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Mrs Redboots
06-27-2006, 12:12 PM
In honour of Wimbledon, the World Cup, the European Cup (athletics), to say nothing of Bracknell.....

Lifting the Cup: Our compulsories were okay. The minor changes we've made to our free dance are okay, too, and have improved it.

Out in the First Round: Blimmin' Coach1! I love him dearly most of the time, but today's lesson was frankly a waste of time. We asked for his input on our Interp for Sunday - big mistake! He kept coming up with all these bright ideas that would require far more time than we actually have to practice them. Plus he didn't help us, as we had asked him to, with the choreography, but was like, "Oh, it doesn't matter, it's all acting!" Which may or may not be true, but the other two couples are both doing their pairs routines, no acting involved! So it depends what the judges like on the day.

However, some of his ideas were well worth taking on board, but it means we'll probably have to be at the rink really, really early tomorrow morning to work them out.... and my lesson isn't until 09:00! I think I'll have to get off and go to the supermarket and come back for my lesson; if I try to skate for 3 1/2 hours, I'll be too tired to do myself justice on Thursday & Friday!

06-27-2006, 12:26 PM
Lifting the cup: I did a waltz jump! In the center of the ice. Well, you could sort of call it a waltz jump. We finished our lesson and the coach asks us if there is anything else we want to work on and just starts naming off skills that were way above us. “One footed spins, waltz jumps...” no one said anything (like naming something to have extra practice on so I said “Can we do waltz jumps, or at least bunny hops.” Instructor gave me a weird look, and we headed off ice. Guess he took me seriously. We practiced holding onto a stair railing doing the basic jump. Then he moved us on ice and we practiced against the barrier, and then he moved us to the center and we tried it over the blue hockey line. He didn’t have us skate more than a push off into a glide into it, and my “jump” was probably only about 2 centimeters off the ice, but both of my blades left the ice, I rotated, and glided out of it (with a bent leg more often than straight) so it sure wasn’t a real waltz jump, but I am quite proud of myself none the less. My friend said I looked “graceful” so that’s something, right?

Out in the first round: My 2 footed spins stink. I don’t know what to do. I also get really dizzy going counter clockwise (not clockwise, but I was told not to spin that way because I would do all other rotating movements like throw a ball or hit a tennis racket counter clockwise). I want to be able to be a spinner, but it’s not looking to promising.

Mrs Redboots
06-27-2006, 01:11 PM
Don't worry, Jessi - everybody gets dizzy when they first start spinning, and it does go away. And then you learn a new spin, or do something different in your spin, and, guess what, you get dizzy again! And again, it goes away. And no, I didn't believe it would, either.

Congratulations on your jump! It's an - interesting - feeling, isn't it?!

06-27-2006, 04:56 PM
Out in the first round:

I have an intermittent problem with my right foot. Part of the problem is, I've no idea HOW I've hurt it, but I've done something, as now on two occasions after walking it's 'frozen' to the point where I can't walk on it at all.

Partly as a consequence of above(?), my jumps have completely gone to pot. Just about managed a few waltz jumps this evening but that's about it :cry:

Lifting the cup:
To end on a positive note...Spins!

My upright and cross spins are consistent, my camel spins are not too bad - manage about 4 revs....but the big news...low and behold tonight for the first time ever I FINALLY started getting to grips with sit spins - yes, sit spins, the bane of my life!

I still can't get very low into the 'shoot the duck/teapot' BUT I can now (consistently) hold the position bent down with leg out in front without too much travel for about 5 revs..and get back up again to finish in a cross spin.

I know this is probably not much of a big deal to many of you but boy, if you knew how much trouble I was having a couple of weeks ago you'd know why I'm sooooooo happy.

S xxx

PS now just need to get foot sorted...seeing doctor tomorrow.

06-27-2006, 08:23 PM
Out in the First Round:
Frustrated with sit spins today. grrr. I am leaning too far forward on the toe and I can't seem to bring my free foot around without bending the knee thus throwing off my balance and the whole thing has gone to Hades. Coach says my back side really is not sticking out, *but* I am not convinced. Oh well, it will be better another day.

