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View Full Version : Feedback on this website

12-27-2005, 03:22 PM
I went to this website while looking for a pair of MK Pro blades in 9 3/4", but i was intrigued by the fact that they listed all brands and all blades and described them. It's a good idea, but i am not sure i agree with all they have on these "informational" grid pages. What is ya'll's feeback? -miraclegro


Debbie S
12-27-2005, 03:41 PM
One thing that struck me was the way they listed boots as either being "narrow" or "wide" in the ball and heel areas. It's not really an issue of narrow vs. wide, but in the difference between your ball and heel widths. Some brands can accommodate larger differences between those 2 than others. But "narrow" and "wide" are basically judgment calls, and are subjective. And there was that bit about Klingbeil being wide - um, Klingbeils are customs - they are as wide as your feet. :??

Bottom line - take stuff like this with a grain of salt.

12-27-2005, 07:07 PM
The info there is also out of date. They have Jackson as making only recreational boots, while they now make boots for all level including elite.

12-27-2005, 07:07 PM
I thought that was funny, too, about the Klingbeils, because i own a pair and i have narrow feet, but mine are customs. Maybe they meant their stock boots, ?? who knows......

What did you think about the jump level(s), though? -miraclegro

12-27-2005, 08:17 PM
They might have meant the shapeh of the toe box for each brand. Some brands use a last that provides more room in the toe box, whereas the "narrow" brands are narrower in the toe box. The ball width for any brand should be whatever you request: AA, A, B, C, etc.