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View Full Version : Question about new adult program requirements

05-27-2006, 10:29 AM
I have been reading the thread from awhile back about the new adult competition well balanced program requirements, and I am wondering when that takes effect. Is it for this coming season already?

05-27-2006, 12:55 PM
beginning of September is normally when new USFS rules changes take effect, unless declared "urgent" at Governing Council.

Debbie S
05-27-2006, 04:14 PM
Some summer competitions are already using next season's rules, so be sure to read the announcement(s) if you are competing this summer. I know Skate Wilmington (DE) is, and so is the Chesapeake Open (MD). In fact, b/c I am competing in Bronze at Chessie, I will need to take out one of my spins, as I currently have 3, but the new rules for Bronze only allow 2. I talked to my coach about it this morning, and it took about 3 seconds for us both to agree the backspin would be omitted, since I can't really do it anyway...well, I can spin, I just can't exit on 1 foot. :oops:

05-28-2006, 07:51 PM
True, it officially takes effect September 1, but the competition I'm doing in mid-July is actually going to judge all the adults on the new judging system, which implicitly requires that you heed the jump and spin regulations (at least I'm not going to chance it if they don't!)