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07-25-2006, 04:38 PM
Okay, I seem to be entering pre-pre-pre competition jitters (because the competition is still a week away)...... it's very very much on my mind, I feel jumpy and distracted and nervous, almost to the point of tears now & then :!: I did this before my first comp of the summer too--to the point that I had trouble sleeping for 3 weeks beforehand. Thankfully it hasn't gotten that bad this time, but it's making work difficult, if less than productive. And I'm totally stress-eating too.

I've been listening to music (pretty loud, on my ipod) all afternoon, which does seem to help. At least I've managed to get some work done.

Does anyone else get this worked up over competing, & how have you dealt with it? I'm not talking about the nerves at the actual comp, I'm usually pretty good when it's time to step up--it's the week leading up to it that is miserable. Maybe this is my way of getting through the nerves beforehand so on the day of I'm fine, but I'd like to get it under control a little more....

07-25-2006, 04:52 PM
I get really EXCITED! I don't really get nervous until warm-up, once the warm-up is over, I'm fine. I listen to my music, visualize my routine, plan my competition day (from the drive, to packing my bag, etc.). and BREATHE!!!!
I do the same for ice-shows and it helps a lot!!! Plus, have the attitude of "going for the fun of it" helps the most.

ETA: watch the caffeine and your nutrition....cut back on the java and cokes, and try to improve on your nutrition, try to establish a great bedtime routine so you are well-rested! Don't overtrain!

07-25-2006, 06:17 PM
Here's my method: I don't allow myself to think about the upcoming test, or competition at all until I step onto the warm up ice. Then it's too late to be nervous, because I have a job to do! Psyche Yourself Out 101! :P

07-26-2006, 12:44 AM
My husband used to hate living in the same house as me when I started competing, I was, rude, ill-tempered, and prone to cry at the least thing.

Altough my pre-competition moods have improved, I have learned that it is best for me to take a few days off, prior to competition, or I may end up without a job.

I'm lucky, my coach nearly always comes with me, keeps me busy doing warming up excersies and she is a great comedien and keeps me laughing.

Although you may want to pee a lot, dont forget the fluids but not junk stuff as mentioned earlier, I forgot all about drinking once, to my peril.

07-26-2006, 02:32 AM
I'm exactly the same. It's so annoying. I wish I just had a moderate amount of nerves but no, I go the full distance, working myself up into a state, getting anxiety attacks, feeling nauseous and so on. Usually starts about two weeks before hand. On the day of the competition I try to not think about it and when I step onto the ice, I'm at that state of resigning myself to just get through it. Needless to say once I get into my programme I usually skate pretty well and always come off feeling that it wasn't that bad at all. I think my problem (and most adult skaters) is that we just don't get the opportunity to compete on a regular basis. I had a really good skate in June last year, then had to withdraw from two competitions because I broke my wrist, so when I competed this June it was a whole year since my last comp, and my nerves were worse than ever! It's such a catch-22, because I let the nerves get in the way and NEVER pull off a decent camel-sit like I can do in pactice.


Mrs Redboots
07-26-2006, 07:30 AM
I never really think I feel nervous, but I can get a bit grouchy! Mostly, though, I just long and long for it to be there - we're as prepared as we can be, and the longer we delay, the more certain I get that something will start to decline.....

07-26-2006, 07:43 AM
After all my years competing I still do get scared, nervous, anxious before I compete. Yes my sleeping patterns are all off, even if I take sleeping pills regularly, I would wake up almost every 2 hours.

Thankfully after years of visualization of the day of my competition, it puts me to some ease. It helps me the day of the event to have everything in my control.

07-26-2006, 08:24 AM
Although you may want to pee a lot, dont forget the fluids but not junk stuff as mentioned earlier, I forgot all about drinking once, to my peril.
OMG!! I thought I was the ONLY one that went about 20+++ times before hitting the ice! At least I know I'm not alone! Now, if only my costume was easier to get on and off....

07-26-2006, 10:18 AM
Good luck Phoenix.

