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07-21-2006, 07:56 PM
I saw this in a post somewhere and am wondering what this move is/looks like? ANy pictures/ videos? Thanks!

07-21-2006, 08:03 PM
A Google Images search turns up several pictures of ice skaters doing hydroblade moves: http://images.google.com/images?q=hydroblade&hl=en

07-22-2006, 08:32 PM
I never saw it done forward usually backward, to do it backward cw.

begin with a back crossover, once crossed, bend really deeply on your right knee on a very deep inside edge, your left foot underneath should be extended and dragging along the ice unweighted, you lean your upper body into the circle and forward, it looks nice to have your arms, chest and face just grazing the ice into the circle. (I haven't yet reached the point of my face near the ice, but ive seen other skaters do it and its really pretty looking) I find you need to have real strong quads on your bent knee to do this move. i dont think i explained it that well but in michelle kwan's exhibition, fields of gold she does a hydroblade you can view it on the site cruelladekwan.com. oh prepare to fall a lot and get real wet when doing this...your so close to the ice however so dont be afraid to fall too much. Good luck!

Mrs Redboots
07-23-2006, 06:31 AM
That's a back inside hydroblade; as in all moves, they can be done, and probably should be practised, on all 8 edges! To do a back outside one, after the crossovers you go down into a back teapot, or shoot-the-duck, or whatever the move is called where you skate, and lean over into the circle so that you are almost touching the ice - dancers are not allowed to actually touch the ice, although free skaters may, so you don't put your hands on the ice if you're a dancer, but you do try to wipe your - er- chin on it!

For a forward inside one, again, you do crossovers round the circle and on the last crossover you bend your outside leg, crossing your inside leg right out and again, trying to wipe your front on the ice. I just look as though I'm doing a specially good crossover when I try, but hey.... Not so sure about FO ones, actually - does anybody ever do these?

07-24-2006, 07:44 AM
I definitly cant do FO hydroblades, I tried one time when no one was looking, and I immediatly wiped out. I find BO the easiest.

07-24-2006, 09:47 AM
I like hydroblades. Mine isn't fabulous, but my coach likes it enough to put it in my program. It's a nice change from what most skaters do.

I do mine on a BI edge. I basically do a spin entrance (CCW), then just keep going. I can get pretty low, usually enough to touch the ice. They are fun!

Can't do any of the other varieties though. Scary! 8O