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View Full Version : On the Podium or Crashing Out (Practice Thread 13-19 February 2006)

Mrs Redboots
02-14-2006, 06:29 AM
In honour of the Olympics, of course.... the thread title practically chose itself!

On the Podium: Well, Coach has made good his promise to listen to our music (you should have heard Coach2 on the subject, as their sons apparently spent the entire time dancing to it, crashing into each other and then crying - but it was her fault as it was she who encouraged us to use this music!), and has worked some choreography for us.

We are going to be able to manage with just a backspin, we do a 3-turn on our left feet, then change arms and feet so that nobody can say we are actually doing a combination spin! We are getting 2 revolutions easily now, I expect it will be 3 or 4 by competition-time. We also managed 2 revolutions in a traditional couples' hold, which we've not done before (forward spin, I mean, not backspin), which was gratifying. Neither is 100% reliable yet, but it will be by the time we need it, if we work on it as much as we worked on last year's. Mind you, we have to have one or the other, not both, but we both want to be able to do a "proper" dance spin.

And I managed to repeat the solo backspin, just once! Told Coach I am getting it, which was probably a mistake since he'll probably want to see it tomorrow, and will I be able to do it in front of him? You guess!

Crashing Out: Most of that choreography is "You want us to do what?????" 8O We can do it, but oh, so slowly..... I know I said I wanted to be challenged, but this is ridiculous! Oh well, I expect it will either happen or not happen. I was tempted to go to Figure club tonight (it's Husband's turn to run it) so we could work on it again, but he wants the whole hour to work on his free programme, so I won't.

Meanwhile, I took our little camera down to the rink as it has a 30-second, no-sound video function and I wanted Coach to film us doing our drills so that we could see what we are looking at, and, of course, we spent all lesson on the free dance! And I couldn't video Husband doing his programme as the lights were only half-on (we are quite used to very early training in Stygian gloom!) until Coach arrived & turned them up!

The ice was not as good as usual, and because it's half-term, the session was crowded (although actually only one child who would normally have been at school) and it got very "used" during the 2nd hour. And the rink was freezing - I'm still a bit chilled even now!

02-14-2006, 07:51 AM
This is for last night's ice dance session :roll:

On the podium: We did the Dutch Waltz with music and I was made to go first (she said, "because you know it and do it well" aww, shucks!)

Crashing Out: Then we did it again, pairs, just holding hands (hubby and I). Made me realize how skeered he really is! He forgot how to do the steps because he was freakin' out!8O I called out the steps to him and went sloooow but he just freaked out.....AAAARRRGGHH!! He was squeezing my hand so hard it hurt and the he forgot how to swing roll....

Then we did the cha-cha and the steps are finally penetrating my brain (sort of) I actually remembered the wide step and the cross step thingy...Anyway, the music is cool!

So, the commment from hubby was "I'll never get it" I said he just needs to practice it and I had wanted to hand-hold and do the dance but he didn't want to---I suggested we do the dance like that from now on and he gave me such a look (like-no way!)....stay tuned for the next episode of "Ice Dancing with Phil & Terry"

PS- I'm thinking he needs ice dance boot camp!! :twisted:

02-14-2006, 10:55 AM
Crashing Out:

Still two footing the loop and the flip...well, okay...I landed one clean loop but the jump itself is wimpy and no one saw it!!! :frus:
Wimping out on RFI mohawks at faster speeds again! :frus: I can do them fine on the 5 step mohawk pattern, but I can't do them from a forward stroking straight into it. (I'm hesitating...) The reason seems to be related to the direction I spin and jump. My program revolves around my using LFI mohawks to go from forward and backwards to set up for jumps.On the Podium:

All spins except for camel-sit came to the Monday night ceremonies!!!
Luckily, I have all LFI mohawks in my program and they are steady!!!
Once I'm warmed up some, the Chinese spirals are better. Still no good, but at least people know what I'm trying to do...b/c they're mimicking me (and probably this one other male skaters who does them much better than me.)

02-14-2006, 01:23 PM
On the podium
Had NZ Masters last week, got silver for stroking, gold for ice dance (partnered dutch and canasta) and our synchro team got gold.

Can now do 4 revolution 2 foot spins (both normal and back spin). Can now do FO 3 turns, FI mohawks, BI mohawks, BO mohawks.

DH and I want to learn 6 dances this year. Am currently learning the golden skaters waltz and the baby blues.

Crashing out
Learning how to do FI 3 turns, I can do the turn but I cant keep the BO edge at the end. I need to get this before next Monday night. I'm learning how to do spirals at the moment but i'm not flexible at all.

02-14-2006, 05:25 PM
On the Podium: ran through my "warmup routine" my coach gave me and it felt better today. Did 3 run-throughs of my program (not consecutively). Back pivot is ok. I only have to have my toe-pick in for part of it so I'm saved. Spins were much better, thanks to the tips given in another thread and some careful re-learning! Loop was interesting today, as ... interesting.

