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01-09-2006, 10:11 AM
In honor of a wonderful pairs skating weekend.

Lift: Had a great weekend skating pairs with Rob. He's a very talented pairs partner and lots of fun!

Laugh: the only thing you can do when you splat two by two!

01-09-2006, 10:18 AM
Tonight we have our first (together) ice dance lesson!! So you'll have to wait until tomorrow to hear how it went. But we (hubby and I) have been working on some things on our own.

And, he is contemplating the purchase of new boots and blades-leaning more towards dance boots & blades. He doesn't really see himself doing much jumping and only some spinning. He saw some of the prices and didn't flinch too much :o The real thing will be getting a good fitter (not around here!) and mounting (really not around here!!!)

Kevin Callahan
01-09-2006, 10:27 AM
lift: breaking in new skates

laugh: breaking in new skates.


01-09-2006, 07:42 PM
Lift: Ice Dance Class! Sort of makes up for the lack of Adult Skate (which now is filled with empty ice). Anywho-I had forgotten all the stuff previously learned, like scary progressives. And trying to do this stuff on freshly sharpened skates! The nice thing-we only have to share the ice with synchro!

Laugh: See above! And hubby and I trying to do swing rolls in Kilian.....him trying to keep up with me (yeah, i can go fast) and get on the right edges (talking about both of us).

01-09-2006, 08:23 PM

Perimeter back crossovers are still being worked on... we're getting there...
Power 3's are having trouble on the first try. It's better on the second try but for some reason I have trouble on turning my waist, making it harder for me to push into the FO edge.

5 step mohawks are getting better.
Perimeter forward crossovers are fine. Not much work to do on it.
Back crossovers to BO edge. Great, but for some reason the back crossovers on this move "is different" from the one I do for the perimeter back crossovers. Primary coach is like :frus: about it.
Forward spins, back spins and sit spins are good.
And the best for last.... OMG!!! I not only got a camel spin today, but a camel-sit too!!! It's 2 rev camel and 2 rev sit and kinda slow, but definitely a camel-sit. OMG!!! 8O :mrgreen: 8O :mrgreen: 8O (I pray I can keep this one. I might need it for Sectionals.)

Debbie S
01-09-2006, 08:45 PM
Congrats on the camel-sit, Jazzpants!

Lift: Worked on moves today in lesson and had another lesson on choreo for the program. I like the steps and transitions so far, and I was able to do a couple of backspins and loops "on demand" w/o practicing ahead of time - woohoo! As far as moves go, my coach says I've made the necessary improvements on the power 3's and they would probably pass. She also said I'm doing a better job extending underneath on the crossovers in the back perimeter stroking.

Laugh: My luck with loops and backspins ran out after 2 or 3 times - hmmm, maybe that's a clue as to how many times I should warm them up at competitions. I had my coach look at my 8-step for NYI and I've picked up some bad habits with my free leg, so we worked on that a bit - hopefully, it's fixed now and I won't look too silly at the comp. And I need to work more on extending my pushing foot on the first push in back crossovers, particularly on the back perimeter stroking.

Big Lift: I'm off to St. Louis tomorrow for U.S. Nats! Despite the absence of Michelle Kwan, I'm still looking forward to it. I just hope I don't end up with a Big Laugh next Monday after not skating for a week (with 3 weeks to prepare for NYI - eeek!).

Mrs Redboots
01-10-2006, 09:05 AM
Lift: Actually, we didn't try any today, ran out of time. Did, however, work on our various drills, and our Swing Dance and Fiesta Tango in our lesson. Plus in early practice worked on our step sequence - I don't know if that is what we'll end up doing, but if we're asked for a straight line step sequence, we probably will.

Think we had a mini-breakthrough in the Swing Dance - got Husband to think of stepping to the side on his step-to-forward, as I do, and it put me in a much better place to do my Mohawk. Which was still a bit too rushed, but....

We also did variable-speed forward cross-rolls in Kilian hold, which was - er - interesting. I hate not being able to use my hips in cross-rolls.

