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View Full Version : Backspins v consecutive 3 turns. GRRRR!

08-18-2006, 04:23 AM
I used to be able to do backspins years ago, but despite months of effort, I just cannot get them right. They're getting better, but instead of making nice circles, I end up with a line of 3 turns. Not even a travelling spin, but 3 turns. Every now and then I will get a loop in the tracing, but very rarely.

This happens whether I do it from a standing start, an inside edge entry or in a change foot spin. I am trying to rotate into the cross leg position, lift my free hip, trying not to let my body rock, but it still keeps happening.

Anyone else had this problem? Anyone know why it happens or how to fix it?

08-18-2006, 07:38 AM
I'm learning my backspin now. (assuming ccw) make sure your are entering on a deep edge into the ice on the RFI, you may also want try entering the backspin from a pivot, on a hockey line pivot around with your left leg bring your free foot in front of your right and spin, make sure you keep your skating/right leg on the ice concentrate on pressing down hard on the ball of your foot. to avoid scraping with the toe i also think that i'm flexingmy toes in boot. ihope this helps, my backspin is now just 1 little revolution but i had the problem you had with my forward spins i found entering my foward spi wiwth a pivot helped me center it almost perfectly!, ...if only i earned mileage from all that traveling..:lol:

good luck!

08-18-2006, 09:08 AM
I agree with Froggy that a back pivot is a good entry for allowing you to get the right feel for the back spin. It is important to get that toepick to hold its position on the ice when the spin is initiated, and then to get your center of gravity over your spinning leg. Also keep the arm corresponding to the skating foot to remain extended behind you, and the other arm cross-checked in front of you, until the spin is initiated (just as you need to do to keep a back pivot going). Good luck! It took me several years of serious practice to even start to get it right. Now I can spin, but my exit is not particularly smooth. :frus: