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12-27-2005, 10:54 PM
It's that time again, girls and boys. Here's last year's thread, started by NoVa:


So, how did you do?

I didn't set a whole lot of goals last year -- I was in a funk that lasted pretty much throughout the whole year. I didn't do the Novice moves, but did pass the pre-bronze dances. I did improve my finish at AN's in the open, but totally tanked at Mids. I did add interp and pairs to my competitions, which is a big plus in the fun side of things. And I can land a double toe now, so I guess the double goal is somewhat achieved, although the toe wasn't on the radar screen ;) . Oh, and I got to meet Mrs. Redboots in person, which was really cool! (Plus lots more of the skatingforums posters - hope you don't mind if I don't list you :oops: ) Spent most of the year ill and/or injured and/or stuck at work, so improving skating-wise it was rather blah.

For this year -- get my super hard program in shape for AN 2007 (not going to AN 2006). Maybe take another dance test, or do the Novice moves - which I still want to do but have lacked the time to focus on them. Learn some more pairs -- it's kind of fun. Do lots of local competitions and have fun.

12-28-2005, 08:35 AM
Well, I didn't set any goals out on paper, but they were there nevertheless, and I did pretty well at accomplishing them. I learned a salchow all on one foot (instead of having a two-foot interlude before the take off), finally got a respectable one foot spin, got my back outside edges in good shape. And did go to the ISU Adult competition in Oberstdorf and skated the best I could have skated at the time.

For next year, I want:
* a real toe loop (instead of a toe waltz)
* more revolutions on my one foot spin
* the beginnings of a backspin
* a loop jump
* more speed (this is actually on my coach's wish list, I think!)
* some actual progress on the 5 step mohawk and power 3-turns from the bronze moves in the field test

Good luck to everyone in the New Year!

12-28-2005, 09:27 AM
Well, only a few weeks ago I've been ambitious enough to set my sights on Oberstdorf and Vana Tallinn, but now it looks like 2006 is going to be a domestic season for me. :cry: Well, I should have known better when I blew my holiday budget on those tickets to Torino...... but on the other hand, Olympics only happen once in 4 years, and at least I've got a free flight (company perk for out-of-town work).

So, my goal No 1 - save up some cash for 2007 season. (Might be trickier than landing a double toe!)

Goal No 2 - Pass NISA Novice FM and Level 1 tests (and have all singles and solid sit and camel spins; also, all turns - rocker, counter, bracket etc.)

Goal No 3 - Assistant Coach license. Why? Well, I have a few plans.....

12-28-2005, 10:24 AM
I dont think I actually set any particular goals last year but I did in fact exceed my own expectations in that I won a gold medal in Freeskating in our local open comp. and a medal in Freeskating at the British Adult Championships which I would not have dared to hope for this time last year.

With the change in coaches everything is a bit up in the air at the moment but I would hope by this time next year to have all the single jumps up to and including Lutz (preferably in combination but that may be a step too far!) along with a respectable backspin and camel spin and to be able to do the interbronze field moves even if they are not to test standard.

Since my new coach does not do dance at all, I guess I won't be doing any more dance tests. One day I'd like to do the level 3 & 4 dances just because I am pretty sure I could pass them with a little practice but I dont' particularly enjoy compulsory dance (in fact solo I find them intensely boring and there are no partners to be had).

I am a bit worried that after last year was so unexpectedly good, I might be in for a bit of a shock this year and find that I don't win any medals at all - maybe the answer is not to compete! :lol:

I'd love to make it to one of the international adult comps but they all seem to be at awkward times of year when one has kids doing GCSE's and AS levels. One day I will make it.

12-28-2005, 11:13 AM
I think I'm in line with Pat, with a few things added:

-a few competitions under my belt (it would help if I didn't miss entry deadlines!)
-a loop
-a toe-loop at any speed faster than "slow" would be nice!
-a backspin with more than 1/2 revolution!
-a real sitspin!
-an end to the boot/blade saga
-a mohawk!
-back crossovers that don't scritch-scratch, with "neat feet" and POWER like she keeps asking for!!!

