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03-17-2006, 06:46 AM
this morning ever, I really enjoyed it and was quite surprised at how well I did! I only fell over once and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I managed to get the "glide" technique fairly quickly, we did forward and backward lemons, which was a weird feeling and I couldn't seem to keep the momentum going, two foot glide and dip, two foot glide on a curve, moving backwards I didn't find easy, forward one foot glide and two foot turns, again definately need to practice keeping the momentum. I have a ballet background and whilst this may be an advantage in some ways, in others it's a hinderance. I was a tad too turned out and kept straightening my knees:roll: . Oh we also did the snow plough stop but I didn't quite master it. For me it's learning where to put my weight on the blade and keeping my ankles straight, which wasn't easy in rental skates as I have slightly different sized feet my left foot wasn't as supported so I tended to roll inwards a bit, can't wait to get my own skates. Going back to practice next week before my next lesson, can't wait:) The group program has already started so I'll have to wait till the next block starts before I can join, so lots of time to practice.

03-17-2006, 09:51 AM
That's wonderful news!!! Glad you enjoyed it.

The reason your one foot was rolling inward is that the skate is too large. You might try the next smaller size. Unlace the boot all the way down before you put your foot it. It's okay if your toe touches the end of the boot as long as it doesn't curl your toe.

Also make sure your laces are pulled tight from the toe to the top.

Experiment with several pairs of rental skated as their size can vary slightly depending on usage. When you find a pair that gives you the support you need, remember the number the rink puts on the bottom so you can ask for that pair every time.


03-17-2006, 12:09 PM
Sounds like a productive lesson. I had my first private lesson today as well- my group lessons start on April 5. I wish I had the money to take a private a week until then, but I'll just have to settle with once a week practice.

I posted about my lesson in the topic "Private Lesson Anxiety"- the biggest thing- I was amazed how much could be covered in just 30 minutes.

Keep us updated on your progress.

03-17-2006, 02:00 PM
glad you had a good time !!

03-17-2006, 04:55 PM
I also have a ballet/pointe background so I feel your pain with the bent knee problem - just think continual demi plie for most aspects of skating and you'll be off to a good start.

03-19-2006, 09:12 AM
Sunshinepointe: Thanks for the advice about thinking demi plie all the time, at the moment I do have to focus on remembering to keep my knees bent.

Need to ask another question about turns, because of my ballet background I would demi plie (bend knees) in preparation and releve (straigten up) whilst turning, but what do you do in skating? do you keep your knees bent the whole turn? are one foot turns easier for momentum, than two foots?

In response to Garyc my feet are slightly different sizes so if I go down a size my right foot would be too tight, so I just had to tighten the laces on my left foot, my skates are now on order, hopefully be with me next week, so I won't have to wear rentals again:lol:

Skittl1321, I was surprised at how much we covered too, we'll (husband and I) be having a lesson every other week and the week in between just go to a general skate to practice,as it's the cost of petrol, not the lessons that pushes the price up, it's a 55mile round trip!! Roll on December when Exmouth rink is supposed to be finished:D