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View Full Version : video analysis of jumps--questions to think of ahead of time?

05-22-2006, 08:07 PM
I'm going to an adult skating seminar, and one of the workshops offered will be on video analysis of jumps. There will be an off-ice explanation/presentation, then we'll be on ice to jump and be videotaped.

I've never done this before (and I'm looking forward to it). Is there anything in particular I should ask about? Has anyone done this before and are there certain things that you've found particularly useful?

(I don't know if it's Dartfish or something by another name.)

05-22-2006, 08:24 PM
Yes, I went to a seminar about 2 years ago and that was part of it, although they only showed and discussed videos of top skaters; they didn't take videos of our jumps. They will probably point out things like upper body position (for example, pointing out errors like uneven shoulders or pre-rotation with the upper body), picking technique on toe jumps, etc. If you aren't used to watching your own jumps frame-by-frame on video, it should be very helpful. It will also encourage you to watch yourself on video more often and really use it as a tool.

05-23-2006, 08:53 AM
Mika, I believe it is Dartfish, and I'm really excited to see this in person! I video my jumps (I don't know why, they are really bad) and my coach loves to see them on video, we watch them in slo-mo. (It is awful to watch a bad jump in slo-mo but what the hey!)

You can pick out the smallest problems-dropped shoulders, feet not where they should be, toes not pointed, legs not stretched, etc.

I'm not sure what to ask either....