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View Full Version : How many weeks do your group class sessions last?

03-06-2006, 12:19 PM
I'd like to know what your rinks do w/ their learn to skate group classes. The poll is for how long the sessions run. If you can add any info re. cost, if skate rental is included, if there is practice ice included, how long each lesson time is, whether the program is USFSA or ISI, that would be great too.


03-06-2006, 12:28 PM
At my rink (ISI group lessons), the length of the sessions varies. For Tot 1/2 and Pre-Alpha, the class is 7 weeks long. For Tot 3/4/5, and Alpha-Delta, classes last 8 weeks. Freestyle 1 and up lasts 11 weeks.

When a student registers for group lessons, they are given what we call a practice card. It's labeled with how many weeks are in the class the skater has registered for (7, 8, or 11 depending). The lesson fees include that many public session admissions so the skater has an opportunity to practice every week. Skate rental is also included.

03-06-2006, 04:20 PM
Going off of memory from a couple of years ago--

Group lessons were anywhere from 6-10 weeks, depending on the season and session. Cost-per-lesson averaged somewhere around $8-10 per lesson. Each lesson included 1/2 hour of instruction and 1/2 hour of practice. I believe at the basic levels, it also included a punch card for a certain number of free public sessions. Skate rental was not included (but that was only $1)(I take that back...it may have been included--I don't really know, since I always had my own skates), and the rink used ISI. I believe that you were also allowed one make-up lesson per session, if you happened to miss one.

03-06-2006, 06:00 PM
7 weeks, 1/2 hour group lesson, with no ice available to practice before or after, but all LTS participants get free public session pass for the whole 7 weeks. Cost is $98, pre-paid skate rental for LTS classes is $10 for the session.

Before fall, sessions were 8 weeks long, and cost $96.

03-08-2006, 11:13 PM
6 or 8 weeks ($120 or $150). 1 hour per week. skate rentals included.

03-09-2006, 07:24 AM
My home rink uses the USFSA Basic Skills curriculum.

4 sessions / year
10 weekly classes
$170 plus $20 for skate rental (Optional)
(Prorated if you start late; no makeups, however.)

Maximum class size is 10 students
Beginner classes have one or two assistant instructors.

Each class includes 30 minute group lesson and 30 minutes practice ice.

All group lesson students receive a Public Skating card good for free admission to Public sessions during their lesson session. (10 weeks)

03-09-2006, 07:39 AM
Our classes last for 6 weeks and are 30 minutes each. They cost $50 for non-city residents and $40 for residents (it is a city supported arena). Many of the sessions are actually only 5 weeks long because of holidays, and they offer no make up, or cost decrease.

They DO NOT include any open skates after the class in the price, but it does include skate rental. You also get the liability/sports accident insurance, basic skills membership card, basic skills record book, basic skills patch, and year participation patch. If you already have all the things except the new level patch, the price does not change.

I think the lacking of any practice time in the program is what keeps the cost down. Open skates are $6.50 for 2 hours (3.50 if you are a resident- which I am not)

03-09-2006, 08:23 AM
Our sessions seem to vary between 8 and 10 weeks depending on holidays & school breaks. The cost (the current 8-week "Spring semester" is $100) includes a 30-minute lesson, free skate rental and public session admission on the day of the lesson, plus one additional public session admission per week. They use ISI; student/teacher ratio is 8:1 for Tot classes and 10:1 for all other classes.