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View Full Version : need tips for split jumps!

05-16-2006, 05:08 PM
ok i know there have probably been sooo many threads like this one but i only need help on one thing. how can you get your legs to split more once you are in the air? it never seems to happen when i do them . i get good height but not much of a split.
Thanx in advance:D


05-17-2006, 01:17 PM
The amount of split you get in the air depends on 3 things:
1) flexibility (but only if you are very, very stiff)
2) momentum
3) timing

Assuming you have normal "passive" flexibility, try doing leg swings as part of your stretching routine. Stand on one leg and swing the other one all the way forward and all the way backward. Repeat 15-20 times. If flexibility is not a problem, then you just need to work on momentum and timing. The split starts to happen as you take off, not after you are in the air.
- Get up some good speed skating forward.
- Do the mohawk, geting down low on your knee, then reach way back with your picking foot, keeping your shoulders back and your back strong.
- Pick and pull yourself back, just like you were picking for a flip.
- As a smooth continuation of the picking and pulling action, start to open out your left shoulder (assuming you pick with your right foot) as your left foot approaches your right foot, before takeoff.
- Leading with your left arm, let your left foot pass your right foot and open out to face forward. Reach out forward, and think of covering a lot of distance rather than jumping straight up.
- Once you have left the ice, pull both legs up at the same time with a strong pull.

05-18-2006, 02:45 PM
I think strength is also a factor to get the legs up quickly against gravity. I practice air splits on a full-size trampoline in my backyard. It is much harder than just doing splits on the floor.


05-18-2006, 11:39 PM
I don't really know if a split jump in skating is the same as in gymnastics etc. If it's totally different, this won't help much, so apologies in advance...

Split jumps are better if your flexibility goes further than splits, so if you can only just manage splits on the ground, work on being able to actually lift your back leg higher (can be done by doing the splits on the ground while putting the back foot on a small block, but be careful not to overstrain your knee). Also, to build up strength to get your legs up there, when jumping off ice, you can use resistance bands. Wrap a band around one foot (alternate between front and back foot) and hold the band in your hand to give more resistance, so you almost have to kick out to get your leg up. If you practice this way, you'll find your jump improves greatly when done without the bands.
Here's an article that talks a bit about it: http://www.usa-gymnastics.org/publications/technique/2000/5/flexibility.html

05-19-2006, 10:02 PM
An advantage to doing a split jump in skates is that the heavy boots at the ends of your legs actually act as a pendulum and help you split your legs further as long as you harness the momentum and use the right timing on the pick-split.

05-20-2006, 11:57 AM
good point, doubletoe.
i too strive to be able to do a split jump.
what about consecutive bunny hops? when i reach two or three,,i'm usually going fast enough to get a little higher on each one. would that help with getting the arm/leg coordination down?--[granted, going forward.]