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View Full Version : Pilates dvd/video

06-04-2006, 07:55 PM
I was wondering if anyone can recommend a really good AND hard pilates video/dvd for skaters (or one that would be good for ice skaters). From my gymnastics background I have a really strong core and find the "normal" tapes arent very challenging - except for the 1st week or so on a few. And since I cant afford both pilates training and ice training, I want to find a really good video to follow.

Also - if anyone could recommend a really good training video to increase back/shoulder flexiblity that be great too (maybe a really goo yoga tape or something - my leg flexibility is great, just the rest of my body sucks haha)

06-04-2006, 09:02 PM
I also have a gymnastics background, and I find the Denise Austin DVD "Hit The Spot Pilates" is great. It works on every area of the body, and after doing most of the DVD in one day, I really felt the effects the next day. It really works, and my skating has improved a lot. And the last exercise on it is fun in my opinion, it's kind of like aerobics, but not quite, LOL. My library had a copy of it that I got to rent to see if it was good, so you may be able to do that. I highly recommend this DVD.

Hope that helps!!


06-05-2006, 01:12 AM
Thanks so much! I will look for it:)