested I could do both.

I was taught that four to six introductory steps are allowed. I think you would be wise to begin the five step mohawk pattern and power threes with a few intro strokes, as you would enter the moves at speed, and at the pre-Juv level, the judges will not want to see you poking slowly around the rink. If you can begin it without intro steps and still get good speed, maybe that would be in your favor though.

The only moves I can think of that don't benefit from intro steps are the pre-Pre edge patterns, the waltz-8, the Prelim consecutive three turns, and the Int spiral crossover patterns.

09-06-2002, 11:00 AM
I have seen the Pre power 3s skated without intro steps (well few anyway). The skater starts at the wall, takes one-two pushes and starts with the RFO 3. on the second length they start with LFO3. Actually, this is a very common start position at my rink for several moves (pre power 3s, Pre-juv 3s in the field, and Inter brackets in the field). I don't know if they're done that way anywhere else, but it doesn't seem to impact skaters testing at my rink.

I think it would be difficult to achieve the power required on the 5 step mohawks from a stand still. You may want to work up to a moving start by beginning with one, then 2 strokes. I usually do moves with 2-4 strokes to start, though 7 are permitted.

As for what dbny said, at least for the Pre-Pre edges you cannot start with steps (you can for the backward ones on the adult tests, but it's no more than 3). I'm not sure about the waltz8 or alternating 3s. They may be from a stand still too - I've never seen anyone start them from moving. I don't know what the Inter spiral crossover pattern in...the Novice one maybe? But I would start that from moving...you need a lot of power to really fill the ice with that one.

There is no grandfathering between standard and regular. Since you have Pre-Bronze free (I think?) you can start with Bronze moves (basically Pre-Juv), but with standard you would have to start with Pre-Pre. There's nothing to stop you from doing both, it just costs more.


09-06-2002, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by kar5162
I don't know what the Inter spiral crossover pattern in...the Novice one maybe? But I would start that from moving...you need a lot of power to really fill the ice with that one.

Guess that was confusing. The Intermediate spiral crossover pattern is not "spirals", but crossovers done in a spiral pattern, starting from a standstill and spiralling outward into larger circles as the pace of the crossovers increases. It's done both F and B, and in both directions for each.

09-06-2002, 02:00 PM
Oh, the power circles. That makes sense. I forgot about those...they would be done from standing too. Also the power circles on the junior test.

09-06-2002, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by kar5162
I have seen the Pre power 3s skated without intro steps (well few anyway). The skater starts at the wall, takes one-two pushes and starts with the RFO 3. on the second length they start with LFO3.

Oh, is it acceptable to do the RFO power threes first? That would be so much easier than coming into them with speed after the other side.

09-06-2002, 05:02 PM
According to the rulebook, you may start on either side, as long as both sides are done.

Mrs Redboots
09-09-2002, 04:46 AM
Our tests are different, and in the first level test, the first move (outside and inside edges) has to be started from a standstill! All the others specify a moving start.