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View Full Version : Need some book recommendations

05-08-2006, 09:32 PM
I have the Sports Illustrated skating book, but am looking for a book that shows more specifically - say something like stro-mo (is that what it's called) on each little move, and also the imprints on the ice.

I am also looking for something similar that shows MIF. I saw it with someone once who had it, but didn't know what it was called.

Also, a while back someone recommened a good choreography book but i can't recall what it was. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

05-09-2006, 03:23 AM
Ricky Harris's "Choreography for Skaters" is great.. but out of print. You can sometimes find it on amazon.com or at a used book store. I also like the Ann Margreth Frei videos (she has little flipcard books that go with each video) and the Professional Skaters Association (PSA) has MIF tapes. They are somewhat out of date now... since the levels they show as passing wouldn't pass tests where I am now.. but they do give you an idea of what the moves should look like. You might also check out Rainbo Sports catalog for some other ideas.