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View Full Version : Poll: No. of tries at Bronze MIF test

04-07-2006, 08:34 AM
I know there is a lot of frustration among the pre-bronze skaters because they cannot go to AN, and because passing the bronze MIF test often takes multiple tries.

So I thought I'd post a poll on how many times people have tested Bronze MIF before passing.

I tested four or five times (I lost count :roll: ). Just keep at it - you'll feel great when the pass finally happens!

Also, figure out which move is your best and really sell it - it gives the judges the opportunity to give you a higher than passing mark for that move, to compensate for another move that may receive a lower than passing mark.

04-07-2006, 08:37 AM
Also, figure out which move is your best and really sell it - it gives the judges the opportunity to give you a higher than passing mark for that move, to compensate for another move that may receive a lower than passing mark.

Yes, yes yes!! Never underestimate the value of brownie points. That's one of the first pieces of advice my moves coach gave me.

04-07-2006, 01:39 PM
I'm beginning to feel a little alone here 8O

Debbie S
04-07-2006, 01:46 PM
I'm beginning to feel a little alone here 8OYou're not alone, Joan. I haven't passed it yet, so I can't answer the poll, but when I do, it will definitely be more than once (I really hope the 3rd time will be the charm!)

04-07-2006, 02:44 PM
I can't answer the poll either, Joan! I haven't passed it either!!! :lol:

But so far I have taken the test twice! Once in August or Sept of 2004 and last October (2005.) First time, I wasn't even CLOSE to passing. The second time I had one judge pass me with 0.1 above. But if you feel that I could answer the poll, let me know and I'll answer the poll too.

9 people responded that they took it once and pass it??? 8O NOW I'm feeling really crappy about my skating now. :giveup: :cry:

04-07-2006, 02:55 PM
9 people responded that they took it once and pass it??? 8O NOW I'm feeling really crappy about my skating now. :giveup: :cry:

Well, Jazzpants, you don't know their circumstances. I passed three freestyle tests in one day (before moves), but it was no big deal for me because I had skated as a kid and knew how to do all of the requirements. I imagine if I were to try to take the bronze moves, I'd pass it the first time without much practice. The devil's in the details!

Hang in there - I KNOW you'll get them next time. I'll even send my good luck Gold MIF vibes your way when you let us know that you're testing, ok?

04-07-2006, 03:03 PM
Add me to the list who never passed it because I can't seem to get it ready to test.

Darn power 3s!!


Mel On Ice
04-07-2006, 03:04 PM
don't worry, I noted my two tries. I suspect I will be a repeat offender on the silver test too.

04-07-2006, 03:16 PM
don't worry, I noted my two tries. I suspect I will be a repeat offender on the silver test too.

I'm pretty certain I'll be a repeat offender on the Silver test! I don't know when I will make even my first attempt, as I feel so far away from passing level right now.

I think it really helps to know what the judges are looking for, though. I didn't really look into this during my bronze tests, but now I am a prospective judge (meaning I'm trial judging in order to obtain the bronze test appointment), learning what the judges look for, and it has given me a new perspective on my own skating attempts. I actually understand now why so many of my bronze MIF test attempts did not pass (I was not setting my back inside edge on the back perimeter power stroking or the power threes moves).

04-07-2006, 03:18 PM
I had skated as a kid and knew how to do all of the requirements.
Same here - it took me 1 try to pass all of my Pre-Bronze and Bronze tests, but I had skated as a kid and passed the Pre-Prelim MIF & FS, Prelim MIF & Prelim dances, so I really just needed to brush up on my technique.

I suspect Silver MIF will be a multi-try test for me - those darned 3-turns in the field are going to KILL me!

04-07-2006, 03:42 PM
Oh, God!!! Don't scare me like that, you guys who are working on Silver Moves! I'm not looking forward to 8 step and 3 turns either. EEEEK!!! 8O :lol:

04-07-2006, 04:16 PM
Guys, your Bronze and Silver tests is what our Preliminary FS test is like all rolled into one. Although we don't have to do our skills first before doing the the freeskate, we do have to do the elements by themselves and also the stroking patterns. In prelim skills, we have the three turn pattern using RI, RO, LI and LO turns set to music with connecting steps, have mohawk pattern using LFI, RFI, other closed mohawks and connecting steps set to music, crosscut circle pattern, RFI edge, RFO edge, LFI edge, LFO edge, RBI edge, RBO edge, LBI edge and LBO edge all set to music. With the edges we are not required to do them all but are told which forward and which back edges we will be required to do. Then there's the freeskate program that you have to do which requires 4 jumping passes and three spins with connecting steps.