Lifting the Cup:
Had a lesson this morning with my primary coach. Worked on a few pairs elements to try (as if learning to transition from fwd to back crossovers wasn't enough of a challenge to overcome as a singles skater,) and also Bronze moves. Alternating back crossovers to back edges is finally starting to *click*. RFI 3 turns are going to be a challenge to overcome. That is not my good side as I am finding out. Overall, I am really having fun with Bronze moves. I will be in denial until my first critique on these things I am sure. but my ignorance for now has me in a happy place. I think I will just stay there for a while. Loop was also much better today. I felt I was making progress on feeling more comfortable with the open space over my right shoulder.

06-28-2006, 12:09 AM
Out in the first round: Us Aussies out of the World Cup. :cry: Never mind, it was the furthest we've ever managed to get, so next time, we'll make it a bit further.

On a skating note - maneuverability (sp?). Turns at speed, and with something before them and after them. When dancing with hubby, I can do them in combination with other things at speed (well, my definition of speed :P ); but by myself I can only do them on their own, not in combination, and not at speed.

Also, school's out, and the rugrats have taken over the ice. With hundreds of grommits out there, that means no skating for us for the next 2.5 weeks. :cry:

Lifting the Cup: With the words "Here's something else for you to kill each other trying", Coach introduced us to the concept of a dance spin. (I have apparently sufficiently mastered the art of standing on one leg doing nothing, while going CCW being towed around by hubby. :) ) We had another go at them today, and managed two revs. Hey, that's good for us! Now to work out how to exit... :D

Also, I finally managed to complete a full lap of back cross rolls with no feet down, not "stepping behind", and consistent speed right round the rink. They're not pretty, but they were there. Weirdly, now I have the hang of them, they seem easier than the front cross-rolls. 8O

06-28-2006, 12:59 AM
Out in the first round: Us Aussies out of the World Cup. :cry: Never mind, it was the furthest we've ever managed to get, so next time, we'll make it a bit further.

Yeh bad luck I really felt sorry for them, but next time??

Lifting the Cup: With the words "Here's something else for you to kill each other trying", Coach introduced us to the concept of a dance spin. (I have apparently sufficiently mastered the art of standing on one leg doing nothing, while going CCW being towed around by hubby. :) ) We had another go at them today, and managed two revs. Hey, that's good for us! Now to work out how to exit... :D
Exits can be fun, I have on video an excellent one of us exiting from a camel/parallel pair spin, where partner and I go flying off in opposite directions, sprawled out and matching perfectly.

Also, I finally managed to complete a full lap of back cross rolls with no feet down, not "stepping behind", and consistent speed right round the rink. They're not pretty, but they were there. Weirdly, now I have the hang of them, they seem easier than the front cross-rolls. 8O
Well done, not easy to do.


Mrs Redboots
06-28-2006, 07:58 AM
Out in the first round: Us Aussies out of the World Cup. :cry: Never mind, it was the furthest we've ever managed to get, so next time, we'll make it a bit further.And Ghana went out, too. :(

Also, I finally managed to complete a full lap of back cross rolls with no feet down, not "stepping behind", and consistent speed right round the rink. They're not pretty, but they were there. Weirdly, now I have the hang of them, they seem easier than the front cross-rolls. 8OThey are. But mine went very pear-shaped today as the coach tried to make me do half the edge with my free leg in front, and I got in a total and utter muddle!

But I am getting ahead of myself....

We got up at 5:00 am (yuck!) but it meant we were on the ice for 6:30 and the only people there except E, who had brought his CD player so we could even use our music! Yay! So Husband did his programme and then we poisoned several dozen pigeons in the park and I think we now know what we're doing. Then I changed from poisoning-pigeons kit into practice-dress.

Then we ran through our compulsories - the Fiesta twice because Husband is getting the timing at the end wrong, and as that's the bit I find most difficult.... plus he is soloing it, too.

Then we ran through our free dance and that was okay. Not perfect, but okay.

After which, Husband did his solos, not as well as he might, I didn't think. And he went off to work, and I got changed and went to the supermarket. It's only a couple of minutes' drive from the rink, but it would have been quicker to have walked back, the traffic was so heavy.

By the time I got back, the coach was there (he had said he wasn't going to be there until nearly 9:00, but his plans changed, so he was there for 08:15. Sigh - I could have had my lesson at 08:30 after all!) and T was doing a dress-rehearsal. So I changed into Sandra Dee kit and did my dress rehearsal, then changed back into practice-dress and eventually had my lesson. Which was mostly about back crossovers, cross-cuts, cross-rolls and other assorted nasties! But some spins, too.

