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View Full Version : Dealing with bruises

04-24-2006, 06:57 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah. As if I'm going to drop what I'm doing (which often consists of sitting on my left forward inside BUTT), dash out of the rink and apply an instant ice pack to my poor knees and elbows. I know that's what you're SUPPOSED to do. But I don't wanna.

Has anyone tried topical ointments -- usually herbal -- that claim to ease bruises? Anyone have any tricks, short of the dreaded ice pack, to alleviate the swelling immediately after an, uhm, involuntary landing?

04-24-2006, 07:28 PM
The reason you put ice onto it is to stop the internal bleeding which makes up a bruise... hence why you elevate it and put ice on it for 20mins at a time for 24hrs... if its a joint, dont straighten it fully, otherwise it will lock in that position and hurt more trying to move it, so move it around a bit.

THEN, after 24hrs, you heat pack it to ensure the blood doesnt harden and solidify, which isnt particularly nice when it happens behind your knee (if it solidifies behind your knee cap you will eventually need to get the crap sucked out, and it will hinder everything you do and lock up the joint).. you should also gently massage it after 24hrs and move/stretch it gently to keep it moving (particularly if its on a joint)...

I also use Arnica cream to massage into it... it helps with bruises and sore muscles.

BUT, if you choose to skate after receiving a particularly nasty bruise, then thats your choice... you dont need to hop off for long... just long enough to apply some ice for a lil bit... I fell once, treated it, but 3 days later I landed on it again, and it forced me off because I couldnt move and 1.5weeks later, the bruise on my knee is only just going away...

Bruises arent nuisances, they can be serious injuries...

My point? Nothing beats an ice pack and proper treatment ;)

I dont know if america has deep heat? its a warming gel used often for muscle aches etc... Im sure you could find a cooling gel for bruising and swelling if you really want to.

04-24-2006, 11:10 PM
If you are whacking your knees a lot, I strongly recommend inexpensive sports store foam knee pads. You can get smaller ones and use them on your elbows also. If you hate the idea, but are really taking a beating, consider wearing them temporarily until you get past the problems.

Mrs Redboots
04-25-2006, 05:47 AM
One word when it comes to bruises: arnica!

It's a homoeopathic treatment - take two tablets immediately, and another four over the course of the next hour (3 doses in all - 6 tablets), and that should help enormously. You can also get it in cream or gel form for topical application. Every skate bag should contain it!

04-25-2006, 01:31 PM
What's so objectionable about an ice pack?

04-25-2006, 01:44 PM
One word when it comes to bruises: arnica!

It's a homoeopathic treatment - take two tablets immediately, and another four over the course of the next hour (3 doses in all - 6 tablets), and that should help enormously. You can also get it in cream or gel form for topical application. Every skate bag should contain it!

I finally saw some arnica yesterday in a natural foods store, and thought of Annabel! To the best of my knowledge, it's not all that easily available in the US. (Although, apparently if you go looking you can find some.)

I always forget that Epsom salts are supposed to help with bruises. Not sure how it works, but supposedly it does.

04-25-2006, 01:56 PM
What's so objectionable about an ice pack?

I don't think the ice pack is the objection, just that FallDown isn't going to give up ice time to stop and ice the bruise.

I wouldn't either, but would do it as soon as I could.


04-25-2006, 10:10 PM
I guess I'll just take 10 minutes to ice initially, then drive home with an ice pack in place. And I'm eager to give the arnica a try.

I've always noticed that when I rub the spot vigorously immediately after the injury, I don't bruise/swell nearly as much. Interestin'.