Laugh: Coach most rude about my pushing, or lack thereof, the first time we did the Swing Dance. Better the second time. Fiesta pretty dire, but could have been a lot worse. Husband now saying he wants a different start and that it's me who likes our current start, which is so not true - it was all his idea! Ah well....

Back cross-cuts still awful - I can either do a length or so with little flow, or I can do about half a length with great flow. Cross-rolls could have been better, too. Back inside edges improving, but not how I want them yet. BI3s still sadly lacking, but at least they're turning now. No flow, though - nor on BO 3s either, alas. One day I'll find the right place to be on my blades, but that hasn't happened yet.

01-10-2006, 12:53 PM
Well, it's considered to be a "Laugh" but I'm in no laughing mood...

Went back to the rink on Monday night. Probably shouldn't have... I have a slight pull on the left groin muscles. :cry: I did this trying to do a loop and ended up pulling it as I fell. Nothing too serious, I was able to still skate, jump, spin, etc. after that fall, but I better be careful the rest of this week to do moves instead of spins and jumps. Good thing I only got the one lesson with secondary coach and I'll just rest the rest of this week and recover from this.

I guess this makes me Michelle Kwan, huh? :P (I'll try finding some stretching exercises for the groin muscles.)

Mrs Redboots
01-11-2006, 06:48 AM
Bad luck, Jazzpants; I hope you heal fast. Husband still moaning about what he has now learnt is his Achilles tendon, but I think it's at the stage where he is basically being very male about it, if you know what I mean!

Not many lifts this morning. We did have a good workout together, actually, now I come to think of it - we did our usual drills and then, just for fun, did a lap of inside chassés in waltz hold which was - different! Two of our up-and-coming skaters were working when we came in, and we noticed both how much they'd improved in recent weeks, especially the boy, and how good his posture was, so we really focussed on our own posture for at least part of the drills! It probably lapsed again by the end of them, I must confess.

Then we walked through the Swing Dance, really focussing on power and flow, which meant my Mohawk was most odd at the end, but tough.... And finally through the Fiesta, using the start Husband said was the one he "always" did (rubbish!), which I don't like because you start on your right foot, and that always puts me off. But got round - we were focussing on being more tango-ish on the easy section, and getting better curves. Not sure whether we did or not, though.

Then Husband had to go, and then we had a visit from The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/) interviewing our elite skaters - will be in tomorrow, I believe.

Lesson, however, was not a bundle of laughs. Having trouble with my cross-cuts again - I think I need to take my Dyna-band in and work them using that (goes and puts Dyna-band in skate bag before I forget). I can't get them as flowy and edgy as I want them without lurching forwards and grinding to a halt. Back cross-rolls much better, but not quite there yet. Forward variable-speed cross-rolls gorgeous.... my current favourite exercise! Other exercises okay-ish to a greater or lesser extent. Mohawk improving.

But I am feeling really frustrated today because I so can't make my body do what I want it to - I can't sit over a back outside edge, for instance, and then have my weight right back on the blade to do a BO 3 without lurching forward on the turn. I'd so love to be able to do the sort of turns where it just looks as though your foot's turning under you and the rest of you isn't moving....

Actually, I started being frustrated right at the start of the session, when we were warming up - we always start by skating round as fast as we can in open Kilian hold, focussing on decent edges, knee-bend and extension, so we build up a fair old head of steam. Then we wanted to go straight into our drills, and I commented that I would not be able to do a 3-turn into waltz hold at that speed, which I really ought to be able to. Gratifyingly, the Husband said he wouldn't be able to either (which surprised me), but I do feel we ought to - our speed over the ice is horrendously slow most of the time...

Sigh.... frustration.... :frus::frus::frus:

01-11-2006, 07:59 AM
This is for my practice yesterday, which I almost didn't go to but changed my mind at the last minute. Glad I did, as NO ONE was at the rink! Just before an exhibition??? Mad! I thought it would be full of kids practicing!

Lift: New boots are in, but no one was in the pro shop so I wasn't able to go try them on. (sigh). Ran through elements of my program and it was relatively good, and my jumps were fair (esp. toe-loop).