I did enough power-3's for the ice show, although only on one side:oops: , so I've gotta work on the other side (which happens to be my weaker side).

12-29-2005, 10:59 AM
I didn't have goals last year since I wasn't skating last year at this time lol.

Anyway, my goals for this year are:

1. Get back to regular skating habits, including healthy eating and off ice training on top of getting back into regular lessons and practice sessions.
2. Have all of my singles clean most of the time - really the only jump that still gives me fits because I NEVER have room to practice it is the lutz. Stupid crowded sessions lol.
3. Start working on the axel
4. Have a decent layback
5. Have a passable camel spin
6. Have a passable backspin - I kind of have this weird backspin now that I wouldn't necessarily call "passable" even though I get multi revolutions
7. Join a club and start testing
8. Have FUN and not take myself too seriously trying to achieve these goals

12-29-2005, 11:09 AM
My plans for skating in 2006 are as follows:-

* To improve overall presentation and posture.
* To run through my NISA Bronze Field Moves every time I skate so that by the end of the year they feel more comfortable.
* To improve my lutz so that I'm quicker off the toe.
* To improve my camel spin so that I have a better position and therefore more rotations.
* To start working on change-foot camel spin, flying camel and layback.
* To stark working on axel, split and stag jumps.
* To test at NISA Level 3 towards the end of the year.
* To avoid injuring myself!!!
* To have fun!


12-29-2005, 11:35 AM
Don't remember last year's goals, but here's accomplishments

- Tested Tango 3 times (goal for 2006 is to pass this beastie and mark it off the slate so it can be FUN again)
- Competed Tango/Starlight/Paso at Pro-Am (Paso was much improved over the previous year's edition...)
- Worked on lots of flow exercises... can see a definite improvement in flow across the ice
- Got new boots and got them comfortably broken in within a couple weeks

2006 Goals:
- Test and PASS Tango
- Test American Waltz (Passing would be even better)
- Start training Rocker Foxtrot and get over my fear of the mohawk with partner (said fear deriving from when I twisted my knee and tore cartilige training the dance)
- Keep improving flow and power

12-29-2005, 02:23 PM
Oh, dear! I almost wished I didn't see that link from last year. :oops: At least this year, my foot is much better b/c of the new Purple Harlicks!!!

Highlight of the Year:

I did the Fire & Ice show. It was a good show skating and synch team experience, but I'm not sure I would do that again, given that I have so many other things to work on. OTOH, b/c of this experience I got to meet a lot of very good skaters, including our own "Lives to skate" and of course, the Moves Guru! :mrgreen:
I won my Pre-Bronze FS event!!! Still have a hard time believing it since I know my skating has been crappy in the past. 8O
I have two wonderful coaches in NYC and NJ! Both have different techniques and approaches to skating and coaching, but both are very strong technical coaches who lots of experience and great tips that I plan on using when I get back home.
And speaking of which... my big accomplishment: I've survived the Moves Guru!!! LOL!!! (And I'm going back for more tomorrow too!!!) :lol:
I've improved on the Bronze Moves this year. DBNY had mentioned this year that my FI mohawks look much smoother this year, though in my coaches' case, "it's never good enough." :lol: :twisted:
I now have a consistent enough backspin... and along with that, a consistent ISI FS 3 change foot spin! :mrgreen:
FI mohawks are cleaner. I just have to not "walk the mohawk" so much and get more edge and I'm set for the Bronze Moves test.
The major one was not passing the Bronze Moves test again this past October!!! :frus: I knew going in that it was gonna be close this year, especially since primary coach thinks I would pass, but secondary coach wasn't that optimistic.

Well, secondary coach was right that I didn't pass. What surprised her (I guess it's an "Up Yours" moment) though was:

I was very close to passing the test (I did have one judge pass me!) Last year the scores were not even close to pass and this year I was much closer to passing...)
The judge that did pass me was reportedly a REALLY tough judge.
And b/c of that, the secondary coach seemed to warm up more to the thought that my time to pass Bronze Moves is coming and she wanted me to take it again in December. Unfortunately I was too tired from the Skate SF comp to work on Bronze Moves... so it took some time to get the Bronze Moves back to where it was in October. Just did too much this year and I have too many things to fix before I take the test again. (It's not just one thing but many things...) So... back to the rink I go!