Are you ready for the competition? Have you practiced (wearing your costume) enough? That'll put your mind at ease.

Just remember, this is supposed to be fun and exciting.

07-26-2006, 11:45 AM
Ugh! I'm completely the same way!

I have my Silver MITF test tomorrow...and boy, do I have the jitters today! I am TRYING to think about work instead, but I just can't seem to keep my mind from going hay-wire. I can do the test just fine when I'm relaxed...but it's the "relaxing" part that is the hardest! :frus:

I get really nervous the week before or the week of competition/testing, too. Usually, if I get crazy nervous before hand and have a wonky practice that week, I'm fine for the competition because I get it out of my system.

I'm hoping that I'll get the "itchy-ness" out today...

07-26-2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Frumpy

Great name by the way, probably nothing like you. Good luck, do let us know how you got on.


07-26-2006, 12:18 PM
Phoenix, when is your competition exactly?

07-26-2006, 12:21 PM
LOL! This sounds completely like me. The weekend before I left for Nationals I kept telling my roommate and my boyfriend "I'm not going. Why did I think I could do this. Should I go? No. I'm not going". Once I actually got there, I was perfectly fine. I've done enough competitions now that I rarely get nervous during practice ice or during the competition.... but the week before, I'm a wreck!

07-26-2006, 12:41 PM

You are not alone! It is dress on, dress off, dress on, dress off, dress on, dress off....ask Careygram, she and I have this routine down now.

Do you have to go? Is it okay? Zipper up, Yes? I even have to pee when I don't have to pee!!! It's hilarious!!!

Actually, I wanted to start this thread about incontinence, but I thought the moderator would shut me down...I'll do a test thread here:

Okay, I used to fall all the time and no problem. All of a sudden, one day, around 38 years old, I fall one day, and well...it's like when you're laughing too hard, or sneeze too hard. I'm like...WHAT!

Does anyone else have this problem, or am I all alone, once again? :cry: 8O

07-26-2006, 12:44 PM
Great name by the way, probably nothing like you. [/I]

I need to explain really quickly...

"Frumpy" is a nickname my husband gave me...as an endearing quality. It's more like a state of mind/being, rather than body shape/dress.

It came about when I was blissfully curled up on the couch one evening with my favorite quilt, watching skating on TV (of course), with a "bowl" of Bailey's-laced coffee and whipped cream. :yum: He said I was in a "state of perfect Frump", and it has come about that "achieving a state of perfect Frump" is akin to acheiving "Nirvana". It just evovled from there to "Frumpy". :D

07-26-2006, 12:49 PM
I always thought Frumpy was the 8th dwarf in Snow White...the one they didn't talk about. :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-26-2006, 12:50 PM
Phoenix, when is your competition exactly?

I leave on Monday, have practice Tues & Wed., & my event is Wed. night.

It's so great to hear that there are others who do the same thing I do! Nice to know I'm not alone in the world of my own weirdness :lol: . I'm going in waves, from calmness to total freeking, then talking myself down to calm again.....it's exhausting.

I've also been stressing that there may be no one to put me out (my coach isn't coming, & the 2 coaches I had lined up have skaters on another rink at the same time), & my coach today said he'd call someone & try to get something set up. So that made me feel a bit better.

PS--good luck on your test tomorrow Frumpy!!

07-26-2006, 12:55 PM
I always thought Frumpy was the 8th dwarf in Snow White...the one they didn't talk about. :lol: :lol: :lol:

..sshhhh! don't tell anyone....;)

07-26-2006, 12:56 PM
PS--good luck on your test tomorrow Frumpy!!

Thanks, and good luck to you, too! :D

07-26-2006, 01:02 PM
I've also been stressing that there may be no one to put me out (my coach isn't coming, & the 2 coaches I had lined up have skaters on another rink at the same time), & my coach today said he'd call someone & try to get something set up. As him/her to record a pep-talk message for your iPod. Just kidding.

