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View Full Version : Just my luck

11-01-2005, 05:44 PM
So I went skating today, the first real time since I hurt my knee. And it was fine. It took a while to get my legs under me, but that's too be expected anyway. By the end of the 2 hours, I could do a halfway decent scratch (but they weren't that good before I hurt my knee anyway), 3-turns, crossovers, and a bunch of other moves.

I go straight from the rink to school, so I had to go to the computer labs to print out a lab report. I go into the comp. lab in the chemistry building since I practically live there anyway, and it's never crowded since most of the campus doesn't know it exists. I see my friend Tom, who was basically pleading with me not to go skating this morning. I told him I didn't fall on my knee or otherwise hurt my knee. He says very good. I take a step to go onto the computer and my left ankle just gave out from under me. So, I couldn't put weight on my left ankle, which meant htat most of the weight was on my right leg, which made my right knee (the bad one) start to hurt.

The entire day, I could not figure out how to walk. It got to a point where I couldn't put weight on either leg. Figures, doesn't it? I have a good skating session, and then sprain my ankle in the computer lab.

11-01-2005, 05:58 PM
http://degiorgi.math.hr/forum/images/smiles/Doh3.gif Oh, geez!!! Sorry to hear about that, Sue... :(

11-01-2005, 07:08 PM
Ouch! That is really rotten luck. How are you taking care of your ankle? Hope it feels better soon.