Laughs: spinning on sharp blades!! What a hoot! Hopefully, they will be ground down enough for the exhibition on Sunday. I'm freaking out over which dress to wear.....basic black with mesh sleeves (turtleneck) or sparkly blue with straps....:giveup: (and no sleeves). Maybe I'll wear the blue one for lessons tonight and test it.

01-11-2006, 04:08 PM
Bad luck, Jazzpants; I hope you heal fast. Husband still moaning about what he has now learnt is his Achilles tendon, but I think it's at the stage where he is basically being very male about it, if you know what I mean!I think I lucked out that it's very mild. Pain/tightness is pretty much almost gone, thanks to a lot of stretching and just plain keeping the muscles warm!!! I did the elliptical trainer last night and aside from the first couple of minutes of tightness, it was like there was no sprain. I'll still impose the "no jumps" rule 'til the weekend though, b/c the area still feels a bit weak and tender...

I'm finally back with the secondary coach...

... and she didn't like what the Moves Guru taught me!!! Or rather what I *tried* to demonstrate what he taught me. (Turns out it was me! I didn't quite do what I intended to do.) Fixed a few things and the perimeter forward crossovers are... a bit better!!! We also worked on EXTENSION of the free leg, which right now... isn't happening consistently... :frus:

Will work on perimeter back crossovers next lesson, which she said "it wasn't too bad... but I can make it better!!!" ;) (GULP!!! 8O )

01-11-2006, 04:30 PM
Jazzpants, congratulations on your camel-sit! :D
Sorry to hear about your groin pull. If it's the left leg, you should probably lay off reverse spins, but I would imagine waltz jumps and toeloops wouldn't bother it if you want to do a little jumping.

01-11-2006, 06:38 PM
Lift--had a really good skate on Saturday--worked hard on moves--and was having a good spin day. Rob--it was fun to see you as you passed through town!

Laugh--well, I definitely wasn't laughing or skating on Sunday. I was in the car on the way to the rink when food poisoning struck. I retreated home to my bed. Luckily I wasn't on the freeway when I started feeling ill!!!!

01-11-2006, 06:48 PM
Laugh--well, I definitely wasn't laughing or skating on Sunday. I was in the car on the way to the rink when food poisoning struck. I retreated home to my bed. Luckily I wasn't on the freeway when I started feeling ill!!!!DOH!!! Get well soon!!! LOTS of brothy soups and bedrest for you!!! :(

01-11-2006, 07:38 PM
Mika, hope you 're better! I don't think it was dinner as we had the same thig.
Lift worked on a cammel jump back cammel,lutz loop and flip loop. Did a couple cammel jump cammel back sit. fun!

01-11-2006, 10:26 PM
Thanks for the well wishes, jazzpants & flo! I'm feeling much better now but still not completely 100%. For the rest of my life I think I'll keep a few spare plastic bags in my glove compartment! :lol: (I don't know what it was I ate. Maybe my lobster from the lobster mac'n'cheese was from a different lobster than yours, flo.)

I had some weird dreams Sunday night as a result. I dreamt I was at the rink, in my skates, ready to go on the ice for a competition or a test. The area around the ice (outside of the boards) was an elevated platform with gymnastics mats on it. To get to the ice to skate, I had to jump up onto the mats (and I wasn't wearing my guards). When I did it, someone commented on how I "stuck the landing." How bizarre. The last time I did gymnastics was in PE in elementary school.

ETA: oh, and congrats on the camel-sit, jazzpants! I'm still trying to improve my solo camel spin before I can think of adding a change of position to it. (oh yeah, and good luck to Rohene Ward tomorrow! I hope he does well enough in the short program that we get to see him on the regular TV broadcast!!!!!!)

01-12-2006, 12:46 AM
Lift: Started to work on choreo again
Laugh: Everything is underrotated

01-12-2006, 07:47 AM
Lift: Pretty good sessions so far this week! Usually, I'm pretty tight on these early morning (5:50am!! :cry: ) sessions. However, these last couple of days have been pretty good. I've been trying to slow myself down and calmly think about what I want to accomplish as I get out on the ice. I try to remind myself to take long, fluid strokes and let the edges run. As I practice elements I try to really visualize the key points that I need to remember as I go into them. It wasn't like I wasn't thinking at all before but before this week I think I would think of an element and then just barrel into it. Now I'm taking my time more and trying to keep my mind 100% active as I'm doing everything and it feels like it's making a world of difference. I've said it on another thread but I think I have doubletoe to thank for her "cue-word" suggestion. :D All in all the elements are okay. Each of my program run-throughs has been clean or pretty close to it. I'm also starting to feel a little more confident with the choreography. The spins were better today than Tuesday. The sit with the sideways variation came together nicely today as did the flying camel. Hopefully that wasn't temporary.