07-26-2006, 01:16 PM
I have the same pattern and I try to use the nervous energy to get myself more focused. Starting 2 weeks before the competition, I start thinking about how I'm going to use my 6-minute warmup and I take notes after every practice, writing down what I need to work on and specific techniques for fixing each problem element. Then I translate those technique tips into cue words to keep myself focused on my problem elements during my program.
I also start putting together a schedule for competition day that tells me what time to start getting ready, what to pack, where to warm up and what time, etc. The point is to use my nervous energy to get myself more focused while also bringing as many unknown factors as possible into the realm of the "known" so I'll have fewer things to make me nervous on competition day. Plus, as you said, the sooner you get anxious, the more likely it is that you'll get tired of being anxious by the time the actual competition rolls around. The one or two times I had no nerves leading up to the competition, I got more nervous and messed up more when I actually went out to skate.

07-26-2006, 01:23 PM
P.S. Now is the time to start practicing the off-ice warmup routine that you will use at your competition. If you develop your own pre-competition routine, it will help you stay focused and you won't be dependent on having someone there to put you on the ice.
Here's mine, just to give you an idea:
- 30 minutes before competition - I do 5 minutes of off ice jumping and then 10 minutes of stretching.
- 15 minutes before my competition - I put my skates on.
- 5 minutes before - I start shaking out my legs and doing shallow squats to keep my knee from stiffening up. As I do this, I go through the cue words for every element in my program, in order.
- As I am waiting to take the ice for my official warmup, I focus on breathing deeply--in for 10 seconds, out for 10 seconds.
This routine helps me feel more grounded, regardless of who's there to put me on the ice and regardless of what rink I'm at. :)

07-26-2006, 01:31 PM
I get really nervous and never skate as well as I can. It gets better with time though. And I can now do a respectable performance that doesn't make me furious with myself for not doing what I know I can do. I always know I can do better - but I'm striving for it in stages.....

I cannot remember my first competition. It was a complete blur. I felt like I couldn't walk before I got on the ice. My knees still get really wobbly - for tests and competitions.

I find the main thing that helps is doing more competitions and tests. And its a shame we don't have more competitions in the UK.

However another good one is getting your coach and maybe a few friends to stand at the barrier of the ice like judges and watch you perform as if in a competition. Even though they see you skate all the time I find this makes me focus on doing one good skate

My other coach is all for visualisation of the competition experience but I'm not 100% convinced.

07-26-2006, 02:32 PM
By your 8th to 10th competition you will have a set routine... hopefully.. :halo: and by your 15th you'll learn how to get into your zone 8O

07-26-2006, 02:44 PM
It seems like we all have these nerve problems! It really makes you wonder why we do this stuff! Maybe we are all a little looney...:lol:

07-26-2006, 03:51 PM
Looney doesn't even begin to describe it...

Mrs Redboots
07-27-2006, 08:18 AM
I find the main thing that helps is doing more competitions and tests. And its a shame we don't have more competitions in the UK.We'll have to get you doing the European ones! They are great fun.

07-27-2006, 07:31 PM
I just got back from the rink (and a yoga class).

I passed my Silver MITF the afternoon! The judges had me reskate the RFO-LBI 3-turns at the end, but the rest of the test turned out fine.

Now I can actually sleep tonight! Yippee!

Thanks for the luck!

07-27-2006, 08:16 PM

07-27-2006, 09:39 PM
Congrats Frumpy and on the nervous before competition topic. That happens to me too! Especially if I dont have costumes to rush before my competition (and even then I still get relatively sleepless the night before the competition)
The last competition I went to I remembered getting random panic attacks throughout the day at work... the best competition I had so far was an overseas one, we arrived some time before the competition so it was fun like a holiday and I could concentrate on the competition alone. I will be having my second overseas competition soon (ughhh panic panic) and I hope it will go better than the ones where I wake up morning of competition and rush to the rink.

07-27-2006, 09:51 PM
Pre-comp jitters? Think of it this way. People in 3rd world countries that have no food to eat and fighting to survive.......they have real problems and have reason to get nervous etc.

