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07-22-2006, 06:49 PM
ok, heres my problem
i am afraid of freestyle sessions
im currently working on my axel, so im not so bad that id get in anyones way (i hope)
idk why, but im intimidated by them, but i realy need to start going to them because i currently have 12 free passes, and im really close to landing my axel, so with the passses i could go everyday this week if i wanted to
and i also have a fear of harnesses, but unless i get over my freestyle session fear i wont have to worry about that.
so, if anyon can help ease my fears that would be great
and im pretty sure i know what i need to do with my axel, i just have to put it into action, but i could use tips
thanx a bunch

07-22-2006, 08:09 PM
Are you afrair that everyone out there is working on doubles and triples? Are you afriad there will be too many people on the ice? If you are worried about levels, go and watch a session or two/ You may find a day or time when its not as busy or there are lower level skaters on the ice

07-22-2006, 08:53 PM
no, not really the level thing, cu ive watched them before and most people are my level, attempting axels or loops or flips... it really is an irrational fear, im just tryiing to figure ou what it will be like, like whether id be able to find some ice to practice. Im just gonna get over it and do it though, ill go to my first session on monday
now those stupid harnesses....
what are they like?

07-22-2006, 09:23 PM
I can use the same advice :halo:(axels)

07-22-2006, 10:47 PM
What first intimidated me about freestyle sessions was that everyone seemed to be going all over the place. If possible, always go to the same freestyle session so that you see the same faces and everyone is skating the same programs. Start by just going to watch. Watch everyone's program and practices so that you become familiar with their patterns. Then when you get out on the ice with them, you'll know which direction people are going to go and which skater to look out for when her/his music comes on. Then you won't feel like you are in the middle of total chaos.

07-23-2006, 05:27 AM

I understand how you feel

Ive moved on now from the public sessions to practice and have my lessons. I have gone from being one of the 'good' skaters on the public session to being the worst skater on the freestyle session. All the skaters on freestyle are streets ahead of me and sometimes it is a little bit intimidating to see how good they are and then look at ones self. For the first two or three times it used to bother me. I would think they would be looking at me thinking 'god shes rubbish' but now I think very differently.

They all started somewhere, it wasnt that long ago that they were probably looking (and still probably do) at other skaters wishing that they could do this or that. Skating takes time and practice and a massive amount of determination regardless of ur level and we are all out there striving to be our best. No one really is that bothered how good or bad you are or what you can or cant do, they are all too concerned with what they are working on themselves.

I have now turned my negativity over the patch/freestyle around and I look at these better skaters with admiration and think 'yeah one day I will skate like that' and this is now added to my driving force. I admire them for what they have acchieved and I use this to drive me ever forwards.

Dont worry bout it, Im sure you will do just fine. Try to think positive about it and dont let their ability bother you

Andrea xx

Mrs Redboots
07-23-2006, 06:39 AM
Tell your coach how you feel, and ask if you could have your lesson at the very start of the session - by the time you've had it, you'll be feeling much more as though you belong there!

It is scary at first, but you have as much right to be there as any of the other skaters. Just keep your eyes open, and you'll be fine.

07-23-2006, 06:53 AM
I have the same problem. I'm terrified to go to even one of the low freestyle sessions. I just feel like I'm not a high enough level skater yet, and that I'd just be in the way, so for now, its the middle of the rink at public sessions. :cry:

07-23-2006, 07:09 AM
Sunnyskater: Congrats for being so close to completing an axel. That is truly exciting! Anxiety is a funny thing. The more we concentrate on it, the more our body dumps chemistry to attempt to give us focus to cope with a stressor. A little anxiety is actually good as it creates a focus to the stressor and that attention to the task at hand is what actually helps us address it. Distress is not a good thing. It happens when normal healthy anxiety goes too long and the person might start obsessing. So much chemistry is dumped that it is no longer productive and will become overwhelming. Trying to do anything while overwhelmed is when we do not perform even the simplest of tasks well.

Desensitizing to the situation is usually the most helpful for most people. In your example, that might begin by just watching the fs session, moving to skating only things that are very easy for you for as long as it takes to feel comfortable, to just marking where you would attempt. Or with the harness...just watching others, to doing something that you can complete without the harness a few times...etc.

Interrupting obsessional thoughts by forcing imagination and thought unrelated to what is stressing you as well as controlling breathing through deep breathes helps the body believe it is less stressed than it is. It is great that you have already identified it as an irrational fear. Choose to give it less thought by deciding what you will replace those thoughts with instead. We are not in control of what thought comes into our head...but we certainly can control what thoughts stay there! Simply saying to someone that they should not feel a certain way is typically not helpful. Feeling are just not up for debate by another person or even by the person themselves. Addressing it behaviorally by distraction and by use of decision to think about something else is the solution.

Good luck to you. And how jealous am I that you have 12 free sessions? giggle. Keep us updated on your progress on that axel!