Laugh: Well I guess the first part of this can be considered nervous laughter. :?? As I was warming up this morning, I did a few axels and they were okay. I then came around and did an axel/loop. It felt fine at first but then as I was riding the landing edge of the loop I felt a dull pain right in my hip-socket on my landing leg. I think I might have landed the axel a little stiff-legged and then muscled into the loop and I'm not sure if I jammed my hip a little. It smarted for a bit and it still feels funny now. Hopefully that'll go away by tomorrow morning. :oops: Regarding the elements, the lutz combination has been feeling clunky lately. I'm using a new quick mohawk entrance rather than the usual back outside edge down the ice and I think I might be rushing the pick on the lutz and that's making that and every jump in that combination stick to the ice like a wad of chewing gum. :frus: The axel/half-loop/salchow/loop combination in the beginning can be a little wild too. That needs some taming. I still need to work on the little finishing touches with the arms and the facial expressions. My moves coach/choreographer wants me to be flirty with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek during this program and right now I'm making the program too serious. Hopefully, that'll start to take shape as well. I also need to tighten up my final combination spin. At this point, I think I'm starting to run out of gas by the end of the program so that spin is a little loose right now.

Take care all,


01-12-2006, 09:21 AM
We also worked on EXTENSION of the free leg, which right now... isn't happening consistently...
My extension is different between the left and right leg....maybe it's my hip thing-I don't know. It's frustrating!

Mika: Hope you feel better sooooon!! I travel with a carsick daughter so I have to keep bags handy. I feel like a stewardess sometimes "In the event of airsickness..."

Yesterday was club ice, which was fairly crowded with the little kids who don't pay attention to your program music, stand together chit-chatting, etc....and one snottly little girl I would have like to have run over:twisted:

My coach tested me ISI Freestyle 1 and, barring the part of my routine where I "forgot" and left out the back edges (that was embarrassing-when I re-skated that part, little girls kept skating into my area and I had to dodge them, even though it was my music...) I did manage to pass.

I then skated my music for the exhibition on Sunday the regular way (without the ISI stuff) and the snot was again skating all over, not looking where she was going (this had been going on all evening with her) and I was landing my waltz jump I saw her skating backwards towards me I yelled EXCUSE ME!!! to her and scared the crap out of her!! YEAH!!! I told her as I skated by it was my program music and to skate away. Then I almost took out three girls but they moved in time-THAT was funny (these girls are my friends and I think they were "playing"). All-in-all, my program was very good, considering I didn't get to spiral (too many people)...and I have an ending pose.

My new boots are in and they fit nice-ordered new blades, which (darn my luck) are only 1/4" smaller than my existing ones. So, I will be selling my old boots/blades as soon as these are broken in....stay tuned.

Heading to the rink today, taking a chance with the out-of-school kids (inservice day today and Friday, no school on Monday).

01-12-2006, 01:19 PM
Lift: Rink was practically EMPTY! Not even the regulars (except one) were there! Only two other people were there so that made a total of 5!!! And, we now have occasional control of the CD box again.

Adult skate is back again!! Supposedly, they are contracted to have it for the season (Sept-April) so he can't just eliminate it. I mentioned the problem with letting persons of all ages onto the ice, so he will mention it to his staff if I will spread the word to the other adult skaters-I will! YAY!:)

Laugh: backspins!! still feel weird and progress is very slow. But, I have 1/2 revolution on bad days (assuming I don't fall out of them) and 1 full rev on good days (whoopie!). Ran through my program at the end of the session (bad idea) and it was scritch-scratch (hey, I was tired!). No sit spins today either.

