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View Full Version : "Russian" Stroking

08-20-2006, 08:27 PM
Does anyone have a clear explanation of how to do russian stroking (this is what my coach called it, but it is like stroking with crossovers thrown in), or maybe a picture? My coach introduced this at the very end of my last lesson, and I didn't have time to practice it, and now I'm not sure I'm doing it right.


08-20-2006, 08:46 PM
Though thus far I had never heard of it, here's a sketch on how it's supposed to be done:


08-20-2006, 09:22 PM
Gee, you learn something new every day. That's what I do as warmup stroking as soon as I get on the ice and at this point I'm not even sure who taught it to me.

08-20-2006, 09:24 PM
It's also known in the US as power perimeter crossovers and is on the Pre Juv MIF and Adult Bronze MIF tests. In the F version, you do a XO, then push to a FI edge, hold the edge, then rotate shoulders, change arms and push to FO edge at top of lobe. You now XO the in the other direction to complete the lobe. In the B version, the transition to the the crossover from the BI edge is two footed, with a shift of weight to the BO edge.

08-20-2006, 09:26 PM
Oh, I guess that must have been where I learned it then, LOL!:lol:

08-20-2006, 09:56 PM
Funny, when I heard "Russian Stroking" from my coaches the first time when I was doing them, I thought they said "Rushin' Stroking" b/c I was skating into it way too fast! :twisted: :lol:

(Get it? "Russian" vs. "Rushin'?" Sorry, I couldn't resist...) :P

Mrs Redboots
08-21-2006, 05:18 AM
It's going to be one of the new Skating Moves in the UK - it always was, only it was at a rather higher level than it is going to be, which is level 2 or 3, I think (but don't know).

The snag is that you are only allowed one crossover, which has to be on around the centre line - the left inside edge has to be held from the around-the-end crossovers (I'm sure you're only allowed 3, but my coach says he thinks you can do as many as you need, and is allowing me to do them like that) to the centre of the rink, and the right inside edge from the centre back to the end. You do crossovers or progressive runs round the end (depending on whether you're a free skater or dancer) and repeat - apparently you are supposed to do two laps.

I surprised my coach (but not myself) by being able to do these when he asked me; I often do them as a "cool-down" exercise at the end of my training.

08-21-2006, 09:33 AM
weve been doing that recently with the emphasis on 'russian arms'! Our group lessons end up with us all collapsed with laughter- with most of us doing 'dutch' arms- all going round like windmills!!!!!! I really love it though, makes me feel like a real skater!!:D

08-21-2006, 09:33 PM
Thanks! This all helps a lot!

(Get it? "Russian" vs. "Rushin'?" Sorry, I couldn't resist...) :P

And that was a pretty cool pun. :D

08-21-2006, 09:57 PM
Wow I have never heard it called that before. You learn something new everyday I suppose!