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View Full Version : Not enough time...

08-22-2006, 12:41 PM
Many people here know that I just got in Freestyle 1 and was self-taught before that. But I think I definetly could move up if I could have a bit more time to work on my skating. Public sessions at my rink are in the morning on weekends, but my mom and dad work until like 8! (And I have to stay home with my teenage brother who doesn't drive) Therefore, NO ONE can drive me to the rink on the weekdays. All my friends don't care AT ALL about skating and live quite far from me. I don't even know how to make up my class schedule!! (Thank god my competition is on a weekend lol)

On weekends I get to go to the rink like two times, so that's just 3-4 hours of skating a week. Sometimes even less. I'm pretty sure that if I could go to the rink more I could really improve my elements and learn more new ones much more quickly. I love skating and I can't imagine a life without it! One time I was off-ice for over a month (since the rink was closed) and I went crazy!

I have no idea why I wrote all that...But I have no one to say it to, since my parents and friends won't listen and tell me to go do some more algebra. (That's what my parents say! =P Or the plain old "Get over it! Concentrate on school!") But I want to skate and see what I can actually do in this sport! Thank you for reading ad sorry if I hurt your eyes with this long "lecture"! :roll:

08-22-2006, 02:06 PM
Wannabe - 3-4 hours is not at all bad. I would suggest you get to know other kids at the rink and also introduce them and their parents to your parents. Perhaps later you can share rides. In the meantime, if you want your parents to take you seriously, then work to show them that you are a responsible kid, and can make responsible choices. Do your homework, help out at home. If your parents both work until 8, then I'm sure they'd appreciate it. Some of the best young skaters I know are also some of the best students and kids!

08-22-2006, 02:21 PM
I know exactly how you feel! I have the same problem! Defenetly make friends at your public sessions expecially ones who are a higher level than you! If you talk to your coach about your situation i am sure that he or she can help make your lessions on a day that you know you can show up. My coach lives by me and even offered to take me to the rink a couple of times!
Don't be affraid to ask! 8-)

08-22-2006, 10:14 PM
dont worry about it. I'm skating half the time I do during the year b/c I no longer get up in the middle of the night for the morning sessions. Yea I skate less but I've been fine all summer- you just have to learn to make better use of your time.

I take less breaks, and work more on elements that are bad.

Dont worry, I'm sure your situation will change at some point: your brother might be able to drive- or your parents's schedule at work might change.

Since there's nothing you can really do- just do the best with the time you have.

08-23-2006, 05:52 AM
I remember my parents telling me to concentrate more on school & less on (fill your personal obsessive dream here).

No advice other than there is a lot to life and you should experience it all. If you truly feel the potential to make skating your life, go for it. But please finish your education.

If you're just addicted to skating and it's not your carreer goal, then a you should back away a little bit.

I'm sure you don't have much perspective at this point in your life, so make your best most honest guess at where you want to be in the next 5 years and do the things that will most help you get there.

Good luck.

08-23-2006, 12:35 PM
That must be frustrating, especially if you know other skaters at the rink whose parents are able to take them whenever they want to go. I think it was a good suggestion to see if you can find other skaters at the rink who live near you and might be able to give you a ride.

And even though it's hard not to compare yourself to the skaters who spend 15 hours at the rink every week, sometimes it can make you feel better to remember that there are a lot of people who are too far away from a rink to ever go skating at all, or their parents value skating even less than yours (or just don't have the money to pay for lessons or skates). It is good that you truly appreciate your time on the ice instead of taking it for granted. Because of that, you are much happier than those skaters who spend 15 hours at the rink and don't even appreciate it. :)

08-25-2006, 08:04 AM
Your parents are right, you should concentrate on school and get a good education... that should be your first priority, skating second.

08-25-2006, 03:25 PM
Well, actually, I'm a straight A student and I have Advanced Algebra this year. (I'm going to seventh grade) There's no space for 'more' concentrating on school!! :?? Some of your posts are sounding like you think I totally dumped schoolwork for skating. (Never!!) PS But thanks for all the advice!!

08-27-2006, 10:20 AM
Great, then keep up the good work! You're showing that you know what it takes and are capable of achieving your goals. Skate what you can now, and then after you've shown that you can maintain your studies and skate, talk with your parents. Share with them what you've gained from skating, and see what you can work out.
All the best!