It's much harder to pass skills in Canada because you have place every step and turn exactly to the skill music played. In prelim in the element part of the test, you have to have not more than one jump messed up or one spin messed up. Jumps are bunny hop, waltz jump, salchow, loop, flip and toe loop/toe loop. Spins required are forward spin (or forward corkscrew/same as forward scratch in US), backspin (or back corkscrew/same as back scratch in US), sit spin (90 degrees or less) and camel spin. Forward spiral, forward stroking around the rink with crosscuts on ends either direction and backward stroking around the rink with back crosscuts on the ends.

We don't have a pre-prelim test here in Canada and have to jump right up to the prelim test. So in essence we are doing the USFS first three adult tests (prebronze, bronze and silver) all rolled up into one.

And this is partially why I haven't passed my prelim test yet. Bad skates, injury and illness is another reason, that I haven't tested my prelim test yet. I plan on testing this spring. If I'm lucky, I will try my Junior Bronze test too if I can get the axel working and the lutz to come back.


04-07-2006, 06:40 PM
Oh, God!!! Don't scare me like that, you guys who are working on Silver Moves! I'm not looking forward to 8 step and 3 turns either. EEEEK!!! 8O :lol:

Yeah, the 8-step looks like a doozy! And ITA w/sk8er1964--don't get freaked out by the number of people who passed on their first try. Literally different strokes for different folks.

I can't answer the poll yet, as I have yet to take the Bronze MIF test. However, I've been aiming to test these moves since fall of last year and for two or three test sessions now, I've decided not to sign up due to not feeling ready. I feel like I'm getting closer, but I want to be much stronger on my weakest moves to make up for possible nerves.

...and today, I just bought the perfect pair of gloves to wear during my warmup when I do wind up testing: They're kiddie magic gloves (one size fits most) and they say "Powered Up!" on them. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-07-2006, 08:57 PM
The 3's in the field on the Adult Silver MIF test often provide repeat opportunities to a lot of standard track skaters as well.

Mrs Redboots
04-08-2006, 07:45 AM
The 3's in the field on the Adult Silver MIF test often provide repeat opportunities to a lot of standard track skaters as well.Yes, and if I don't get my Level 3 Dance moves before 1 March next year, they will undoubtedly provide repeat opportunities for me to test them as they are going to be in our level 3 skating moves! I've already started to work on them, as I want to learn them anyway, but......

04-08-2006, 04:01 PM
I just emailed the test chair of a local club. I am testing in June. Adult Bronze.....

8O 8O 8O

Deep breath time....I am nervous about this one. More nervous than for a competition. I just want to get this done.

04-08-2006, 04:46 PM
I just emailed the test chair of a local club. I am testing in June. Adult Bronze.....

8O 8O 8O

Deep breath time....I am nervous about this one. More nervous than for a competition. I just want to get this done.

Hopefully, you will be one of the ones to pass on the first try!

If you have any judges amenable to this, ask for an unofficial critique about 4 weeks or so before the test. I wish I had done that. The feedback will be helpful and will also give you a chance to see how your nerves affect things.

04-10-2006, 07:11 AM
Guys, your Bronze and Silver tests is what our Preliminary FS test is like all rolled into one.

Actually, if you are going to compare test levels with the Canadian Prelim test, you would have to compare it with the standard Prelim FS/FM tests here in the US (standard to standard test vs. standard to adult test).

Brigitte, I hope someday the Canadian test structure is revised to make adult levels for you guys (like the US). That would make things better for all you Canadian adults! The adult test track we have isn't perfect, but it has (on the whole) been good for US skating adults. Do you know if they have started discussing some adult testing levels for you Canuck adults yet?


04-10-2006, 07:30 AM
I just emailed the test chair of a local club. I am testing in June. Adult Bronze.....

Deep breath time....I am nervous about this one. More nervous than for a competition. I just want to get this done.

Good for you for taking the plunge! We'll be rooting for you.. and DO keep us posted on how you're feeling about the test as you get closer to the test date.

04-10-2006, 07:30 AM
You're not alone, Joan. I haven't passed it yet, so I can't answer the poll, but when I do, it will definitely be more than once (I really hope the 3rd time will be the charm!)

Maybe this poll should have a category for "Still working on it after ___ tries"???

04-10-2006, 08:23 AM
Maybe this poll should have a category for "Still working on it after ___ tries"???

Yeah, as soon as I posted the poll, I realized that. But I couldn't find a way to edit the poll itself. Do you know if there is a way?

04-10-2006, 08:36 AM
My troubles did not come until the Bronze FS and those damn spins....I got the FS on the second try.

Speed and extension were the two thins that helped me with the MIF. I got bonus points on the BO landing position move. I continue to use those bronze MIF on a daily basis in warm ups. I will be doing the same with the silver MIF!

Debbie S
04-10-2006, 09:48 AM
I got bonus points on the BO landing position move. Hey, MSF, did your pattern cross the center axis? I'm trying to get that move to a point where I could score extra points, to make up for possible issues on another move, and I was just curious what the judges (or your coach) said about that move that made it stand out. I've passed that move each time I tested but not above the minimum (and last time I was really hoping for extra points on either that move or the forward perimeter stroking, but didn't get any - and it would have made a difference).