At home, I started to sort out all I shall need for tomorrow, but got into a panic because I couldn't find the fair copies of our CDs, but of course they were in my skate-bag. Duh! Decided my white dress needed to be washed, so put it in the washing-machine, and then realised my over-boot tights were filthy, both pairs, and my strapless bra could have been fresher. So they were hand-washed.

In retrospect, my leotard should have been washed after the Mountain Cup, but as I want it tomorrow and it's packed, it will have to wait now until after Sunday, then I'll wash it.

06-28-2006, 02:15 PM
Lifting the Cup

Secondary coach played "NIT PICKY SKATING JUDGE" on panel today! The Bronze Moves for the most part is intact. It has "flow and control." Got some good comments on pretty much all the moves...

Out in the First Round

... and not so good ones!!! My 5 steps still needs work. Extensions could use some work here (as well as the fourth move!)

And my endurance SUCKS now!!! Don't know if it's just I've been burning the candles at both ends at work or something to do with my health... but today I ran out of steam after the second move. Usually I start running out about the second half of the 4th move! I am doing double run thrus on the Bronze Moves in practice.

So... we did some work on placements of steps on the lobe again on the 5 step mohawk. Noticed that I went into the 1st step a tad late into the lobe and once that was fixed, the rest of the moves fixed itself and she "swore to God" that she also saw deeper edges b/c of that one fix. So I'll fix that and keep at it for now!!! (Added bonus is that it allowed me to extend on that 1st step better.)

But she notices that I'm starting to wide-step the RFI mohawk again, so we gotta fix THAT again too!!! (Reminds me of those old movie clips where you fixed one leak and out pops another leak... and then you fix that and the first leak pops out again! :lol: :P ) But the good part is that she sees that I'm smoother on the 5 step and I'm actually skating thru it, rather than "stepping" and "stiff" thru it. That should help my 5 step! :D :bow:

Secondary coach wants a lot more power pushing into the FO3's. She said she really likes my "stepping out and back crossovers" afterwards, but she wants those FO3's to have the same power too!!! :frus:

So I have another month to fix these things and hope that will push my scores up well above the passing avg.

06-28-2006, 02:54 PM
Lifting the Cup:
Had a lesson this morning with my primary coach. Worked on a few pairs elements to try (as if learning to transition from fwd to back crossovers wasn't enough of a challenge to overcome as a singles skater,) and also Bronze moves. Alternating back crossovers to back edges is finally starting to *click*. RFI 3 turns are going to be a challenge to overcome. That is not my good side as I am finding out. Overall, I am really having fun with Bronze moves. I will be in denial until my first critique on these things I am sure. but my ignorance for now has me in a happy place. I think I will just stay there for a while. Loop was also much better today. I felt I was making progress on feeling more comfortable with the open space over my right shoulder.

Do you mean RFO three turns, as in the power threes pattern? There aren't any FI3 turns in the USFS Bronze moves test...

Rusty Blades
06-28-2006, 03:39 PM
Out in the First Round No ice for me :cry: only 3 hours in June and nothing from June 23 to July 5 :cry:

Lifting the Cup On July 5, I start "summer skating school", 45 minutes 3x a week for two weeks and then 2 hours 3x a week until August 17. They are afternoon sessions so I will HAVE to use some vacation time to skate. Work or skate? Difficult choice (yea, RIGHT!) First objective: my backward edges!

06-28-2006, 04:51 PM
Do you mean RFO three turns, as in the power threes pattern? There aren't any FI3 turns in the USFS Bronze moves test...

Oh yes, I did mean RFO of course. ... just had a blonde moment there. Thank you for pointing that out. :halo: 8-)

06-28-2006, 05:46 PM
Lifting the Cup:

Tried out some new loaner skates today, whee!! I actually have TOE PICKS (I have very old recreational CCM skates that were downright mushy, zero support, with really lousy toe picks). It felt great to have support.

And, I started up a new round of lessons last week, so I can actually learn something new!

