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View Full Version : Comments on YogaLates.

07-29-2005, 02:16 AM
Have anyone ever heard of Yogalates ?
Its Yoga combined with Pilates for Body strength and flexibility....

I need some comments on it, how is can improve my posture, flexibility and strength for figure skating ?


07-29-2005, 05:50 AM
It's a good total body workout - it helps when you're short of time or can't go to gym because you are travelling. All you need is a mat and maybe a wall mirror to control your technique. But you might still need to supplement it with free weights and cardio training.

I found it great for weight loss because it's less demanding than free weights so you can cut your calories a bit without hurting your progress. A great way to unwind when you are mentally tired as well, especially when followed by a hot bath. More difficult to monitor your progess, though - with free weights you have charts that show you how quickly you're advancing, with Yoga/Pilates it's just a subjective "gut feel". For that reason I'm doing much less of it now, but still try to do a few flows as a pre-skating warm-up. If anything, it instantly gets you energised and ready to go.

Give it a try and see how it goes. There are plenty of good instructional videos on the market.

07-29-2005, 11:38 AM
My coach actually teaches a yoga/Pilates class. It's good for "core" (abdominal) strength which improves posture, as well as for overall strength, flexibility and balance. I've also found that some yoga positions in particular reinforce things you do on the ice--there are yoga poses that resemble a spiral and catch-foot spiral, and doing the pose called "chair" has helped me sort out my power pulls. It's definitely useful.

07-30-2005, 12:42 AM
It depends on the instructor but it can be a good workout taught well. I, personally, prefer to do Yoga and Pilates separately but that's me :)

08-02-2005, 09:01 PM
I've never heard of it, but I have heard of a Stretch Enhancer that's supposed to improve your flexibility.
