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06-22-2006, 05:40 AM
I have just bought some insoles (3/4 length arch supports) as my arches cause me so much pain whilst skating, I'm guessing because of fallen arches, anyway, I 've taken out the insole that was in my skates, cheap floppy foam things and put my new ones in, as they are 3/4 length, they don't cover the toe area, this means the bottom of the skate is exposed, I like to skate bare foot, my question is, is it ok for my toes/foot to be in contact with skate base? I mean will they get more damaged by moisture? should I wear some thin pop socks? Thanks.

06-22-2006, 11:53 AM
As long as your feet aren't suffering, do whatever you like! I'd like to skate barefoot - I really want to experience that, but my current boots make it extraordinarily painful, so I'll have to wait for my next pair. :)

What I'd probably do is go to a leather shop and buy a scrap of thin-but-not-too-soft leather (something that's not too thick, but not so soft it will bunch up under your toes when you skate), then using your old insoles to trace a pattern, cut pieces of leather to put under your add-in insoles.

But it really depends on the skate. The bottoms of the inside of some skates are leather already - in my Grafs it would be impossible to skate with the bottom exposed because it's a weird white synthetic material with nails sticking up out of it by a couple millimeters all over.

06-22-2006, 12:00 PM
hi kessa,,, i've skated barefoot for years.. here's a tip that might help.
sprinkle baby powder in the boot before slipping them on. it absorbs moisture when you're really working up a sweat.:)