If you can't remember the moves, or make mistakes....then so bit it. You'll still be around the day after to work on it. I'd forget about the jitters and just go do the best you can. The point of doing skating etc is for enjoyment....not to get jitters and feel inconvenienced.

07-27-2006, 10:05 PM
I just got back from the rink (and a yoga class).

I passed my Silver MITF the afternoon! The judges had me reskate the RFO-LBI 3-turns at the end, but the rest of the test turned out fine.

Now I can actually sleep tonight! Yippee!

Thanks for the luck!HOORAY!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

07-28-2006, 12:09 AM
WELL DONE FRUMPY!!:bow: :bow: :bow:

Phoenix next, Best of luck!! Positive Mental Attitude

07-28-2006, 02:33 AM
Pre-comp jitters? Think of it this way. People in 3rd world countries that have no food to eat and fighting to survive.......they have real problems and have reason to get nervous etc.

If you can't remember the moves, or make mistakes....then so bit it. You'll still be around the day after to work on it. I'd forget about the jitters and just go do the best you can. The point of doing skating etc is for enjoyment....not to get jitters and feel inconvenienced.

What you say is so true. Still easier said than done though. I'd love to just switch off my nerves. If someone said to me I was to go and compete tomorrow it would be wonderful. I'd have not had all those weeks of stressing and would probably skate better for it. Sadly I can't control my state of mind pre-comp.


07-28-2006, 04:48 AM
I just got back from the rink (and a yoga class).

I passed my Silver MITF the afternoon! The judges had me reskate the RFO-LBI 3-turns at the end, but the rest of the test turned out fine.

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!:bow: :bow: :bow:

Give us details on how you think you did and what you think you did well (and otherwise) and what the judges' comments were, please! Where did you take your test?

07-28-2006, 06:04 AM
A Big Congrats to you Frump! :P

07-28-2006, 11:45 AM
Congratulations on passing your Silver MIF's, Frumpy!!!

I always thought Frumpy was the 8th dwarf in Snow White...the one they didn't talk about. :lol: :lol: :lol: I thought that was Sleazy... it's the "black sheep" of the dwarf b/c he keep stealing the other dwarfs' girlfriends!!! :twisted: :lol:

But oh, man would I love to be in that state of frump... sofa, fave quilt, TV with skating on, Bailey-laced coffee with whipped cream!!! :yum: AHHHHH... FRUMP!!!

Unfortunately, right now I'm way too busy with my job, recovering from my injuries, and getting ready for my Bronze Moves test (which is coming in the next week or two...) Needless to say, I've been getting the jitters a lot as of late... 8O 8O 8O (It's not that I don't know what I have to do since this is my 3rd try... but I really REALLY want this try to be my last!!!)

Good luck, phoenix! GO KICK SOME ICE BUTTS!!! :twisted:

Debbie S
07-28-2006, 12:38 PM
Congratulations, Frumpy! Yes, please do share the details of your test, if you want. :)

I'm competing this weekend and last night had one of the worst practices in a long time. I struggled with just about everything - backspin, sit spin, forward scratch, footwork, alt 3's (for CM), back spirals, even the toe loop! I really hope I got all the bad stuff out before tomorrow.

07-28-2006, 12:46 PM
There is this theory in the theatrical world that a bad dress rehearsl means a GREAT performance - perhaps this translates over to the skating world as well.... (((((((SK8GR8))))))) :bow: :bow: :bow:

07-28-2006, 01:14 PM
Congratulations, Frumpy! Yes, please do share the details of your test, if you want. :)

I'm competing this weekend and last night had one of the worst practices in a long time. I struggled with just about everything - backspin, sit spin, forward scratch, footwork, alt 3's (for CM), back spirals, even the toe loop! I really hope I got all the bad stuff out before tomorrow.

