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View Full Version : Any tips for change sit and flying camel?

05-13-2006, 07:56 AM
Hey guys, i started learning it last week. Any tips for me so i can bear in mind while practicing?
Change sit wasnt too bad. i managed to hold the back sit like 2 revolutions but then i fell on my left butt every single time .The faster i go in my sit spin, the sooner i fall on my left side. I am kidda sure i am not using inside edge tho.
I have no idea for flying camel. How u guys practice back camel? Cos my coach asked me to do heaps of change camel and back spiral to get the feeling. Obviously i cant really get it . My back is just way too high. For the flying thing, everytime i landed on my inside edge instead of outside so i cant spin at all. When u jump , do u try to rotation in the air or just jump to your right side? Cos i am thinking may be i need to rotate more so i can land on outside edge.

05-13-2006, 09:22 PM
For the flying camel, I think of jumping over a barrel -- picture your torso and legs flying perpendicular over the top of barrel lying on it's side, instead of trying to jump up in the air.

For the sit change sit, you need to be really over your right side on the change.

Good luck!

05-14-2006, 09:26 AM
Sounds like you are dropping your left side on the change sit. You have to remain square.

For back camels and flying camels, you have to keep your body perpendicular to the ice. You can't come up.

On the flying camel, I learned the positions by jumping over the boards and laying on them to get the top of the jump part to feel "natural". You have to basically jump back where you came from on them.

05-14-2006, 04:06 PM
On the change sit, step very tight to your spinning foot. Don't swing your arms in the change, keep them still.

On the flying camel, your tracings should look like two wide Us: U U where the first is the FO jump and the BO landing should end up next to the jump edge. Make sure you are not doing a 3-turn on the forward edge - jump off the FO edge, not the BI. And practice the jump off ice.

05-15-2006, 09:19 AM
When I first tried them from an inside 3, I could get the flying part, but the cammel was iffy. I also have very open hips and would flop right over on the spin - I was on a solid outside edge, so perhaps try to open up your hips on the fly. So, I learned a flying cammel by doing a cammel-jump cammel. Then I did the regular flying cammel. It also helped me to change the entry. I like doing them from an outside counter.