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View Full Version : Private messages...

08-23-2002, 04:27 PM
Hi, im a bit confused, I keep getting a message that I have a 'new private message in my inbox', and its happened twice now, but every time I go to my inbox there are no messages there. Its very confusing, and I wonder if theres someone messaging me, and me not replying and I woudnt want to come across as being rude, or blanking this 'person' either.

Is this happening to anyone else on @c?

08-23-2002, 04:37 PM
Hi, sorry its all sorted out. It seems I didnt have the right option in the 'show messages from' drop down menu..(if that makes sense..):x

(Sorry nutty-ducky I didnt respond, I couldnt see your messages!) :?

08-24-2002, 11:51 AM
hi figurebabe!
don't worry! i forgive you, when this website was changed i didn't understand it at all and i had trouble finding my private messages!