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12-08-2005, 05:58 AM
Hi everyone...

I was just wondering, those who live in canada, if anyone has any tips for the backwards 3turns in Jr. Bronze skills? I can only seem to do one of them, and even still, its veryt shaky!!


12-08-2005, 08:22 PM
Don't rush! Make sure you ride the edge. If you try to turn too soon, you are going to either wipe out, or skid. Probably most important...make sure you know what your shoulders are supposed to be doing. Turning and checking them at the right time is what actually creates the turn.

Also, bend into and OUT of the turn. I always find the latter difficult, but it makes a big difference!

12-09-2005, 07:32 AM
I have SO MUCH experience with these little buggars.
Alls I can say is DO NOT RUSH. Its the worse thing you can possibly do.
I would recommend getting the three-turns a bit stable without doing them in the excerise first, just stand of to the side and see if you can get a bit more comfortable with them. Make sure you get on the proper edge have yor arms in proper position ( I won't tell you a way because many coaches teach there skaters different). I would also recommend working on the one you dislike the most or that is the hardest for you. People tend not to work on the one that is causing them trouble and then it takes longer to actually have control, do the turn and most importantly GET THE TEST OUT.

I passed Jr.Bronze about 3 months ago and am trying my Sr.Bronze Skills in January and the criteria is flow, speed, edges and most of all they look for control! Good luck.