I am starting to get back most of the stuff that I've worked on and, with the help of the coaches out here in NYC/NJ, I see the results that things are improving. Meanwhile, I'm hanging onto the hope that I'll be in Chicago in AN 2007 as a Bronze level skater, but not agonizing over it since I've learn in skating that things will come in its own sweet time.

Goals for next year:

Realistic one:

Pass Bronze Moves. I think it's coming very soon but just not in time for Nationals. :cry:
Pass Bronze FS test. I think if I get the loop consistent. The coach are unianimous in the decision that I'm just being a big chicken and not allowing myself to trust in landing that jump.
Desirable one, but still possible:

Land the flip consistently. (I am just sooooo close now!!!)
Land the lutz consistently (Lots to work on, but I have landed them a couple of times and the moon wasn't full then.) :lol:
Camels - been working on those for ages. Occasionally I get them... maybe this year is the year. (Darn! Should have asked coach at Chelsea Piers to work me on camel spins. I'll bet he has some tips too!)
The "Yeah, right" :roll: catagory:

Sit- change sit. (Primary coach hinted that we will work on those next year...and almost did this year too! Unfortunately, my ISI 3 change foot spins are that great. Doable, but not great.)
Pass Prelim Moves. (I am already working on spirals and alt 3's on the line, but given the way my spiral have been, it goes under the "Yeah, right" category.)
Pass Pre-Juv moves.

12-29-2005, 02:41 PM
^ Just out of curiosity, why are you switching to the Standard track from the adult track?

12-29-2005, 02:53 PM
This was already discussed here (many of us including myself already responded there): http://www.skatingforums.com/showthread.php?t=19112

Maybe the moderators can merge the two threads?

And here's a link to the one from last year:

12-29-2005, 04:52 PM
Hmmm, lucky I didn't post last year. But then I just discovered SF this year...so.... LONG, so read at your peril.

2005 goals were:

Test Bronze Free in 11/05. This did not happen. My sit spin is terrible and my backspin is not consistent. Yet. My coach asked a test judge if the free foot position is optional in the backspin. The response was it is optional. They are looking for the correct edge and # of revs only. However, I feel like the "backspin" I *can* do consistently (a free foot tuck behind) is not a "real" backspin :oops: , and I don't want to test doing that spin.....

Test Pre Bronze Ice Dances. I did test and pass the Cha Cha. Lesson learned....do NOT get a specialized coach when you can't support the lesson cost. And end up wasting several months, plus losing lesson time with regular coach, and setting yourself back. :evil: Though the dance coach did fix my stroking and posture quite a bit. :)

Develop a new dramatic program for our adult exhibition, rink's Holiday Show for test drives....the performance goal being the USFSA showcase event in 4/06. I accomplished this one, and actually had, for me, a "good" skate at our rink's Holiday Show.

Begin work on Bronze Ice Dances. I've barely done this, learning steps only. Not really doing the dances at all. Hickory Hoedown is the only one I can kind of actually do. Coach has also showed me the steps to two Pre-Silver dances.

Begin fooling around with AS MIF. We have touched on these, but there won't be any serious work on these for a while. I am just working on them on my own. They are pretty bad, but I enjoy trying them.

2006 Goals are:

Keeping in mind that I'll be off ice for most of January,

...broken record.... TEST BRONZE FREE. We had planned this for March 06, but it's going to have to be a wait and see, depending on when I come back to the ice, and how much practice I get in. I am not hopeful.

Test the remaining two Pre Bronze Ice Dances, Swing and Fiesta Tango, hopefully also in March 06.

Compete at USFSA event in 4/06

Develop a technical program based on AS test elements, just to help my skating and to force me to work on things I can't do well yet.

Begin "real" work on AS MIF and Bronze Ice Dances.

There's probably more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.

12-29-2005, 06:19 PM
My skating seasons run roughly from September to March with some skating in the summertime so I'll list some of my goals for 2005-2006:

Compete. Okay, did this one already, so much fun I'm doing it again
Camel Spin - still out in the desert
Pass European Waltz - dance coach won't even talk to me about that one. So what that I'm not ready to test it, at least teach me the steps, although I'm pretty good at skating while reading the paper pattern but I'd like the MAN please!
Take my preliminary freeskate test (err, need that camel spin) but I've got the rest of it, if I can get the flip warmed up enough.

a bit of a wish list: Junior Bronze skills. Back 3's are bad enough, but out of a change edge :frus:

And I'll add this one just now: quit getting injured while not skating. I've fallen more often while shovelling my driveway that I'd be safer with skates on.

12-29-2005, 06:48 PM
End of year wrap-up.

My goal for 2005 was to go to as many adult events as I could manage. I think I did well in achieving this, as I had SOME kind of competition or workshop on average of once every three weeks for the entire year. I accumulated a vast number of air-miles in the process, which should see me through the travelling I would like to do for 2006. (unfortunately it will not be as extensive as 2005)

In October, I finally landed my loop-jump, which I had been working on for nearly two years, and, though it is not consistent, it is coming along! :D

Next years' goals.

1) I still want to travel in 2006, and I plan on doing the three European competitions this spring (Mountain Cup, Vana Tallin, Oberstdorf) and I would like to do two or three competitions in the States in the fall. I am looking at Halloween Classic and possibly one other - so I am open to suggestions.

2) Test my Euopean Waltz, my Preliminary Skills and possibly my Bronze Interpretive this year.

3) Land a flip-jump before my granddaughter does. This is a biggie, because she's only seven and is gaining on me fast :giveup:

4) Get my Camel Spin and my Loop Jump consistent enough to include them in a program - hopefully in time for Western Regionals, which are five weeks away, but definately in time for the Europeans.

Mrs Redboots
12-30-2005, 06:12 AM
This year's achievements:

Passed Level 1 Free Dance
Obtained our first non-default dance medals (i.e. not 3rd out of 3 or 2nd out of 2), both for our Free Dance
Got our first-ever first place ordinal at the British Adults - still finished last, though (sigh!).
Definitely improved as the season progressed
Finally and at long last beat our dear friends and great rivals, also in Free Dance
Next year's aims:

To pass Level 4 Compulsory Dances
To pass Level 3 Dance Moves (me) and Level 4 (Husband)
To beat said friends and rivals in Compulsory Dance as well as in Free!
(Husband only) To compete at the Mountain Cup, and perhaps elsewhere, in free skating (Bronze Men IV, I think).

Mel On Ice
12-30-2005, 10:55 AM
I think I did this in another thread, but oh well:

goals for 2004:

pass Freestyle 3, bronze MIF and bronze free - check!
land loop - check!
exit on backspin - check!
more revs on camel (on a good day, about 4) - check!
get another USFSA comp medal - check!
finish my artistic program - check!
not swearing on the ice - er we still need to work on that...

I guess the only skating goals I didn't fufill were the flip and lutz, but those, along with freestyle 4 are on the 2005 list.

As for my goals for 2005, some of them cannot be mentioned here *yet* as I have some big, life changing decisions to make in the next few months, but I can lay down a framework here:
flip, lutz
work on camel to become consistent
pass freestyle 4
actually medal in the summer event I usually enter and walk away with 0

flip - check!
lutz - check!
camel - check!
camel/sit - if a camel/back sit counts - check!
pass freestyle 4 - check!
medal in summer event - check! but it was because there were only 3 entries

I have to say honestly that I am loving skating this year. I miss my training partners in MO, but love working with my girls in MI. And I accomplished a goal I didn't anticipate completing this past year, my judges' appointment.