Out in the First Round:

-&$#*(% TOE PICKS!! Naturally, as warned, I went splat right on my front several times while skating. I have a nasty bruise on my elbow and the palms of my hands hurt.
-I still can't spin to save my life.
-My sweet, sweet puppy dog died on Saturday, very sudden and unexpected. We thought he was healthy, but I guess he'd had cancer for a while (tumor on spleen burst). . . :cry:

Terri C
06-28-2006, 06:14 PM
-My sweet, sweet puppy dog died on Saturday, very sudden and unexpected. We thought he was healthy, but I guess he'd had cancer for a while (tumor on spleen burst). . . :cry:

(((LilJen))) I'm so sorry about your loss. My dog is 13 and I don't think we have much time with him.

Lifting the Cup (REALLY lifting the cup)
The ice on freestyle was the best it's been in months. Apparently the rink was lacking a dehumidifier disc and had to get one from another country. Yes,you read that right- another country. There was no fog, the rink looked bright instead of a dungeon and the ice was awesome.

Lesson was okay today- worked on Bronze moves, and waltz-loop combo.

Out in the first round::
Power threes have suffered from my week of not skating so I can/have to work overtime blitz. They had no power, especially the right. Anyone got any ideas on how to get the power on power threes?

06-28-2006, 06:17 PM
Lifting the cup:

I had my first skate in my new (used) skates and, after about 10 minutes or so, I felt almost completely back to normal. :P

I definately noticed improvement in my speed & centering of spins (so that's what a rocker feels like ;)) and the lift & flow of my jumps.

06-28-2006, 06:27 PM
{{{{LilJen}}}}--hugs to you. Sorry to hear about your pup.

Terri C--that's great that you didn't have to skate over a minefield of condensation "eggs"!

06-28-2006, 09:18 PM
Lifting the cup:
I'll be getting two brand new programs in the next week or so, and they're my first so I'm very excited. I even convinced my coach to let me do my artistic program to a Kelly Clarkson song. :D And I'm getting so much air on my jumps now.. It's wicked awesome.

Out in the first round:
I was doing a bunny hop[EVIL EVIL EVIL] and it was the very end of an hour lesson with about 2 minutes left in the session and I had my left arm in front instead of my right and it threw my balance off and I kind of fell backwards. The funny thing is that it seemed like it was in slow motion and I was thinking, "Aw crap not again. I'm going to die again aren't I. Shoot." Haha. So I somehow ended up twisting my leg and landing on my wrist. I'm sure it was really funny to watch, but I couldn't feel my leg and I couldn't really move it so I was like.. YEAH I'M FINE DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME as I swizzle off the ice in agony.

06-30-2006, 03:20 AM

-My sweet, sweet puppy dog died on Saturday, very sudden and unexpected. We thought he was healthy, but I guess he'd had cancer for a while (tumor on spleen burst). . . :cry:

I'm so sorry to hear about your fur-kid's passing. :cry: It is so hard no matter how long we have had them... it is always too soon to not have them with us any more.

My coach gave me this when one of my bunnies died last year. It made my cry.. but it also made me feel better. I hope it makes you feel better too.

The Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.
There is always food and water and warm, spring weather.
The old and frail animals are young again.
Those who were maimed are made whole again.
They play all day with each other.

There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth.
So, each day, they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up!
The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes alert!

And this one suddenly runs from the group!
You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again.
And you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.

Then, you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

06-30-2006, 09:29 AM
Thank you, everyone, for your kind thoughts on the death of Trouser (he pants, get it?). Our other dog perks up her ears and looks around whenever we say Trouser's name--she seems a little lost. It's been a tough week without him--house feels empty. I have seen that Rainbow Bridge story, Thin-Ice--definitely a keeper. (Of course, as my mind was drifting off thinking of my pup on Wednesday was when I went splat! tripping over my toepicks.)

07-01-2006, 03:48 PM
Lifting the Cup: The fun I had yesterday getting together with everyone at The Pond! Wow, it sure was fun!!! I didn't skate as much as I could have but I don't care!

Out in the first round: yeah, I'm cleaning out my skating closet and finally tossing out stuff (boo-hoo!). I've listed my older skates in the trading post if anyone cares. I am trying to get some sewing done (yes, Mika....working on your skirt!) but we have company coming and I have to clean house-really! I do occasionally clean!:roll: