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View Full Version : Terrible, horrible, bad, no good day!

07-21-2006, 10:55 PM
That title pretty much somes it up. Dear g** I almost killed myself today. Seriously, my butt has so many bruises that I can't sit or walk without moaning. I also have a wicked bruise on the palm of my hand. I'm no stranger to falls but today was a whole new experience. I have to admit that I felt off today but I did my best to ignore this and skate like normal anyhow. Off days happen, but this was a train wreck. I've been skating well lately and I was almost in shock at the whole experience. I actually had a friend ask, " What is wrong?!" Like a fool I kept trying to skate like normal and things wern't normal. I've never had a day quite like this, has anyone had this happen? Why? Sorry for the long post but I guess I need to whine.


For the record, I almost did a face plant on my axel. Scarey but even worse I've been landing them one footed even if for a second of late. ugh!

07-21-2006, 11:48 PM
Oh boy, I guess everyone knows how this feels! I sure do. I often find that the day after a lousy session I have a cold or flu or something, there is sometimes a good explanation, but not always.:roll:

When I hit a bad one, I try to find something I can do semi-well, and work at that, whether it be spirals, footwork, edges, turns, or just something that is half-way working. Or when all else fails, call it quits for that session, knowing that tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday night was one of those lousy sessions, yet last Sunday and today felt fabulous. Who can tell why this happens.

07-22-2006, 06:23 AM
When I have a really, really bad skate day, it's usually because I'm on the verge of getting very sick (bronchitis/pneumonia, etc)...I remember one time I was on club ice, warming up for my lesson and kept falling and even catching my toepick on crossovers. It felt as though my feet were not my own. Even in my lesson, I fell on spins...SPINS!!! I fell about 15 times that night (and I'm a person that doesn't fall very often). My coach cut the lesson short, I went home, the next day I was sooooo sick and had a 102 degree temp.

On slightly crappy days I just work on the basics (edges, stroking) or if I can't spin, then I jump (or visa-versa).

It happens to everyone and if someone says it never happens to them....they are fooling you.8O

07-22-2006, 07:38 AM
I think you just described MY day yesterday. Perhaps we channeled each other.

Sometimes there are reasons (like five days off ice for vacation, didn't sleep well the night before, "female" issues, getting sick) and sometimes there's just no rhyme OR reason. And on those days I figure okay, well, it wasn't pretty but they usually precede better days. I try to learn from what I did wrong to figure out what I usually do RIGHT.

Yeah, I get embarassed, especially when I have 15 year olds saying "you should have landed that one double loop".....thanks Sherlock.... BUT--as long as it's still fun, and for me, it will always be fun, keep your chin up and wait for the next good day.

Good luck!

07-22-2006, 08:17 AM
Aaw bad luck Chico. I thing we all have sessions like that, commonly known as 'bad skate days'. I've had a couple of sessions where I felt so stupid not being able to do anything I gave up after about 30 mins and drove home :cry:. There was no real reason for suddenly not being able to skate, so just put it down to having a bad day.

The wierd thing I find about skating is - how you can get something almost to perfection one day, then the next day you get back on the ice and you can't do it at all?

S xxxx

07-22-2006, 10:23 PM
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I needed to hear that others have felt this way too. If anything I hurt more today. =-( Generally I feel like someone beat the heck out of me yesterday. I've had injuries before but NEVER like this.I forgot to mentuion that everything was falling apart except for my two loop attempt yesteray. I actually did a good job on this skill for me. It was a weird day! I'm feeling weird again today. (no skating) I don't have a temp though. Oh well....


07-22-2006, 10:44 PM
Oh yeah, I have definitely had those days where my body was not running an all cylinders and there was no apparent explanation. Spins would go from bad to worse, jumps I could normally land would be off for no apparent reason, etc. The only thing I could do on one of those days is poses (spirals, spread eagles, etc.), so I try to make myself feel better by doing a few of those, LOL! The last thing to do on one of those days is to try to skate my program. Oy vey!

07-23-2006, 05:18 AM

I have off days too and its so frustrating when you feel you have skated really well and then it all goes to pot.

Last Monday I did a nothing, just forward skating and ended up busting my knee. Its still really sore, very very badly bruised and its kept me off the rink now for a week. I may attempt to go again on Wednesday but unfortunately it will have to be during a public skate becuase patch ice has been cancelled due to the summer holidays. The only thing is now, I think Im going to be scared of hurting myself like that again and it will hinder my progress

Andrea xx

07-23-2006, 05:19 AM
Chico, are you getting enough rest, liquids, food, vitamins? Also, make sure you are getting enough protein, i.e. don't skate full of sugar or caffeine only, but have a carb/protein snack about an hour ahead of skating so your blood sugar is even.

But, sometimes you just get "out of kilter" and need to back off of the high-intensity stuff. Then you will be good as new!

07-24-2006, 11:15 AM
When I have one of those days I write it off as "wearing somebody else's legs -- and that somebody doesn't know how to skate!" It probably happens a couple of times a year and at this point I just laugh it off.

07-24-2006, 10:56 PM

Kind thoughts. =-)

sleep - sorta liquids - not sure food - try to eat healthy vitamins - every day I do a good job of eating protein but my downfall is caffeine.

I skate early in the summer and this is hard for me. Getting up before 5:00 a.m. isn't easy. I do drink too much coffee to stay awake which doesn't do me any favors.

I did think of something that might have contributed to my bad day last week. I took meds that I shouldn't have before skating. I know better but I messed up. These meds mess with my balance and it was my stupid fault. Being Friday I was tired and yes wired up on coffee too. The combo wasn't good. My bruised butt agrees. =-)

Thanks for all the support.

07-25-2006, 08:27 AM
I had one of these today.




07-25-2006, 09:32 AM
I usually blame my bad days on lack of stamina and strength, sometimes lack of warming up. But I never do anything to try to improve my stamina, strength or warm up properly, so it looks like I'm stuck with bad days.

07-25-2006, 02:30 PM
that happened to me today kinda... i tried my sitspin right when i got on the ice and it was perfect.. and i worked alot on the axel, and i almost landed it... i made sure i kicked through... instead of whatever i normally do... then my grandparents came to watch me and it all went down hill.... i wanted to show them how much better i got since they pay for my lessons but instead i totaly sucked... i fell on the sitspin.. 4 times.... the axel.. which i wa so close to landing and not two footing.. before they came went awfu, and i even managed to do a bad flip.. which is my best jump... the landing ws soo shaky... the only thing i manged to show them was a really nice backspin... and a ick beillman.. because i couldnt keep puling my leg high becuase of all the ice buildup on the rink had pretty much stopped my movemnet... so i sucked.. and it made me sad.. oh well:cry: :( :( :cry: