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View Full Version : How many of you do Off Ice Training with ya coaches, and what stuff do you do

06-18-2006, 05:57 PM
How many of you do Off Ice Training with ya coaches, and what stuff do you do

06-18-2006, 10:15 PM
I've done off ice jump class. I wanted to go more often, as I felt a real difference in power after going to the class, but then my Achilles tendon got tweaked out after I went for a run a few months ago (running shoes were wearing out). Then I wanted to take it easy on the ankle and not do too much extra running or off-ice training before my test. Now the jump class is over for the summer....

06-19-2006, 07:50 PM
I don't do my off ice with my coach, but here's what I do on otherwise

ballet 1xweek,
weights for upper body 2x week,
low intensity plyometrics/jump roping and bench jumps 1x week
streching daily,
lower body strengthening ie:heel raises on a step, leg lifts, daily

and yes, they all really really help I definately feel a difference!

06-19-2006, 08:09 PM
I do off-ice with a strength & conditioning coach 2 times per week.

It's a very intensive program. Both sessions focus on a lot of core and weight work, but it's done at a cardio intensive level. Also the last 30 minutes of one session each week consists of circuit interval training, alternating 1 minute of 4 different weight/core exercises and 1 minute of 4 different cardio exercises, then rest for 1 1/2 minutes, then repeat the circuit 2 more times. The goal is to not only strengthen but work on partial recovery, which has helped my skating alot.

06-20-2006, 01:28 PM
I attend a hip-hop adult/teen class with my daughter (25) and stepdaughter (17) once a week (off for the summer though). Makes a good cardio workout and fun time with my girls.

I do stretches at home, usually about 45 minutes to an hour a day.

My secondary club has off-ice available, would love to attend, but they are an hour and ten minutes away, and do not co-ordinate with my skating times, so I'm NOT driving in a fourth time per week.:giveup:

06-20-2006, 01:39 PM
i train on my own [weights mostly].
for good 'thrust' [jumps],, try straight leg deadlifts with at least 1/3 your weight. i do them with a block under my TOES, so the heels are down--gives a better stretch in the hamstrings. i also do them with the block under my heels-----be careful to stop when your back starts curving up.

also try doing a front squat with a bar resting across your chest/shoulders. i do these with only 20 lbs. because i jump with it. great for explosiveness in ANY sport where you rely heavily on your legs!

check out bodybuilding or 'hiking' type sites for proper form.
both of these can be rough if you're sloppy with technique-- ha, just like skating!:lol: