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View Full Version : Advice on a bruise?

04-16-2005, 09:25 AM
Don't you just love those injuries that seem so minor at the time, and then hurt like you never imagined later? :) I got kicked on the ice the other day. (We were both at fault.) The other skater's blade got me right in the upper thigh. I now have a 2-inch cut surrounded by a 4-in diameter bruise. It's quite sore, and it especially hurts to bend. I've been taking Advil which has helped a bit, but not sure what else to do. I've never really had to deal with a bruise injury before. Anyone know any tricks?

04-16-2005, 10:39 AM
Don't you just love those injuries that seem so minor at the time, and then hurt like you never imagined later? :) I got kicked on the ice the other day. (We were both at fault.) The other skater's blade got me right in the upper thigh. I now have a 2-inch cut surrounded by a 4-in diameter bruise. It's quite sore, and it especially hurts to bend. I've been taking Advil which has helped a bit, but not sure what else to do. I've never really had to deal with a bruise injury before. Anyone know any tricks?

I would advise that you continue to take Advil or another NSAID for the muscle inflammation. I would also put Neosporin on the cut itself. Watch the cut for redness and inflammation that lasts beyond a couple of days. It may become infected since blades are not entirely clean. I am assuming the skaters blades were not rusty but if they were I would also make sure your tetanus shots are up to date. As for the bruise itself, there isn't much else to do short of just giving your body time to heal.

04-16-2005, 02:54 PM
How deep is the cut? You may want to have it looked at, to be sure you don't need a couple of stitches.

As for the bruise, soaking it in some Epsom salts (or maybe soaking a washcloth and laying it on) may help.

04-16-2005, 07:14 PM
Depending on how deep the cut is, an epsom salt bath will help the bruises. Plus it is very relaxing. It helps if you ever get a sprain too.

04-16-2005, 07:44 PM
Thanks, guys. The cut is very minor. Not deep at all; I had two pairs of tights and leggings on when it happened. It's the bruise that is driving me nuts. I will clean the cut up though, just to be careful!

04-16-2005, 08:11 PM
ice ice ice, I've got my share of bruises (ouch), ice your bruise 15 minutes at a time --- a couple of times a day, and continue with your advil.

feel better!

Mrs Redboots
04-16-2005, 10:15 PM
The best remedy for a bruise is homeopathic arnica, taken internally 3 times a day for a few days. You can also get it in cream form, or as a tincture, to apply externally, but I have a feeling you mustn't use it when the skin is broken.

04-16-2005, 11:04 PM
This is going to sound really odd, but rubbing vinegar on a bruise takes the bruising and pain away. I don't know if you can do that with a cut, but the vinegar really does work.

04-16-2005, 11:06 PM
The best remedy for a bruise is homeopathic arnica, taken internally 3 times a day for a few days. You can also get it in cream form, or as a tincture, to apply externally, but I have a feeling you mustn't use it when the skin is broken.

This is the best idea! You can get Arnica (in homeopathic potency) in most health food stores, at least here in the US and I'm sure all over Europe.

Probably not good to use a topical Arnica cream or tincture if the skin is broken, but you can use it on the bruised part -- especially if the bruise is so big.