Goals for this year - whew! Where to start!

axel - what's a good goal for this, knowing how long it usually takes to learn it and I only worked sporatically on the basics since August? Saying I want it fully rotated but two-footed feels like a cop-out and to say "land my axel" seems unrealistic. Aw crap, LAND MY AXEL!

pass silver moves
pass the first 3 dances - pre-bronze? or preliminary? Dutch, Blues, Tango.
improve combo spins
improve overall quality of skating
instead of merely medalling at this stupid competition, how bout I WIN it?

oh yeah.... NOT swearing on the ice during a competition in front of the judges... what is that, 5 years in a row we are working to clean up my potty mouth?

Boy have I got my work cut out for me.

12-30-2005, 04:49 PM
This was already discussed here (many of us including myself already responded there): http://www.skatingforums.com/showthread.php?t=19112

Maybe the moderators can merge the two threads?

And here's a link to the one from last year:

I think I did this in another thread, but oh well:

Geez, guys. I have been hit and miss on here lately, and missed that other thread. It's not even on my list of available threads. Sorry I might have offended anyone by starting a thread with a topic that you might have already responded to. :roll: 8O

12-30-2005, 05:16 PM
^ The other thread was started as a "year in review", but this one was more about next years goals. Totally different if you ask me :)

01-02-2006, 04:07 PM
Well I don't think I participated in last year's thread, but here are my goals for next year and what I got done this year.

This year I.....

Obtained regular skating times and coaching times.
Passed prebronze adult moves and freestyle.
Learned a new program that I hope to perfect for 07 Adult Nats.
Got a strong start to learning Bronze Moves.

My goals in 2006 are officially as follows (recorded for analysis at end of 06 :P )

Pass bronze moves and bronze freestyle, thereby qualifying for 07 Adult Nats
Pass preliminary dances (at least one)
Land axel
Compete at least twice (first comp at end of Jan)

Hmmm...let's leave it at that. 8-)

01-02-2006, 07:11 PM
My goals for 2006:

Gain power and speed in my stroking
Get smoother transitions; and do them with flow
Learn to do brackets as part of footwork
Get less stiff in the upper body and use the arms better
Get consistent flip-loop and lutz-loop combos
Work on axel and try it with NO FEAR (even if I don't end up
landing it with full rotation)
Pass at least one bronze dance at standard level (even
though I'm age-eligible for Masters level).

01-03-2006, 02:51 PM
This year's goals:

- Land my double salchow at Sectionals
- Complete a strong flying camel at Sectionals
- Complete a strong sit/sit at Sectionals
- Pass Intermediate MIF
- Land my first double loop
- Get a solid level 3 spiral sequence in my next program (which I'll choreograph in March)
- Start landing my double toe in my next program
- Get a consistent flying camel-back sit in my next program

01-03-2006, 03:00 PM
Whew, doubletoe, that's a lot!

My goals:

- Pass 2 more dances (pre-gold)
- Compete at least once (maybe Lake Placid??? If I get up the nerve....) (will probably be solo competition still for this year)
- Put together a Tango OD w/ partner for 07 competition
- Learn & work on our CDs for 07 competition (just my luck--2 gold dances! At least I have over a year before anyone has to see them...)

I think that will do! I might take a stab at testing Intermediate moves, but I keep saying that & then not working on them because I have so much other stuff to work on. We'll put that in the "if I have time/motivation" column.

01-03-2006, 03:18 PM
Whew, doubletoe, that's a lot!

My goals:

- Pass 2 more dances (pre-gold)
- Compete at least once (maybe Lake Placid??? If I get up the nerve....) (will probably be solo competition still for this year)
- Put together a Tango OD w/ partner for 07 competition
- Learn & work on our CDs for 07 competition (just my luck--2 gold dances! At least I have over a year before anyone has to see them...)

I think that will do! I might take a stab at testing Intermediate moves, but I keep saying that & then not working on them because I have so much other stuff to work on. We'll put that in the "if I have time/motivation" column.

Well, it won't sound so ambitious much once I admit that, other than the double loop, these are all elements I can already do and just need to get more consistent. :oops: And the level 3 spiral sequence is the easiest combination that would meet the criteria; you'd hardly believe it's considered level 3! :P
To me, dances sound like so much more of an undertaking! I admire anyone who learns and masters those things! 8O