Crashing Out: Rink was fairly busy today, with other people (kids) working on their routines for competition-not used to "sharing my ice" with others! Couldn't hear my music very well the first run, had my headphones on the other 2 times, so it was better. Salchow was a bit sour today. Backspin never showed up.

Gold Medal: Got a lot done in 1 hour 15 mins! I was even on time to get my son before the daycare closed (for once, he wasn't the last kid there). And, dinner was done when I got home (thanks, daughter!)

Mrs Redboots
02-15-2006, 04:51 AM
On the podium
Had NZ Masters last week, got silver for stroking, gold for ice dance (partnered dutch and canasta) and our synchro team got gold. Congratulations!

On The Podium: Our backspin (the couples' version) is going to work!!!! We already have two revolutions, easily, and hope we'll have four by competition-time. We know what we need to do to make it work now, and can carry on with that. :D Not so sure about some of the rest of the choreography, mind! Oh, we can do it all right, there's nothing really, really difficult ("Simple steps, done well!" is our mantra), but right now everything is very tentative. And there are still, I think, several gaps, including the last 20 seconds which hasn't even begun to be choreographed!
Lesson a bit variable - some things went well, others didn't.

Crashing Out: We start our dance by facing each other, then doing a rock-n-roll turn so that we are back to back, still holding hands. Unfortunately, Husband didn't allow my hand to rotate in his, and twisted my fingers really hard - they are still painful now! Major owie!

Caught a glimpse of myself on a (rather misleading) segment on our skating-rink in a programme called Disappearing London last night - was horrified, as I looked like a total beginner! On the other hand, I looked far slimmer than I expected, but my head was down and my knees were straight (but then, I was wearing a hoodie, which makes me look even more round-shouldered than I already am, and I wasn't exactly doing anything much, but all the same. Coach said in my lesson that I must, must, must get more kneebend on my back cross-cuts (which is why they are a bit tap-dancy) and cross-rolls. I am to practice with a gym-ball, to keep my upper body straight.

02-15-2006, 05:13 AM
On the podium (1) - Dance coach said both DH and I had nice extension...

Crashing out (1) - ...on the (insert any beginner dance name here) intro steps only. As soon as we started the dance proper, we were so concerned about the steps/timing/space aliens coming to get us that extension and toe point went the way of the dinosaur.

On the podium (2) - I managed to do the footwork part of the synchro block I've been struggling with for some weeks now. Coach wants it really curvy and edgy, and I manage it in a series of almost straight lines. But the fact that I manage it at all is worthy of a spot on the podium as far as I'm concerned.

Crashing out (2) - literally! In a valiant but misguided attempt to get neater feet in the closed mohawk, I (inevitably) put my foot firmly on my blade. My friends at the rink came over to inform me that the roof shook as I went down, and to view the cracks I must have left on the ice sheet. With friends like that...

02-15-2006, 01:04 PM
I'm so off the podium it's not funny... :giveup:

Crashing Out:
Loops are still not there, but getting closer. I'm getting some close calls now... but my lower back on my left side is sore again.

My torture of the day:

Do forward stroking on a half lap, then perimeter forward crossovers, then (still at speed) RFI mohawk (where I chickened out again) to back crossovers to perimeter back crossovers. (Boy, life is definitely not easy for us CW skaters, aren't they?) :roll:
Stroke up to speed, then right into a LFO3 and do waltz 3's for an entirely BIG circle from the blue line to the red line near the wall and then back to the blue line, then change foot so you're stepping back to a LBO, then RFO3 waltz 3's from the blue line to the middle red line and back again, then change foot so you're stepping back to a RBO, then LFO3 waltz 3's from the blue line to the red line at the end of the rink and back again. And, of course, it HAS to be fast!!! 8O

02-15-2006, 06:39 PM
How about: Crashing out and ending up UNDER the podium?!

That was certainly me. My coach informed me today we are focusing on my AB Free technical program and my dramatic ONLY until they are "done". Sometimes I think my coach is more determined than I am to test AB Free! And, of course, she is evil! :twisted:

I digress, however. Lesson was today. Some mini-element work prior to four program run throughs. Two of the technical, which occurred first today. Two of the dramatic, after some brush-up on singleton elements in the technical.

I was SO under the podium. Probably should have stayed, there, too, rather than skate more!

Technical actually was a tad better, if you can call SCREAMING as you do your loop jump at a speed higher than that which you practice it on its own! 8O I actually did land it well in the 2nd run through. But there were numerous other problems.

The dramatic was as though I had never skated it. And I performed this decently (I think, anyway, the vids are still not in) at our Holiday Show in December! My coach just looked at me. I thought my way all the way through, each and every nuance and step, almost to where I couldn't move. It was horrid! I was trying to apply all the corrections coach gave me for singleton elements.....ah well! I don't have to perform it again until late April. I can hope.......:roll:

Oh, I did think of something good from today! I was On the Podium for several flip jumps which were "good for me", a relative term of course! As well as a decent backspin, pushed out kinda ok, and everything. There was the waltz / salchow combo I do in my AB Free technical....Coach said the sal "was huge", and actually stopped and went back to examine the ice patttern. 8O AND, I forgot that my coach said there is improvement in my "sit spin". It's still too high, but the entry has improved quite a bit lately.

02-15-2006, 06:55 PM
Crashing Fall

Still so scratchy on the stroking but it's improving, albeit slowly. Crossovers were so bad my coach refused to work on them until I get my blades sharpened. As I mentioned in the other thread not kicking through on any of my jumps. Also coach is changing my 3 turn method to give me more control so it's like I have to learn it all over again. Bah.

On the Podium (or next to it at least)

We went over the waltz 8 pattern and good golly I understand the timing so much better. I don't know if it's perfect, but its SO much better than it was. Coach says the pattern has a decent circle, but I still need to work on getting the second half of the pattern to match the first.

I like the new version of the 3 turns - they feel much more controlled, although now my weight is different so I'm not getting smooth turns.

I've been working out at home so even though I'm pretty sore I can tell I'm already a little bit stronger. I told coach about what I was doing and she threw out a couple of things to incorporate into my stretching and strengthening programs.

I'm dropping out of group lessons after this term and going to a second private lesson instead to work on jumps and spins. I'm splitting the session with a friend at the same level so it's not a totally private lesson, but its better than what is happening in group. When I asked my coach about this she was relieved, saying I'll really benefit from getting away from the group lessons but she's not allowed to make that suggestion to us. So...no more waking up at the buttcrack of dawn to get to the rink for lessons on weekends - although I still want to continue with assisting the tots classes so I'll probably be getting up anyway.

I wish I had more time to practice on the ice...6-7 hours a week just doesn't seem like enough to review test material and get in fun freestyle stuff. Need my old rink to reopen so I can skate more!

02-15-2006, 08:22 PM
On the podium with the gold (feels like it anyway):

I passed my prelim moves tonite. I am SO glad that test is over. I haven't been posting because I have been so nervous about it. There were several weaknesses which the judge pointed out, the most glaring was my rushing the back crossovers on both my power three's and my back crossover to outside edge. At least I'm consistent.

Crashing out: I was so nervous tonite, it made me unsure if I want to compete again. Long story short, I came back to skating last March after a 5 year hiatus and I thought I wanted to compete again. My legs were so shaky during my spirals! Ack! I don't know if I can do it again.

Now I can work on freestyle with my coach again! No more moves tests for a looonnnggggg while.:D

02-15-2006, 08:51 PM
On the podium: Learned the waltz 8 pattern!

Crashing Out: My waltz 8 looks like a potato. :(:halo:

02-15-2006, 09:09 PM
Tessa: Congrats!!!

Crayonskater: you will get those waltz-8's! Just give it some time. The first zillion times I was ALL over the place!

On the Podium: Spins are back on, body is getting used to being "aligned" correctly (for the most part).

Crashing out: Found out that coach didn't sign me up for this weekend, I'm relieved as I really wouldn't mind a bit more time to "tweak" my program. It will debut at Skate Annapolis....So after one lap of "skate really fast," (point your toes!!!) and warming up with waltz jumps (stop hunching over again) we re-visited waltz-loops and loops, which sucked! and Flips which were interesting but better than loops (keep that right arm in front!) and backspins which are slooooowly coming along.

Then she had me do some sitspins, and I think I finally understand where my behind is supposed to be (doesn't mean I will succeed in getting it there, though). Helpful tip for tonight: enter the sit spin as low as you can at first, then stay there! Session was crowded tonight, so I didn't get to run through my program but with all the kids-I'm ok with that!

02-15-2006, 09:52 PM
I'm all about crashing out... :frus:

Coach told me she had wrote me down for the Preliminary freestyle test which is only 2 weeks away! All the four spins required are still in the state of non-existant; my flip and toe-loop are nothing near consistent; and I could only remember the first 5 seconds of the program. I have been anticipating to get tested but no, I'm not doing it when I'm not prepared and when I can only foresee myself going out there and screw up.

Plus, with all the essays and mid-terms that I have to do and study for, I can't afford spending more time on the ice. One more things to do in March and I'll die.

02-16-2006, 04:28 AM
On the podium with the gold (feels like it anyway):

I passed my prelim moves tonite.



02-16-2006, 08:56 AM
I forgot to mention (senior moment) that coach also started me on....the camel spin!!! Boy, did it feel weird!!! Sort of like a controlled face-plant! 8O

And those darn loops!!! AAAARRRRGGGHH!

She did say that she was hoping to see a loop jump "very, very soon" yeah, so would I
darn loops!

I think today I will hit the flip and see if I have any success with it-had a smidgen last night....meaning I didn't freak out as much as I normally do!

Oh yeah, she wants me to do one lap each session of very fast stroking/crossovers! Somehow, I get the feeling that it's building up for a jump entry 8O

Mrs Redboots
02-16-2006, 09:30 AM
Congratulations, Tessa!

I'm not skating today, although I might go down to dance club later (says me, knowing full well I'll watch the men's free instead). But I have been good and done a rather good off-ice exercise, which is you go into a room with some spare wall (it has to be the bathroom here!) and stand as close to it as you can, so you feel your back against it. Now bend your knees and rise up again, keeping your back against the wall. I only did ten reps, as I don't want my knees to hurt, but it only takes 30 seconds to do, so one could do it every time one went to the loo! Might even do just that.

Coach said to do it with a gym-ball, but I think without is as good.

02-16-2006, 09:34 AM
Doing the wall squats with the ball behind your back (against the wall) and the feet at least the width of the ball away from the wall takes some of the stress off the knees and ensures your knees don't go too much in front of your toes as you bend.

And you still get a good workout.

02-16-2006, 04:15 PM
Well....on the podium but tripping as I go..: Just for laughs put on the Kilian music today & tried it--yes it was laughable, but on about my 4th attempt I started keeping up w/ the music at least until the right cross step, and after about 6 tries I got through the whole pattern, having only dropped 2 beats somewhere along the way..... :lol: I also started to see how I really need to make some freakin' fast transitions throughout; there is just no time to sit & enjoy a nice edge in this dance. The first time through I bailed out & was thinking "how in the WORLD will I ever get this???". And by that 6th time, I came out thinking, "Okay, this might be possible...."

Totally on the podium, with shiny gold medal: At practice yesterday, a mom came up to me afterwards and said, "My daughter had her first dance lesson this week. She saw you skating with your partner and thought it was so pretty, and you have such great edges, she wanted to learn how to do that." WOW 8O

Crashing all 'round: Coach and partner were sick yesterday, so not only did I get up at 4:00 am for no lesson and no partner practice, I was in a bad frame of mind since I wasn't mentally ready for a solo practice. Hard to adjust your attitude at 6:00 am when you're ticked off.... so didn't get all that much done.

02-16-2006, 04:40 PM
Cleaning up after the podium ceremony: Waltz Potato now looks like a Waltz Egg. Problems on the first LBO edge, as I keep wobbling on it as I swing through. Happy about the three-turns, though, and that I can get the two Eggs to kiss just fine. The circles are so small! I want bigger Eggs.

02-16-2006, 05:21 PM
I want bigger Eggs.

Maybe if you ask the Easter Bunny nicely?

02-16-2006, 07:15 PM
Cleaning up after the podium ceremony: Waltz Potato now looks like a Waltz Egg. Problems on the first LBO edge, as I keep wobbling on it as I swing through. Happy about the three-turns, though, and that I can get the two Eggs to kiss just fine. The circles are so small! I want bigger Eggs.
You should try aiming out straight-if you are at the center circle looking down the length aim out that way and your 3 should "hit" close to the actual line of the circle....and you should flow from that. It will take a while...your circles should be good sized so you have plenty of room.

On the Podium: I had such a great skate today, not even the homeschool group messed me up! They didn't arrive until 1/2 time. I did some very nice scratch spins and one 10 rev!!! I worked on the loop and flip, crossovers and stroking and everything was nice! It felt really good on the ice today. My spiral was extremely high! I was wondering how low I should lower my body...

Backspins-I'm not getting my left arm over...I keep "forgetting" to move it. Did manage one or two revs though.

Camels-tried to do a few...will take some time as they feel like a controlled-faceplant! Yikes! And I can't remember if I am supposed to bring my free leg up right away or not (doh!)

Loops-Did waltz-loops and then loops and a comment made to me by another skater was "you need to wrap your leg before you leave the ice"????? She did say that my arms and toes were nice.

Sitspin-Ok, guys, I actually did one that LOOKED like a sit spin! I got 3 revs and when I review the video I will be able to really see how far (or not) down I got!

Flip-This doesn't freak me out as much and I did manage a few with 2-footed landings.....gotta break that habit! (coach wants me to one-foot all my landings from now on)

Program runthrough-did it 2 times and realized I'm rushing the toe-loop/pivot which leaves me rushed for my arabesque...still have plenty of time for the ending. Need to stretch it out.

Didn't really crash out-had such a good skate!!! Then I got a "free sample" of Lipton Green Tea to drink on the way to the massage therapist!!! Life is good!

Of course, I'll probably suck in lessons tomorrow! But it's group and we cut up anyway!:halo:

02-16-2006, 07:50 PM
S@D - do you skate every day? Just curious.

About the loop - I think they mean you need to be in a "loose backspin" position before you leave the ice.. my coach explained it this way and I was actually able to leave the ice a couple of times ;)

02-16-2006, 08:12 PM
S@D - do you skate every day? Just curious.

About the loop - I think they mean you need to be in a "loose backspin" position before you leave the ice.. my coach explained it this way and I was actually able to leave the ice a couple of times ;)
I skate about 6 times a week-you'd think I'd be ready for Nationals, as much as I skate!!!