Comment of the day: "Wanna know why they are letting us skate in the exhibition? We make everyone else look really good!":cry: Not said by my daugher, that's for sure, but by the other adult skater on the session (an older fart)...:evil:but it still hurt my feelings. Must seek revenge!!!

01-12-2006, 01:32 PM
Lift I was called by the local news for an interview for tonight's ladies short with Kimmie (know her and her parents). I met the tv folks at the rink and ....film at 5:30 and 6. Channel 11.

01-12-2006, 02:47 PM
Another reason for having a spare plastic bag in the car. LOL!!! :twisted: :lol: (I keep a plastic for throwing out garbage in the car at times...)

My extension is different between the left and right leg....maybe it's my hip thing-I don't know. It's frustrating! And unfortunately, the only way to get around it is to just practice the weaker leg more until it becomes the same. (Or in my case, practice it 'til my calves are sore when I get off the ice... :twisted: :roll: )

flo: So lucky you!!! :mrgreen:

Mrs Redboots
01-12-2006, 03:38 PM
Lift: Finally made it to dance club tonight, first time for ages. Ice was pretty good, too, better than it usually is. Had fun.

Laugh: Too few men, and husband went off and danced the Blues solo, so I didn't get a chance to have a go. Nor did we have time for a Fiesta Tango.

My foxtrot is awful. So is my 14-step!

01-13-2006, 08:21 AM
Well, despite my original and wonderful coach being gone and my new coach away for 3 weeks, I dragged myself to the rink to practice and go to group jumps class

laugh: Loop jump was horrible - refused to show up for most of the session and definitly vanished when being watched - why does it have to be so shy????

Lift: at the end of the session I practiced Flip jumps - only recently started working seriously on these and was therefore thrilled that after a few shaky tries I then managed to land 6 in a row on one foot and properly rotated 8O :P :D . I did them along the red line so I could check I'd rotated fully for the landing and I had!!! So Friday 13th has been lucky for my flip - I wonder if it will stay now, or be as temperamental as my loop. :??

That reminds me - NickiT - I owe you for the class tickets!!!!! :oops: I'll see you Saturday!

01-13-2006, 10:02 AM
That reminds me - NickiT - I owe you for the class tickets!!!!! :oops: I'll see you Saturday!

Hmmm...I noticed you disappeared without paying! I'll get ya tomorrow :P !!

I did some really nice camel spins today. I even managed a good one in our class in front of my coach! All my jumps were spot on today.

That was what my coach was trying not to do when I ran through all six Bronze field moves exercises. I've not done them since late spring last year, what with preparing for the Opens in June, six weeks of school holidays and then falling and breaking my wrist. So today I did them for the first time in a long while and they felt like torture! First side - double outside threes were scrapey but I managed a whole side without a foot down. Second side - double inside threes felt better, as did double back outside threes. I managed some good double back insides on my right foot but struggled on my left, and the serpentine step sequence completely went to pot. Choctaws were there and I managed a few brackets.

I spent much of the session forcing myself to work on them and of course they did start to feel more comfortable, but I guess I really must do them each and every time I skate to really get them going well.


Mrs Redboots
01-13-2006, 11:22 AM
Lift: Following a suggestion from Jenlyon60 (Thanks, Jen!), Husband and I actually managed to go straight into our drills from our warmup without stopping, and only slowing down a bit. Managed 3 drills before we stopped, and then the last one (outside swing rolls with me going forwards, him going backwards) went a bit funny. Our spin worked well, but is still a bit slow. We managed to practice our step sequence too - as today was the last day that our elite couple were practising before they leave for the Europeans tomorrow, obviously people stopped what they were doing, by and large, and let them have the ice to themselves.

Laugh: The BBC were in to interview them and everything before they leave. We really did laugh, actually, because at one stage the guy had the camera on the ice, and was talking to them, and our oldest male skater, aged about 75, slipped and went flat on his back (didn't hurt himself) absolutely in shot! Everybody cracked up, including the skater in question - sadly, though, it wasn't being filmed at the time, or he could have made good money having it shown on out-take programmes!

