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04-15-2006, 07:18 PM
This morning I had a Moves Critique by one of our judges. (He's well known for being one of our tough judges...) 8O I have some notes...

Forward perimeter crossovers - Good flow and speed. Needs more extension. Lower arms and shoulders. (Yeah, I know... :roll: )

Backward perimeter crossovers - Good flow and speed (again). Lower arms and shoulders. Bend knees more. (Ditto!)

Forward power 3turns - Good flow and transition of weight. Use arms less. Let the legs do the work. (More ditto!!!)

Alt. Back crossovers to BO edge - (Judge said "It's good! Next move.") 8O

5 step mohawks - Need more extension, 5th step (the FI edge) needs to curve more, Turn free foot out more on the 5th step.

Not much surprises! Overall, he thinks I'm making a LOT of progress and I'm REAL close to being ready to test Bronze Moves. When I told him I was thinking of testing in June, he said "Sure! Why not?" Bronze level judge also told me that I looked pretty good out there during the critique. And he also said "If you are planning to test in June, I would like to take the same test with you." :lol: (Sure! The more the merrier!!!)

I emailed my critique notes to both my coach and two minutes later, primary coach calls me at home and says "Didn't I tell 'ya to LOWER THOSE ARMS??? Didn't I tell 'ya to EXTEND on those forward crossovers!??!!" :roll: (Typical Jay...LOL!!!) :lol:

Secondary coach send a short email saying simply"GOOD JOB!" (She was watching me during the critique!)

Got more work to do... but I'm happy to say that I'm well on my way to "earning my spot at AN." :twisted:

04-15-2006, 09:34 PM
Way to Go Jazzpants!

I had a critique of my Pre-Bronze moves back in march. I was planning on testing this month but I am waiting until June. Let's just say that the judge had a fine time *fueng Shui-ing* my skating skills (or lack there-of). Geez, it was as if she wrote "The Next Greatest American Novel" on the critique form. I have to correct 2 1/2 years of bad skating habits before I could even think of passing.

I understand about the long road ahead about participating at AN. I hope we will meet there someday and celebrate achieving our dreams over those *nip* thingys everyone keeps talking about. :lol:

Debbie S
04-15-2006, 10:14 PM
Great job, jazzpants! That's good feedback. I have no doubt you will "earn your spot" at AN really soon!

Sk8pdx, don't lose heart. I've had to correct a lot of bad habits since I started in private lessons. You'll get through Pre-Bronze, and before you know it, you'll be commiserating about Bronze moves with your fellow Pre-Bronze Peanut Gallery'ans!

04-15-2006, 11:26 PM
Way to go! You sound really, really close, and the judge sounds very positive about your skating.

04-16-2006, 07:37 PM
Sk8pdx, don't lose heart. I've had to correct a lot of bad habits since I started in private lessons. You'll get through Pre-Bronze, and before you know it, you'll be commiserating about Bronze moves with your fellow Pre-Bronze Peanut Gallery'ans!

Thank you Debbie S :) While AN is one of my bigger dreams, one must accomplish smaller goals in order to get there. I am looking forward to even being a member of the "Pre-Bronze Peanut Gallery" soon. :bow:

I actually came out of the experience with an epiphony. It has totally changed the way I think about even the basic skating skills. I have now added the element of consiensciousness to my thought processes.

I haven't lost heart at all. I would skate my hoppy little waltz jumps with the same vigor and passion as someone who can land a double axel. 8-)

... until then, I will continue to escape into my own little corner of the rink working on that new PB 3-turn pattern. oy!

04-16-2006, 09:15 PM
Hey, that's great!! It's SO helpful when you get such precise feedback like that. Yay!!

04-17-2006, 03:26 AM
This morning I had a Moves Critique by one of our judges. (He's well known for being one of our tough judges...) 8O

Overall, he thinks I'm making a LOT of progress and I'm REAL close to being ready to test Bronze Moves. When I told him I was thinking of testing in June, he said "Sure! Why not?"

Got more work to do... but I'm happy to say that I'm well on my way to "earning my spot at AN." :twisted:
Card carrying member of the "Pre-Bronze FS for Life" Club

Looks like you may have to change your signature line!!! And hurray for you!

04-17-2006, 11:13 AM
Looks like you may have to change your signature line!!! And hurray for you!Well, I'm not changing my sig until I do those Bronze Moves AND FS tests are out of the way. I'm still in the Pre-Bronze FS Peanut Gallery 'til then. :frus: (Nah, not feeling THAT lucky yet...) :lol:

Sk8pdx: Keep at it! It can be quite :frus: at times. Took me forever to get to this point...and there's still more work to do!!! :roll:

Thanks for the well wishes! I think I'm gonna play it by ear and see whether I get this extension thing fixed by beginning of May and then sign up for it if I see enough progress. But I'm just sticking with the Bronze Moves test for now. I'm not crazy enough to try both Bronze Moves and FS too on the same session. Too stressful!!! 8O

Mrs Redboots
04-18-2006, 09:58 AM
Sounds to me like you're ready to test these again, as long as nerves don't get the better of you on the day! Wish I were as close to testing level 3 Bronze Dance Moves.... sigh..... :frus: