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View Full Version : Has anyone heard from TaraNJ?

08-29-2002, 05:29 PM
It seems like months that we have had any updates on Tara. I am curious as to how her ankle is healing. She said that she was targeting August as the first attempt to go back on the ice....

08-29-2002, 10:17 PM
I was about to ask the same thing! I'll have to see if I can dig up her email address and see what's up.

08-30-2002, 12:46 AM
I have emailed her and send her a link to this thread, with a note saying that she has been missed.

I hope you're doing much better, Tara!!!


08-30-2002, 08:28 AM
I would have thought she'd be back soon. I was off with the same injury and I made it back after 3 months though I had to be very careful for a couple of months. I hope she's healing well and will be back soon.


08-30-2002, 10:22 AM
I've heard from Tara, and she will be off the ice for a while. I won't tell more; since Joanna has emailed Tara, let's wait for her to post.

Sorry to be cryptic,

08-30-2002, 12:25 PM
Gotcha. ;) :D

Black Sheep
08-31-2002, 10:27 AM
According to the adultedge board (on Yahoo!), there's a post (from TaraNJ herself) that says she's expecting! :D

08-31-2002, 02:00 PM
AH!!! Now I see why she'll be off the ice for a while!!! :D :D :D

That is WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Congrats to you and your soon-to-be new baby!!! :D :D :D


P.S. Email me, Tara... or at least post to us so we know what's going on!!! (Well, when you can, of course!) ;)

09-01-2002, 01:58 PM
That's great news!!! A new skater in the making!!!


Mrs Redboots
09-01-2002, 04:29 PM
I just hope Tara is feeling better than the skater I know who is in the early stages - not yet showing - and is being sick all the time, poor her. She can hardly skate at all, she is too sick and dizzy.

09-02-2002, 02:53 PM
Hi everyone! It's so nice to hear from you all, and I'm sorry for not keeping you up to date with my progress. Right now I'm writing from a friend's house in gorgeous Evergreen, CO; my husband and I are away on vacation. So I promise to write more when I get home...

Yes, indeed, the rumor is true: we are expecting our first child on April 1st (this is not an April Fool's joke)! I am experiencing some morning sickness, yet in the afternoons and evenings, go figure. But I think the mountain air here in CO (we're at about 8,000 ft. elevation right now) has been good for me--I feel better than ever. The ankle has healed well enough to allow me to do some hiking while here.

Anyway, I promise I'll write more when I get home again in another week! Thanks so much for thinking of me...I do miss you guys!:D

09-02-2002, 06:06 PM
Hooray, Tara!!! Congratulations! It's so good to hear from you, both that your ankle has healed and that you are expecting.

09-03-2002, 06:06 AM
I am so pleaseed for you. It's great that your ankle is better and expecting your first baby is wonderful news.


09-03-2002, 09:16 AM

09-16-2002, 11:07 AM
Check out Tara on her http://www.babiesonline.com/babies/o/our1stbundle/

09-17-2002, 07:27 AM
Spent a couple hours with Tara last Friday morning--she looks great! Doing the sorta-queezy-all-the-time thing.

09-17-2002, 06:28 PM
Thanks to everyone who visited my baby site and posted well-wishes...and to everyone who expressed their congratulations here as well! (And thank you to my Adult National medalist friend Leslie :D for posting the site...I didn't know this forum had moved and it took a few days to get the new URL!)

Dobiesk8r encouraged me to post a note that I appear much larger in the picture than I am in real life (perhaps she'll come online and second that)...the camera must indeed add ten pounds, or maybe ten pregnancy weeks. Or perhaps my arms pressing downward and arching my belly forward made a pronounced difference in my appearance.

Once a week Dobiesk8r drags me with along with her toned, sinewy (and rather docile and sweet) Doberman on a five mile trek through the bucolic wooded hills of her neighborhood. Phew! I'm amazed I can keep up (she does set a mean pace). I start some water aerobics next week, in addition to a prenatal fitness class I'm taking. My body definitely feels a bit flabbier due to not skating (that nasty ankle again), so I'm hoping these classes and Dobiesk8r's walks will tone me up a bit and keep my heart pumping.

I spent a lovely Friday morning last week with Patsy sipping the world's best iced tea (lemony, just the rice amount of sweetness, ice that never seemed to water down the taste) and chewing on soft oatmeal raisin cookies as I caught her up to date with all that's been happening to me. I did blab on for more than an hour! She then presented me with the sweetest bib from San Diego Zoo depicting the baby pandas. THANKS PATSY! IT IS ALWAYS GREAT TO SEE YOU! And if I may say so, you (and your feet) look GREAT yourself.

Well, since all my skating friends are visiting my baby site, I promise to get a snapshot of that nasty ankle up online soon. There's a lovely scar, and if you get the angle just right, you can see two of the bottom screws underneath my skin. Those suckers will have to come out after the baby is born.

I just completed physical therapy earlier this week and I got a great bill of health. My only problem is still the achilles...it is not as flexible as it used to be...but that's something I'll need to continue to work on by myself.

Talk to you all soon! And thanks again for thinking of me! I miss my skating friends!

09-18-2002, 04:12 AM
Dobiesk8r unlurks to attest to the fact that Tara does not look quite
as large in person as she does in her photo! In fact, I saw the picture
and said, "Is this the same person who walked with me last week?"8O

Tara's looking good, and getting ready (is anyone ever really ready?)
to be a mom. And my son and daughter are eagerly awaiting further
chapters in her book...

Mrs Redboots
09-18-2002, 05:55 AM
Thanks for the update, Tara. I seem to remember that the larger I got, the more the swimming-baths were the only comfortable place to be, so I am sure you will enjoy the water aerobics.

Have you seen the "Mommy-to-be" thread on the non-skating forum as yet? I should think your input and comparison will be valued.