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View Full Version : UK -NISA test criteria

06-16-2006, 08:26 AM

Is there anywhere on the web where I can get a run down of what is expected or required for each NISA test level in both Freestyle and Dance?

Im currently only in Skate UK and i have the information for all the skate uk and passport levels but cant seem to find any information as to what comes after this.

I kinda want some kind of idea so I know what is probably realistic for me as an adult skater. Id like to think about some kind of direction.

Andrea xx

Mrs Redboots
06-16-2006, 09:20 AM
There's a Yahoo group called UKSkaters (http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/UKskaters/) which was founded by our own Tashakat. It hardly ever gets any traffic, but there is a list of the dance & free skating requirements in the files, and some other quite useful resources. Really, we ought to make more use of it.....

06-16-2006, 09:40 AM
Thankyou Mrs Redboots for that I have joined and the docs there regarding Uk tests are very helpful.

Looking at them I dont know if its realistic or not that I will ever get into Nisa levels but who knows. Ive only skated for 6 weeks and allthough im progressing fast (allready doing 3 turns and spirals) I really dont think I will ever be able to jump.

Being a web master(ess) of various sites in the past I am concidering setting up a forum and news site for British Skaters obviously over seas skaters will be very welcome but Im hoping to have it on line soon as I can confirm the space.

I think it would be an idea to feature British skaters like a magazine type and give them some exposure etc as there dont seem to be much online in the none elite levels. Anyway its something to consider, we shall see.

Andrea xx

06-16-2006, 09:53 AM
Thankyou Mrs Redboots for that I have joined.

Being a web master(ess) of various sites in the past I am concidering setting up a forum and news site for British Skaters obviously over seas skaters will be very welcome but Im hoping to have it on line soon as I can confirm the space.

I think it would be an idea to feature British skaters like a magazine type and give them some exposure etc as there dont seem to be much online in the none elite levels.

Andrea xx

If you let me know your email I can let you have a list of what's required per level from level 1 to level 10. I never needed to do the passport, but my kids have done/are doing it, so I can check it out too if you would like.


06-16-2006, 11:27 AM

Looking at them I dont know if its realistic or not that I will ever get into Nisa levels but who knows. Ive only skated for 6 weeks and allthough im progressing fast (allready doing 3 turns and spirals) I really dont think I will ever be able to jump.

Andrea xx

Never say never!

I swore I would never jump when I started skating, (terrified of leaving the ice with both feet, bad back , bad knee) and for 3 years did only dance (apart from a very pathetic little 3 jump which was more of a step). However I passed the old NISA novice Free test when it had no jumps or spins in it and when they changed the tests and that was suddenly worthless, I was spurred on to learn to jump to get the level 1. I passed the level 1 test and then just over a year later, I won gold at level 1 in only my second ever free skating open competition (and even medalled at the Adult Championships). If I can do it anyone can!!!!

04-21-2008, 11:09 AM
Being a web master(ess) of various sites in the past I am concidering setting up a forum and news site for British Skaters obviously over seas skaters will be very welcome but Im hoping to have it on line soon as I can confirm the space.

Ooh If You Do Create A Site For British Skaters Please Let Me Know! Ive Only Just Joined This Forum But There Is Very Little Information For British Skaters Here...

Mrs Redboots
04-21-2008, 01:17 PM
Ooh If You Do Create A Site For British Skaters Please Let Me Know! Ive Only Just Joined This Forum But There Is Very Little Information For British Skaters Here...
There is a lot more now than there was when this thread was current! And there are more of us now. If you have a UK-specific question just ask!