04-10-2006, 10:07 AM
Generally speaking, this is what I would give "extra" credit for on the Alternating back crossovers to back outside edges... (note that these adjectives should be construed to be "very good" or "strong" within the range of typical Preliminary or Bronze skaters)

--Very good to Extremely good ice coverage (not just going cross the long axis, but good lobing and very good flow).

--Strong controlled back crossovers with good transitions onto the BO edge and into the new lobe (next back crossover)

--strong controlled extensions and good posture

What can often happen on the transition to the new crossover (after the held back outside edge) is that the skater "thunks" the new foot onto the ice instead of re-bending or continuing to bend the old foot and placing the new foot on the ice, so that the back crossover is a logical extension of the previous step. (Note: even if the move isn't executed with a lot of speed, demonstration of a logical linking of flow between each of the lobes clearly shows "continuous flow and strength")

Hope this helps...

Debbie S
04-10-2006, 01:46 PM
Thanks for the info, Jen!

04-10-2006, 02:02 PM
It's easy to try and concentrate on "getting that crossover to go up and across the long axis" by almost "hooking" the push into the BO edge with the extension, or by skewing the body alignment as one extends the free leg (for example, dropping the free side such that the free leg ends up almost crossing where the tracing is going, and not controlling the shoulders).

04-14-2006, 01:04 PM
don't worry, I noted my two tries. I suspect I will be a repeat offender on the silver test too.
The silver moves i thought were easier than some of the bronze moves. But the gold test is the real killer the judges are very tough on adult golds as that is the last test for adults. I had to take that test with Senior moves kids. It was so intimidating!!!!!!

04-16-2006, 08:16 PM
It was a nice accomplishment for me passing both Pre-Bronze MIF~Free and Bronze MIF ~Free all at the same day. I was quite winded by Bronze Free freeskate.

But I am very sad when I think about it the same time. The judge that did my test, Debra DiCamillo (http://www.wfsc.net/), may she rest in peace, passed away last year in an tragic accident. :cry: She was so nice, patient and understanding.

04-16-2006, 09:09 PM
I credit my first-time MIF test passes to my MIF coach, whom I go to for MIF only. I chose her for MIF because I saw that she goes to all the test sessions and takes note of exactly what the judges are looking for (particularly on MIF tests), what they consider passing and and what they don't. So she tells me exactly how to do them the way the judges like, and I don't take my test until she says I'm doing them 20% above passing (since that 20% goes out the window when the nerves kick in, she says). She is the only reason I was able to pass my Bronze, Silver and Gold moves each on the first try. Freestyle was a different story. My spins have always been my weakness and I had to re-take both my Bronze and Silver FS tests because I messed up on the spins! :p
Anyway, I'd suggest sitting in on a few test sessions and seeing which coaches are always there watching MIF tests carefully, and which ones have students that always pass their MIF tests. Then go to that coach for MIF! :)

04-16-2006, 09:13 PM
Maybe this poll should have a category for "Still working on it after ___ tries"???

How about just adding one more try to however many you've done and answering with that answer. It will also plant a positive vision of passing on your next test session! :D

Debbie S
04-17-2006, 07:42 AM
How about just adding one more try to however many you've done and answering with that answer. It will also plant a positive vision of passing on your next test session! :DHmmm, interesting idea. But...would I jinx myself? :??


04-17-2006, 07:49 AM
Just a thought.......

I passed my Bronze Moves before I even began to put a freeskate program together. I was not using ANY ice time at all to practice a program or had even any thoughts of competing until I had those Bronze moves out of the way. At least one half of every practice session I did just MIF. I think it made a HUGE difference.

Debbie S
04-17-2006, 08:02 AM
At least one half of every practice session I did just MIF. I think it made a HUGE difference.Yes, I would agree with that. That's what I've been trying to do, too - well, maybe 60 (FS)/40(MIF). Obviously, before NYI, I was spending a little more time on FS b/c I had a new program and needed to learn it as well as get it up to comp level in a short time. But after NYI, for the month and a half before I tested, I was pretty much only doing MIF with a little FS stuff thrown in somewhere in the middle of the session to just maintain my skills. I did the same thing before I tested in the fall and the same thing when I was getting ready to test Pre-Bronze MIF (I also was testing FS, but there was no program and the skills I was doing were pretty easy for me).

Of course, that strategy sort of backfired when I didn't pass Bronze MIF and had to keep practicing MIF after the test as well as try to relearn FS skills (like the backspin) that had slipped when I wasn't practicing them much. Sigh. I'm always amazed at the kids who can work on MIF and FS at the same time and see great progress in both...of course, they practice about 5 days a week for 2 or 3 sessions at a time. :frus: