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View Full Version : Adult Skating Info from USFSA BOD meeting

Debbie S
11-21-2005, 12:44 PM
The minutes from the recent USFSA Board of Directors meeting have been posted: http://www.usfigureskating.org/content/BOD%20ROA%20October%2029%202005.pdf

Of interest to adult skaters is that CoP will be implemented at AN in 2007 in the Gold and Masters events, and will be used for all levels starting in 2008.

It seems to me that there needs to be some fine-tuning of the system to make it adult-compatible. After all, the system was designed to judge elite junior and senior international comps. I think some adjustment needs to be made to balance the point allocations for jumps with the other elements to account for single rev and half rev (like waltz) jumps.

11-21-2005, 01:10 PM
Keep in mind that this will have to be onfirmed at the May Annual meeting before it can go into effect.

And I've been hearing some discussion of a proposal that would limit COP to qualifying events for Novice, Junior and Senior levels only. I'm hoping this isn't just a rumor. COP as it stands now isn't practical and/or cost-effective for small, non-qual competitions. It will also mean rewriting all the test standards rventually and retraining the present judges and training a whole crop of new ones in a hurry.

11-21-2005, 01:46 PM
Actually, if you read it carefully, you will see that implementation of the new judging system was actually not approved yet, but was referred to the implementation committee. It's not clear (to me, anyway) exactly what's going to happen, but I suppose it could possibly still be implemented in 2007 as described.