I'm with you Debbie!! I had my worst run-through EVAH this morning. I never skate as well in a lesson anyway, but it would have been nice for coach to see one decent program before the comp! :frus:

07-28-2006, 01:26 PM
I thought that was Sleazy... it's the "black sheep" of the dwarf b/c he keep stealing the other dwarfs' girlfriends!!! :twisted: :lol: That's right! I forgot - Frumpy's the one that makes them jealous!

Phoenix - Good luck next week! Report back, so we know how you did in the competition.

07-31-2006, 03:47 AM
Hey Isk8NY -- I just caught your new signature line. VERY cute and wonderful! One of the things I LOVE about skatingforums is the support for each other...

07-31-2006, 11:18 AM
First thing, before I go and hijack the thread! Frumpy, care to share your Silver MIF test detail for those of us who are working on Silver MIF.

Hey Isk8NY -- I just caught your new signature line. VERY cute and wonderful! One of the things I LOVE about skatingforums is the support for each other...All I can say about the signature is :bow: :bow: :bow:

And hopefully very soon, *I* will be one of those working on the Silver MIF. (#$%&*^ Bronze Moves test... :frus: :x )

07-31-2006, 12:56 PM
All I can say about the signature is :bow: :bow: :bow:

And hopefully very soon, *I* will be one of those working on the Silver MIF. (#$%&*^ Bronze Moves test... :frus: :x )Forget HOPEFULLY - WHEN is the correct word. Go get 'em, Jazz!

After Jazz passes this test next week, who will I support? :lol:
Oh yeah, that's right: I have to start taking these tests!

07-31-2006, 01:12 PM
Forget HOPEFULLY - WHEN is the correct word. Go get 'em, Jazz!

After Jazz passes this test next week, who will I support? :lol:
Oh yeah, that's right: I have to start taking these tests!Nobody! WE will be supporting YOU!!! GO GET 'EM TEST TAKEN and PASSED, ISk8NYC!!! :twisted: :lol:

07-31-2006, 02:33 PM
Frumpy - congrats!

I don't get too nervous before an event, but do get excited.
Just find whatever works for you to prepare. Some people really like to have run through's mimic the event, like wearing the competition dress a few times. I perfer to wear the dress once before to make sure it's ok to skate in, and then just for the event, as it's something special. When I've skated a program quite a few times I wear a different dress to give the program a new fresh feel. I've also changed dresses between initial and final rounds at AN. Once it was because I didn't think the dress looked (in the photos) the way I thought the program felt, and another because the program was so strong in initial rounds that it needed a different dress for finals.
Both times were very successful.

08-02-2006, 07:18 PM
Phoenix - How did you do at the Competition today?

08-03-2006, 04:34 PM
Ah yes, Love Pairs and I have assisted each other more than a few times for the pre-competition "I have to pee for the 60th time" ritual. There was a while there where I took imodium just in case too. I seem to have come a long way since then. And then there's this Bach Rescue remedy that I found for my old partner and I. He used to get SO nervous and then I'd get nervous and then, well you know.... We called it our "terror" spray. Really, we would have bathed in it if we could have. It tasted suspiciously like scotch. Hm....


08-03-2006, 05:39 PM
You and Timmy used Bach Rescue! I'm peeing in my pants, LOL on the floor right now!!!

08-03-2006, 05:40 PM
Yes, Phoenix, I've been wondering how your competition went, too!
After all, this post is all about YOU. :D

08-03-2006, 06:57 PM
Yup, phoenix!!! Enquiring minds wanna know how you fare in your comp? :lol:

Mrs Redboots
08-04-2006, 06:08 AM
It tasted suspiciously like scotch. Hm....

:lol:It's brandy, I think, rather than Scotch. Plus I don't quite know what... but it works!

I have a feeling Phoenix is still in Lake Placid, but I'm sure she'll update us when she's back.

08-04-2006, 08:04 AM
Hello from Lake Placid.... where it has now cooled down to a nice bearable temperature....

Phoenix skated very well in both European Waltz and her Tango OD, and from what I understand, she is very happy to be released from European Waltz Jail.