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View Full Version : New boots/blade - what to expect?

11-10-2005, 07:23 PM
Hello all,

I finally gave in and upgraded my boots and blades. I went from a Riedell Bronze Medallian with a Wilson Excel blade to a Bronze Star with a Double star blade. What differences should I expect when I get back on the ice? How long does it take for everything to feel "normal"?


11-10-2005, 07:50 PM
When I went from rentals to "real" skates (Jackson Competitors) it took about 10 hours to really feel comfortable, mostly because of the difference in the support, stiffness, and toepick (which was larger). They were more comfortable, but stiffer.

11-11-2005, 09:01 AM
That's how it was for me anyway, with my recent switch to new boots (but same blades as before). Despite the same blades, I was surprised how different everything felt at first. But I adjusted within a few days.

11-14-2005, 01:18 PM
Don't be too surprised if your spins feel faster due to the switch in blades. I had the worst time with spins in Excels, and my first few spins in new, different blades scared me a little because they were so much faster.

11-14-2005, 01:32 PM
Don't be too surprised if your spins feel faster due to the switch in blades. I had the worst time with spins in Excels, and my first few spins in new, different blades scared me a little because they were so much faster.
Just regular stroking was faster for me-switching from "stock" blades (Mirage) to Coronation Comets.....Wow! 8O 8O 8O I was in synchro at the time and it really helped me on the end of the pivot line! Like a hot knife through butter!

11-14-2005, 05:54 PM
Thanks for the reply....I went out and tried the new skates and immediately caught a toepick and went down on a knee. Ouch!!! After I hobbled back on the ice and started feeling comfortable, I noticed that I could actually do a decent spin and that I was much more comfortable on my edges. I haven't yet tried to jump yet since at that point my feet were killing me. I am trying moleskin on my toes. Is there anything else I can use to get used to the change? This is the first pair of "real" boots/blades I've had to break in. Does just watching TV in the skates help?

11-15-2005, 12:33 PM
1. Be sure that you get them heat molded.
2. Spend lots of time stroking and doing crossovers at first.
3. Bend those knees and ankles as much as you can when skating.
4. Wearing skates around the house/office is OK, but you don't walk the same way you move when you skate so it's not quite comparable.

Basically, skating so your feet work up a sweat is the best way to break in your skates. The heat from your feet soften the leather so your skates become more comfortble. Get an gel ankle sleeve if it rubs. I'm not such a big fan of moleskin -- never really stays put to me.

11-15-2005, 02:12 PM
Also, don't lace them to the top at first--leave the last one or two sets of hooks undone. Some people also like to leave the last set of holes out when lacing. This allows for deeper kneebend while you're breaking them in. It's more comfortable, safer (less likely to catch a pick or get top-edge blisters), and helps break the boot in properly, since you'll be moving in them much more like you should.

11-15-2005, 03:56 PM
I agree with what the last two posters said about breaking them in. Also, if they press in on your ankles, ask your pro shop to punch out the ankles (or anywhere else they press in on a bone in your foot).