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View Full Version : Spinning Fear

08-21-2006, 12:00 PM
I have been skating for a long time now and I am still very nervous about my one foot spin. I can enter a spin perfectly but when it comes time to cross my right leg over my left I start to gain more speed, loose my balance and panic. The strange part is that I am fine with the speed just having my right leg being bent to my side. My coach told me it would take more time for me to get comforatable with the speed but she told me that a month ago! Does anyone know a way where I can feel better about my one foot spin? I can do a two foot spin, but I think that I just panic being on one foot.

08-21-2006, 12:05 PM
Close your hips - don't leave the leg out to the side. It makes you drop your hip to that side, which is the opposite direction of the spin.

A good drill is just spinning with that free leg locked in front.

08-21-2006, 12:10 PM
Yes, keep your hips closed, with your free leg out directly in front of you until you feel centered. Focus on pressing the ball of the blade into the ice and keep your spinning knee a little bent all the way to the end of the spin (never completely locked out straight). From that position, bring the outside of your free foot heel to the outside of your skating knee *without* moving your free leg from the knee up! In other words, keep the free leg thigh and knee exactly where they are and just bend the knee so that the foot moves. Along with the soft skating knee and pressing the ball of the blade into the ice, that should help you keep your balance from shifting as you tighten your scratch spin position.

08-21-2006, 03:03 PM
Well doubletoe and Isk8NYC have pretty much said it all - keep the leg locked out in front and knee bent until spin feels 'secure', the pull in slowly.

I think the biggest 'rookie mistake' is to pull in too quickly - start slow, then you're gradually get faster as you get more confident.

It's true - a few months ago I had this massive fear of spinning, but now I acctually enjoy it!

S xxx

08-22-2006, 02:25 PM
Thanks so much for the advice! Can't wait to go to the rink and try it out!
Thank you!:bow: