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View Full Version : Camel Spins on Ultima Legacy Blades?

01-26-2006, 11:47 PM
I'm having trouble not catching the camel spin hook but getting off of my toe pick to get three revs. I get one rev while staying on my toe pick and die a quick death and end the spin with three revs in an upward position. What can I do to get off of my toe pick so that I can at least get three revs and then get down to a sit position? I'm curious to know how one changes from a forward camel to a sit position. I can go from a camel to an upright but haven't gone from a camel to a sit.


PS: I had a three rev forward camel last May/June (2005) when I was skating with Pattern 99's.

I just got my scratch and sit spin back after 2 and half weeks back on the ice.