My shins were very sore this morning, to the point that I had trouble dragging myself out of bed an on to the ice - and I knew I couldn't look for sympathy from anybody because everybody would say "Oh good, it shows you're finally bending your knees more!" or words to that effect. Indeed, I said it to myself - but that doesn't stop them being sore! They were fine when I was on the ice, but they're stiff again now.

Needless to say, because Husband decided to get the early train to work, just after he got off, another elite couple did some footwork in a hold that we seriously need to copy! Not their footwork, of course - but a dumbed-down version would work perfectly for us. I checked that theyi wouldn't mind us copying them but whether I remember on Sunday morning is another question! Maybe we'll have to wake up early and go tomorrow!

01-14-2006, 02:09 PM
Can I join? This is a great format for reflecting and journaling! Today was my second learn to skate lesson

Lift: Front double swizzles actually felt (almost) effortless today
It was very cool the few times I was able to find and hold my outside edge when practicing one foot glide on a circle. I noticed that when I was focusing on the edge I actually did better with my balance and could stay on one foot longer.

Laugh: Back double swizzles --- is it possible that my inner thigh muscles have totally atrophied from years of unuse??? I felt like I was trying to move a 1 ton truck with them!8O
Took my first spill today since I started lessons....good thing for my extra padding!
What I won't be doing tomorrow when those back double swizzles kick in!


01-14-2006, 05:02 PM
Lift: Well my coach has been away for a month on holiday. My goal was to get my forward 3 turns before she got back (I've been chickening out on them for the past 6 months). Well I've been working really hard and and got both my right and left FO 3 turns. I've also got my 2 foot spin up to 3 - 4 revolutions. Had an ice dance lesson yesterday, we now have the right pattern, in the right place at the right time.

Laugh: Still haven't got my FI 3 turns. Showed my coach my FO 3 turns when she got back yesterday, I was nervous and they didn't look to good but they still worked. We still have no extension in our free leg during the dutch waltz, even though we are trying.

01-14-2006, 05:49 PM
Worked on the flip combo that I'd been trying in lessons (flip-toe loop-loop) and actually was able to pull off a more difficult combo (flip-loop-loop) more than several times. Granted, the second loop was sometimes pretty tiny, but I've figured out where I need to get my free leg during the landing of the flip (if only I could get it there each time I do it!) and I figured out how to put my arms into a checked position after the landing of each jump. Loop-loop was also going better than usual.

Sit-scratch is working out really well, too. Had a few good attempts at the attitude spin, but I usually get too far onto my toe pick--hard to get my back/hips into the right position.

The rink wasn't much more crowded than last Saturday, when I had been able to do a lot of moves practice, but today was just dreadful--kids everywhere, so I didn't feel like it was safe enough to do the alt. BXO to BO edges and eventually gave up on practicing moves.

I also have been experimenting with sit to a side-leaning spin with the free foot on my knee (think pancake spin but with the torso leaning to the side instead of forward and I'm not nearly as low as a regular sit position yet). I used to be able to do this better, but lately it hasn't been working as well for me.

01-14-2006, 09:27 PM
Can I join? This is a great format for reflecting and journaling! Today was my second learn to skate lesson
Laugh: Back double swizzles --- is it possible that my inner thigh muscles have totally atrophied from years of unuse??? I felt like I was trying to move a 1 ton truck with them!8O
Took my first spill today since I started lessons....good thing for my extra padding!
What I won't be doing tomorrow when those back double swizzles kick in!

Wait till tomorrow and the sore muscles kick in! Hope you won't be too sore, but if you are, take a walk and stretch them a bit. Take some tylenol or ibuprofen (if you can take either).

Welcome to the club!

01-15-2006, 01:17 AM
-got new skates!!!!!! im so happy!
-found out i can do a perfect pancake spin without even trying... its so fun i love it!
-jumps are coming along (slowly)
-spins are getting way better
-i think i accidentally did a biellman... my mom saw and was amazed... :)

-rink was way crowded the last few times ive gone this week
-back spin. total disaster.
-layback... or shall it be called stand up/attitude?
-lack of axel
-lack of flying camel :giveup:

Mrs Redboots
01-15-2006, 08:56 AM
Figure_skater, what's a pancake spin?