Actually, here is my schedule:
Sunday: 1 hr show practice (I don't have a routine yet so I can work on anything I want); sometimes I go to adult skate for 1 hr.
Monday: 1 hr (30 mins warmup/30 mins ice dance class)
Tuesday: 1.5 hr freestyle
Wednesday: 1.5 hr freestyle (30 min private lesson)
Thursday: 1.5 hr "freestyle" during cheap public session
Friday: 1.5 hr skating public with husband and working on stuff; 1 hr (30 mins warmup/30 mins group lesson)
Saturday: only go to rink to take son for his hockey practice!!!

I will try to remember that "loose backspin" next time I work on loops (which are driving me loopy!!!) The biggest part of the battle was getting that free foot OFF the ice....;)

02-16-2006, 10:52 PM
Maybe if you ask the Easter Bunny nicely?

Yeah, but I think my coach wants me to do the circles the size I'm doing them. Plus, Easter's not for a while and I want the waltz 8 now! so I can learn the Dutch waltz.

02-17-2006, 02:01 AM
CONGRATS TESSA!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

S@D: You skate more than I do!!! HOLY COW!!! 8O 8O 8O (But I also do off ice training too... so only 24 hours in a day 7 days a week...)

Crashing Out: Close but no cigar on flips and loops, but I am getting close.

Primary coach says the program was good and then says "Okay! Time to do a lap around the rink... Kidding! Just kidding!" I said "Good!!! B/c if you really had asked me to do that I will collapse halfway down the rink." The coach cracks up. Then I said "You know... you're used to skating 2:40! I'm used to skating 1:40 and that's all I have the energy for..." Coach laughs LOUDER!!! Then I skate over to the penalty box to rest... Coach is now LHAO!!!

Boy this coach loves torturing me, does he??? 8O :roll:

On The Podium: My program, except for the flip and loop, are pretty clean. I did have to change one of my spirals to an attitude spiral b/c it doesn't look as crappy to Jay as my attempted Chinese spirals. *sigh* But otherwise, I managed to keep up my skating with the music and did well with the rest of the program.

5 step mohawk seems to be better. My alternating back crossovers could be better.

02-17-2006, 08:17 AM
Well, after two weeks of skating on a high point, I came back to reality last night, sturggling with spins, fighting through jumps that I've been doing easily for years, and generally working way too hard on old stuff to have energy to expend on the new. :cry:

The last straw was a change in a footwork sequence I've been working on remembering for three f'ing years. We moved the diagonal in order to fit in a curve into a salchow. Nothing major, except that every time I tried to remember which foot I had to reach back with to get curving the correct direction, I promptly forgot what I was doing and what came next. I have a horrible time remembering set sequences to begin with but this is stuff I've been doing for years. I finally got off the session three minutes early, just because I hate feeling stupid.

I have littl hope of being on the podium on a good day, but the best thing is that I finally have cut versions of new music. I think the program will be fun once it's together but last night I was just too blocked to do much beyond listen and stroke.

I'm just hoping I got that mess out of my system.

02-17-2006, 11:08 AM
Blue, I have problems remembering which leg to take off on for which 3 turn for which jump! I get 'em all mixed up! I keep joking that I am going to write the "patterns" on my tights.....if I get another of Flo's scarves I'd be set (and no one would know I was cheating)!!!

02-17-2006, 11:25 AM
Fogged in: So when I first learned to spin about two months ago, I could center a basic forward upright spin almost immediately. Today I nearly rocked forward over the toepick about 60 times. Ick.

Mrs Redboots
02-17-2006, 12:43 PM
Phoenix - :lol: at your Killian attempts - there was a skater at our rink this morning who was having a very similar experience with the Paso Doble!

Crashing Out: Husband was not having a good day. Don't know why, just nothing was working for him. He doesn't often get days like that. So I totally refused to allow him to attempt to lift me!

After he'd gone, I was getting very very frustrated with those wretched back cross-cuts. But then I did a lap of back cross-rolls and I've never done them so well - and then I did the cross-cuts again and they worked! What I did differently, I've no idea, but maybe if I make sure to do the cross-rolls first?

On the Podium: Apart from the lift, we actually ran through our dance so far to the music. It still has to be "placed" on the ice, and we still have some choreography to do, but it's coming. I want to spend time working on it off-ice this weekend, so that the DH gets the steps and music co-ordinated.

I think I've finished choreographing my Interp, too, although that may change... I can't get the start right, but the end is great. I think - the coach mightn't agree.

02-17-2006, 01:28 PM
On the Podium -

Had a few good camel spins and a few centered scratch spins today. Did a couple of decent flips and was able to get a little more extension through on the waltz jump but I still want to get it better. I also still feel like I'm jumping in the circle but ...I'm jumping so its a start. I did one loop, landed it, and didn't look back.

I spent some time working on the waltz 8 and on 3 turns with a toe to heel approach instead of the extended approach and I think that my 3 turns are a little less swingy. It's taking some adjustment to the new free leg position but I'm getting better at it.

Crashing Out -

When I got to the rink the lady at the front desk said "there are like 100 kids inside, are you sure you want to skate?" I hesitated and she told me to peek my head in so I could assess the damage - I decided to stay and went to pay and she told me not to worry about it, so that was nice.

The ice was terrible though. I had intended on working on JUST forward stroking and crossovers today and maybe a couple of waltz jumps but there was no way to get a good feel for the ice in that condition.

On the salchow, I'm just not understanding how long to hold the checked position. The timing is all off. I'm really trying to not be so swingy and out of control (I believe someone said my salchow is just a one foot spin into a hop? lol) but even if I do a 3 turn and then check the position for a count of 3 I'm not getting a good salchow-y feeling. I'm jumping, but it doesn't feel light and airy like my other jumps. They're also losing speed the longer I hold the check (I've been working on it from the line) and the jump doesn't travel across the ice. Sigh.

I can't center a sit spin anymore to save my life. I figured since I had a couple of one foot spins centered that I could move on to sits and newp...not at all. I used to have a gorgeous sit spin - went all the way down, seriously - but when I stopped for a couple of months I lost my leg strength, so now I'm gradually working on getting it back by doing squats and such. I need to do more shoot the ducks too...but regardless of the strength I just can not center anymore. :frus:

I didn't get a chance to work on much else today because of all the kids zooming around - I tried to touch on a little of everything but I couldn't complete a pattern to save my life. I had fun though - sometimes its good to just get out there and skate and not worry about sticking to a schedule. I have a long practice tomorrow, but again its on a public session so it'll be crowded after my group lesson.

02-17-2006, 02:09 PM
On the Podium (at 6am):roll:

Last lesson with old coach and as they say all's well that end's well!!
Nice jumps and pretty sit spins!! (Finally) HOpe I do well in my competition next month!!

Crashing out
Scratch spin was annoying!:frus:
other than that nothing to report!


P.S Start with new coach on Monday!!:D :lol:

02-17-2006, 08:58 PM
I showed up early (as usual) for public skate and there were tons of kids (no school). Luckily, some left early and some left for a birthday party.

On the Podium: Although it was "test night" tonight, we didn't really test (it's an informal check the stuff off in the book sort of thing). We warmed up with edges and they were right on. Then, coach tried to teach me counters. I'm confused with brackets though. Ergh! That's what I get for not practicing them. Now I have to get un-confused..... Then we stayed after lessons and worked on some more stuff (jumps, spins, etc.) on the lesson end of the ice where it wasn't crowded or chopped up!!!

Crashing Out: Literally!! I feel soooo bad and I should know better! I almost knocked over a little girl that was in a lesson. It was one of those things but I swear I didn't see her! I was going backwards looking over my right shoulder and she was going against traffic skating towards me...wearing white! She blended right into the ice! Yikes. Luckily, our skates just touched and nothing awful happened. I felt really, really bad :cry: (ok, even though I joke about knocking 'em over I don't really do it).

I realized on the way back home that i left my Ice Princess music cd at the rink....hope it's there tomorrow when I take the boy for hockey!

02-17-2006, 09:45 PM
On the Podium: AW went pretty well today. I actually could feel when things weren't neat the way they should be (bent free leg, not enough knee bend). And again today I straightened out the BO-BO transitions after the right 3-turn instead of cutting the 2nd one diagonal, which made going into the 1st corner of the dance MUCH MUCH easier.

Coach #2, who was providing 3rd party feedback while I skated with my primary coach, gave me some good advice to tune out the extraneous beats of the music, and only focus on the 1 and 4 beats. Which made it really easy to get through 2 patterns of the dance relatively cleanly.

So, if I can keep focus this week and keep things tidy, the dance should be an improvement over last test session.

also getting to watch some Ravensburger Waltzes on TV...

Crashing Out: Literally... At the end of 1 pattern (either the next to last or last), I caught my foot in a rut or something, but upper body was already set up to turn. Body and foot went different directions (coach had still done his step there)... so I sort of let go and fell. At the time, didn't feel anything but real relief that the ankle was okay.... and if it was the next to last pattern, we skated another pattern before the end of the lesson. Now (5 hours later), the ankle is slightly swollen and occasionally throbbing a bit, so I'm going to get my trusty ice pack out of the freezer and put some ibuprofen gel on the ankle, in a bit.

Debbie S
02-17-2006, 10:40 PM
Now (5 hours later), the ankle is slightly swollen and occasionally throbbing a bit, so I'm going to get my trusty ice pack out of the freezer and put some ibuprofen gel on the ankle, in a bit.Ouch! I hope your ankle feels better tomorrow!

Podium: My coach thinks that the blades on my new skates are aligned OK - in my lesson last night, she had me do some outside edges and said they were fine, as were my RFO 3's. Back spins were good too, which is one reason I thought there was something wrong with the blades - lol.

Crashing: The rink's compressor was broken (I'm hoping it gets fixed by Monday) so the ice was wet and kind of mushy. I don't know whether it was the ice conditions or the new skates, but my moves were really off. In fact, since I got the new skates, I feel like my moves have regressed. I know it's temporary (at least, I hope!) but it's frustrating to think that I spent so much time on improving them and now I'm sort of starting over again.

02-18-2006, 01:48 PM
On the Podium (this will be a long one)

I had a good day today. I had two group lessons (one a make up) and a 2 hour practice in between, so I'm beat. Anywho, today I really tried to pay attention to little details and I think it helped. In group lessons I really focused on getting good pushes and extension on the crossovers, especially forwards. Backwards weren't bad but I'm not ready to tackle really fixing them until I get my forwards a little better. In group lesson #2 one of the coaches commented that my forward crossovers have "good form". Whoa...major compliment! My primary coach commented that I still need to really get more knee bend so I can take bigger pushes, but getting "good form" is a nice place to start I think. I spent a considerable amount of time working on the waltz-8 and three turn patterns during practice. Now that I'm doing the toe to heel method for 3 turns I feel SO much more controlled during the turn - I've also been working on checking the upper body and that's helped so much. My 3 turn pattern is actually starting to come together a bit. Waltz 8 still needs a lot of work, particularly the back half of the circle but...it's at least got some sort of rhythm now.

In the first class, adult group, we worked on back 3s and I had a nice check on the right side, but not on the left so that's what I need to work on. We then moved onto waltz jumps and mine are getting a tad better. I asked my coach if I was at least not jumping into the circle anymore and she said yes. There were a couple of jumps that I got better extension on, but I tend to hold back on those jumps and they aren't as high. It'll come I suppose. We worked on outside edge spirals and I was told other than turning out my free foot even more and making sure to lock my knee right away that they were good - good line, good leg height, secure. At least I got something right hehe.

The second class was a jump and spin class - I was the oldest in the class by at least 10 years and jumps during practice weren't so hot - I attempted several waltz jumps and salchows and loops and they were....interesting. The loop I ended up on my butt no less than 10 times, not completing a single loop during practice. The heck? I've never taken a jump and spin class before and there were two Russian coaches there so I just kind of followed the kids around. We warmed up with crossovers (when I was told that I had "good form') and we then worked on waltz jumps. And I did THE best waltz jump I've done in...well...I can't remember ever doing one that well - the leg came all the way through and I got good lift - the one russian coach was like VERY good. I was sad my primary didn't get to see it but...I had witnesses and I know if I did it once it can happen again.

Then came the torture. We worked on salchows and I wasn't getting the timing. One of the coaches said I was holding my 3 turn check too long and then bringing my leg through instead of around. Well now I'm all confused because I've had a bunch of people on here tell me to hold my 3 turn check longer and then bring the leg through, but I've had coaches tell me to not hold the three as long and draw the leg around. The second method is SO much cleaner...what do I do?

Oh - but the real torture - after we went through some salchows the coaches made us do them one by one. I'm like, have you lost your mind - went and did a nice salchow (following the second method) that the coaches nodded their heads in approval over. I asked if my check was okay and they both said yes. So...I need to get my facts straight here.

We followed the same pattern for loops and flips - general practice with corrections on technique and then the "one by one". I performed well under pressure but I was so afraid of eating it in front of all the kids that I think I held back a little. We moved onto spins and they "fixed" my scratch spin - I'm centering now, but it's still sloppy. Apparently I was trying to hold my leg too far out to the side instead of sort of in front of me - when I made the slight adjustment bam - centered spins. I called my private coach over from her group after the session was over and showed her that yes, I can center a spin lol. Gotta remember that for next lesson.

Not to toot my own horn, but out of all of the kids in the class I definitely had the best "control" and maybe not speed, but flow (a result of the control I'm guessing). So, I didn't make a complete fool of myself.

Crashing outAside from the 10 or so falls during practice on loops and...t-stops? (I was really trying to use my "other" foot so I can get comfy stopping both ways) - Could not do a loop-loop to save my life during the jump and spin class. I had a pretty great practice day though, so this is all I'm going to complain about.

Debbie S
02-18-2006, 06:37 PM
We worked on salchows and I wasn't getting the timing. One of the coaches said I was holding my 3 turn check too long and then bringing my leg through instead of around. Well now I'm all confused because I've had a bunch of people on here tell me to hold my 3 turn check longer and then bring the leg through, but I've had coaches tell me to not hold the three as long and draw the leg around. The second method is SO much cleaner...what do I do?Well, I guess the way to do it is the way that works best for you. It's kind of a delicate balancing act - I have found that when I'm told I'm not holding the 3-turn long enough, I try to fix that and then I end up waiting too long. :frus: The important thing with the salchow is to make sure your upper body and lower body work together, so you don't want to whip or spin your leg around and have your arms and hips be somewhere else. My coach tells me to think of a string attached to my head and pulling me around as I stay in the same position - designed to keep me from spinning my leg around too soon before I get steady on the BI edge. You might want to ask your coaches about the rhythm they want you to use and try to count in your head from 3-turn to jump, so that you will hold each step the right amount of time.

02-18-2006, 09:58 PM
On the Podium

My skating is improving really quickly now, everyone is telling me this.
I am starting to get my spin back, making inroads into backspins too. Toe-loops and waltz jumps are fairly reliable again now and working hard on checking after turns to prepare for salchows and flips.

I actually go the hand of back outside 3 turns today, which is great. Back 3s weren't taught to me when I skated 20 years ago, so it was nice to get a new skill under my belt, shows I'm not too old to learn new things.

The thing that puts me on the top step of the podium this weekend is that I am enjoying skating so much. I am really happy, I just want to jump and twirl around the house.

Crashing out

I get a bit carried away in the last 15 minutes of a session. Today I went into a waltz jump faster than usual. Don't know what I did, but as I went into the entry edge I pulled a muscle in my left buttock. Can't figure that one out. Last thing I need now is an injury holding me back, not now I'm feeling so good about skating.

02-18-2006, 10:03 PM
Crashing out--
Test session coming up soon and on Thursday, everyone was at the rink early so they could go home early, so it's been quite crowded at freestyle sessions lately! :twisted:

On the podium--
Started working on the lutz this week. I've been assigned homework before my next lesson--just practice the setup and entry--getting the upper body/arms into the correct position and reaching back while holding the BO edge (when doing the 1/2 lutz, I would jump as soon as I got onto the BO edge instead of really reaching back and getting a solid edge). I'm not able to rotate or land it one-footed yet, but the work on the position and entrance has been helping my flip--I'm much more confident with the picking foot and am getting better height and distance as a result! Now if only I could control the landings....

Mrs Redboots
02-19-2006, 06:24 AM
Podium: How about a LFI counter? I was rather surprised, myself.

Husband on better form than on Friday, which wouldn't have been difficult. He ran through the first part of his programme to the music - he has about 20 seconds left to choreograph. Still s***e, but you'd expect that at this stage!

I, meanwhile, ran through my Interp, which is also s***e, but it is coming. Realised there are several unchoreographed seconds, which put me off and I couldn't do my 3-jump, but my back-spiral-into-cheated-toe-loop works well. Couldn't quite do the change-foot spin I'm hoping for at the end, but still.

Then Husband and I worked on our free dance. Recast the step sequence to make it slightly easier, with the end result that I can put a rocker in there! Yaay! "Will I recognise it as a rocker?" asked the coach, so rude.

Husband said "You're getting easier to lift!" which I think I take as a compliment. We have to do our lift moving this year, much harder than last year's almost-stationary-right-at-the-end version. Scary!

Crashing Out: Very nearly literally! Husband went flat on his back at one stage and I thought he'd hit his head, but luckily not. He very nearly did it again when he lifted me, but we saved ourselves in time.

Ricked my back slightly trying to do a 3-turn from an impossible position, but it's no sorer than it was earlier today, so I'm not fussed.

Must, must, must work on the dance off-ice.

02-19-2006, 11:52 AM
Had ice show rehearsal this am and once again-nothing done yet for my part....which leaves me free to putz around! And it was warm! They had a hockey scrimmage, so the heaters were turned on!

On the Podium: Did some very centered spins!!! Also worked on the toe-loop and flip, which didn't look "too bad" according to my friend. We had a discussion about the waltz and leading with the knee or leg. He takes lessons from Oleg at The Pond who teaches it with the knee leading. My coach #1 wants me to straighten it, while coach #2 doesn't care because, "You won't be doing that jump much by itself much longer." 8O

Crashing Out: Ok, so one flip flopped and I crashed down onto my left side (the same side I always fall on; I think I have a permanent bruise on my left hip) to be witnessed by coach #1....I hear "Oh, Terry, are you ok??" and while I caught my breath, I could only flash a thumbs-up. So, of course, I had to flip a few more times (no more falls). Tried working on the camel, and it is weird to pitch forward and stick your leg out and not think you will fall! I'm rising up too soon, as I don't make it all the way around. So, I worked on the sit, and that's not happening yet either.

02-19-2006, 01:00 PM
hi all. i've been lurking for a while here but just joined.

crashing out: that's kind of what my skating has been for a few months. i started feeling pain in my adductor (big inner thigh muscle) in august and through a long saga of advil and time off and physical therapy am now finally back to doing a few single jumps and stuff. and lots of moves. intermediate brackets especially.

on the podium: i had a lesson with my main coach yesterday, which i haven't had very many of the last few weeks since i was off for two months and now we can't find a regular time to fit me back in her schedule. we did some work on my attitude/layback approximation which actually improved, at least briefly. also, not in lesson i tried a couple forward camel spins (my other nemesis one) for the first time since september and did not kill myself.