Lift: The rink was totally empty because Pippa and Phil have left for the Europeans so only one of their, and their coach's, pupils was in. So very few skaters, which was nice. Husband had his lesson, and then we did some work together, including some beginning work to the music for our free dance. We still haven't had the requirements - but if it's not a straight line step sequence, we'll have to change our music, because what we have now will be just long enough for a straight line, but certainly won't be long enough for a diagonal! Right now we're not covering the ice, but I think we will when we are used to it.

Oh, and we ended with our lift, which was fun, except we've changed it so that I have my feet crossed, and I simply couldn't get them crossed!

And checked the times of filming Dancing on Ice next week, to be sure it doesn't clash with our lessons, but luckily it doesn't.

Laugh: Dancing on Ice last night! Think Dance with the Stars/Strictly Come Dancing only ice-dancing not ballroom! Dear heaven, this is so going to be unmissable! Some of the celebrities, it must be said, are quite extraordinarily good given that they can't actually skate, and even the one who was eliminated had very respectable back crossovers and a 3-turn I'd kill for! Mind you, her partner was holding her up - now, if mine held me up like that, I'd be a great skater!!!! My favourite, David Seaman the footballer (and once the Europeans are over, I'll be changing my signature to reflect that!) was totally robbed, I thought - he is the only one of them who can actually skate, so the judges marked him down because he had his head down... I do see why, to be fair. I think, if he is in during the week, we'll all be yelling "Head up" at him, or cupping our hand under our chins, like we do for each other. It was fun identifying the various rinks used - I think we knew all of them, which shows how few rinks there are in the UK!

In other news, Husband's coach forgot his CD this morning so they couldn't do any choreography. Husband's loop jump has gone missing, partly because this coach teaches it differently to his old one, and he hasn't yet landed it. He was wondering who had been digging great toe-pick holes in the ice - given that he'd been practising his salchow-cherry combination, I was wondering that, too..... but he swears it wasn't him!

My left skate was playing up, it has been for a few days now. I have changed the lacing, as my coach suggested it was that, but I'm still a bit skiddy on it.... Worrying. Unless, of course, I'm doing something different, which is quite probable.

We were having problems with our tracking today, as usual, and Husband's coach said we looked as though we were doing two different dances (we were finishing off a Swing Dance just before his lesson started).

Other than that, things went pretty well.

01-15-2006, 11:23 AM
Figure_skater, what's a pancake spin?

I think it's a spin in which one has the ankle of the free leg resting on the knee of the skating leg, and the skating leg is bent, similar to a sit spin position but not usually quite as low. The skater is bent over and puts one arm through the legs and the other going down toward the icebeside the skating leg (so that both arms are pointing down toward the ice).

I've been trying a variation on this--I'm not flexible enough to get into a true pancake position, but I put my leg into position and then lean sideways instead of down.

Mrs Redboots
01-15-2006, 02:00 PM
I think it's a spin in which one has the ankle of the free leg resting on the knee of the skating leg, and the skating leg is bent, similar to a sit spin position but not usually quite as low. The skater is bent over and puts one arm through the legs and the other going down toward the icebeside the skating leg (so that both arms are pointing down toward the ice).Oh, I know what you mean, sort of what I tend to call a pretzel spin......

01-15-2006, 07:31 PM
Lift: Well, we had our exhibition today and I must say, all in all, it went pretty well. My spiral was very, very good. My spin started crappy, but I managed to save it. I didn't get nervous until just before my turn. On of my friends had his own cheering section that threw down stuffed animals and held up scorecards!

Laugh: I had to adjust my glasses right as my music started (darn glasses!!!) I flubbed my salchow by 2-footing the landing (surprising since that's my best jump) but that's ok. My toe-loop was also 1/2 way done (or undone:oops: depending on your point of view). It was VERY COLD in the rink this morning!!! We had to be there at 9:15 (on ice) for show rehearsal and they never turned the heaters on until 12:00 (they were supposed to be on at 9:00). We were supposed to stay and skate with the public as a P.R. thing but I was hungry, food at my mother's beckoned, and I was tired of skating my then (and freezing!!).

I will put the video up as soon as I can. I have mine and my daughter's; I'd love to put up other's routines but don't know if I should as they are children-one did the cutest routine to the song from Madagascar. My coach came to watch me and her other student skate, but left just before the end. She was pleased. I'm sure she will have stuff to say next week at lessons....

01-15-2006, 09:08 PM

Not in any laughing mood 'til March... sucks to skate during a public session in a Winter Olympic year... especially around Nationals!!! :evil: :frus::x Everyone and their mothers want to be Sasha or Kwan. :roll: I got very little done in Bronze Moves again b/c of it.


Well, it looks like I got another very wimpy camel-sit spin today... :D Sit spins, scratch spin and even back spins went well!
I did get some practice done on crossovers, 3turns and mohawks, so not a total waste! :)

Mrs Redboots
01-16-2006, 03:50 AM
Laugh: I had to adjust my glasses right as my music started (darn glasses!!!) When that happened to a friend of mine in competition, my coach put his foot down and said we were to get contact lenses if possible. The husband still skates in glasses, but I've been skating in lenses for ages now, and wouldn't go back.

I will put the video up as soon as I can. I have mine and my daughter's; I'd love to put up other's routines but don't know if I should as they are children-No, you mustn't, not without signed permission from their parents. At least, I think it would be illegal in this country to do so; I don't know what the law is like where you live.

01-16-2006, 08:37 AM
When that happened to a friend of mine in competition, my coach put his foot down and said we were to get contact lenses if possible. The husband still skates in glasses, but I've been skating in lenses for ages now, and wouldn't go back.

No, you mustn't, not without signed permission from their parents. At least, I think it would be illegal in this country to do so; I don't know what the law is like where you live.
Amen to the first comment-I am going to get contacts!! Had them years ago and loved them-especially when I only had to put on sunglasses in the summer (fashion sunglasses, hmmm) and could wake up and actually SEE!

I will only put up my daughter's video and a few of the adults (I have one done, the rest will come in time). I figured I would need a release of some sort, so I will have to wait on the kids.

Ok, here they are-mine is Terry's Exhibition, my daughter is Beth and my one friend is Jim (he is 70 years old):


01-16-2006, 09:00 AM
Terry, you have really nice posture! And your spin was great.

You can tell you feel the music & your arms are really nice. Great job!!

01-16-2006, 09:47 AM
Terry, you have really nice posture! And your spin was great.

You can tell you feel the music & your arms are really nice. Great job!!
Thanks Phoenix!
I had to "save" that spin...it went all crooked at the beginning.

I used a song from "You Sing The Songs of Josh Groban" which was my daughter's (she sings). Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the soft music at the beginning and my hearing loss makes it hard to hear the first notes...Luckily, the person running the music cranked it WAY UP for me:oops: (sucks getting older).

I think my next music will be LOUDER all through.

It was soooo cold! I was also videotaping for the skating director and at times I couldn't feel my toes (I was standing in the hockey box with 2 jackets on, and a blankie wrapped around my legs but couldn't wear gloves and work the control and I had my skates on also....my coach and I were worried that I would get too cold to skate. My daughter took over about 4 skaters ahead of me so I could warm up.

01-16-2006, 11:19 AM

On Sunday, I did two complete program run throughs. In the first, I left the toe off of the flip combo. The second was completely clean. Both featured successful lutz/loop combos.

The competition is two weeks away, so I'm feeling good. I know you usually wind up competing at the level you were at a few weeks previous. I'd be satisfied if I could perform at yesterday's level in a competitive setting.

I even sorta remembered to sell the program. Smiling and such, trying to, ya know, look like I enjoy this. Because I do. Sometimes the stress makes me forget that :P

My coach thinks my 5 step mohawk sequence is borderline passable to plain ol' passable. That's nice to hear.


Not a great skate this morning. Still have more to do on Bronze moves, not a bad lesson, but not one of my greatest either. The power 3 pattern is much better and my check is much more consistent. However, the entire pattern is pretty slow. I'm at borderline in terms of testing that move.

I've been lazy on practicing the back crossovers to BOE and it shows. Have to sharpen that up. It's not even that hard, but I've been neglecting it in practice.