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04-13-2005, 08:53 AM
Cherry Blossoms because this past week was Cherry Blossom Festival time in DC. Dead Branches because I couldn't think of a better opposite (non-functioning brain)

Anyways, this is for my Wednesday lesson (Starlight)

Not much in the way of Cherry Blossoms... I did manage to do a couple really good Tango cross-back chasses in my lesson with coach #2.

Dead Branches: Well... where should I start? Today has been downhill from the start. First the cat got sick into his food bowl, then the dog mussed in the house, then I tripped and fell on the ice soon after I got on (yes, one can trip on dance blade toepicks), then I fell in my lesson with coach #2 on my backside and the fall reverberated up my spine. Now the muscles in lower back are trying to tighten up (deep tissue massage time I think). Then I nearly fell off the back of my left blade doing the Starlight with coach #1.

I guess it can only go uphill from here....

PS... safe travels and good luck to everyone at AN!!!

04-13-2005, 09:18 AM
Cherry blossoms: I learned the inside slide chasse pattern from Adult Silver moves yesterday and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I'll need to work on those three-turns, but they're improving.

Dead branches: Forward power pulls will be the death of me. I'm going out today to buy knee pads -- after months of falling backward on this move, yesterday I had a breakthrough ... and started falling on my knees instead. Great! :roll:

04-13-2005, 10:12 AM
Not much in the way of Cherry Blossoms... I did manage to do a couple really good Tango cross-back chasses in my lesson with coach #2.

Dead Branches: Well... where should I start?Poor Jen! Definitely a day to forget. Hope your back feels better soon.

04-13-2005, 10:18 AM
Poor Jen! Definitely a day to forget. Hope your back feels better soon.

The equivalent of Prescription-strength ibuprofen is a start... and a couple glasses of wine tonight when I get home.

I'm trying to look at things positively. Cleaning out the cat bowl was a lot easier than cleaning the carpet or any of several other places upon which the cat could have done his deed.

04-13-2005, 10:49 AM
The equivalent of Prescription-strength ibuprofen is a start... and a couple glasses of wine tonight when I get home.

I'm trying to look at things positively. Cleaning out the cat bowl was a lot easier than cleaning the carpet or any of several other places upon which the cat could have done his deed.AW, man!!! Jen!!! Totally bad luck!!! I hope you feel better. And yes, the cat doing its deed on its food plate is much better than the carpet or other places. One of our neighborhood cats did its deed on our driveway, which, ironically is not as bad as doing it on the soil where there used to be green grass but it's now our gravel pit. Needless to say, neither hubby or I were happy about it. Hubby b/c of the smell and me b/c *I* have to clean it. :evil:

04-13-2005, 02:51 PM
I had to post here just because of the thread title!

Cherry Blossoms: I'm at AN!!! My axel has been consistant all week. Yay.

Okay, now the funny part...I went serching for dead branches today and found one that will replace my prior interp prop! Just need to hit with a little sand paper and it will work fine.

Dead Branches: Only one I can think of is that my shoes are covered in mud from my dead branch search!

04-13-2005, 03:10 PM
Dead Branches--
Couldn't skate last weekend (I assumed freestyles on Saturday were cancelled due to a competition when in fact they had EXTRA ice, and the rink I go to on Sunday had a broken zam.)

Cherry Blossoms--
Fixed a friend's skating dress and got to see her compete her program--it was FABULOUS and she got many cheers from the home-rink crowd.

04-13-2005, 03:14 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Not much! Friday and Monday seem to be my best days. By Wednesday, I'm tired, and also have to teach the tots for an hour before my lesson. By the time I've warmed up my toes, tightened my laces and tried to warm up, my lesson is upon me. Absolutely nothing cooperated today. I did the Prelim spiral pattern, muffing just about everything that could be muffed, including the strokes around the end on which I usually gain good speed. The power threes, that were feeling pretty good on Monday also fell apart, and I really do not even want to think about the FO alt threes.

Oops! I seem to have put all my Dead Branches in the Cherry Blossoms paragraph. May as well, since there are no Cherry Blossoms to report today :cry:.

Debbie S
04-13-2005, 03:15 PM
Oh no, Jen! I hope you feel better soon! Sending out hugs to you!!! Believe me, I feel your pain. (I looked up back pain on the Internet the other night - I think it was the WebMD site - and there was some sort of exercise they recommended for when you hurt your lower back - kind of like sit-ups but with your lower ab area.)

My back is feeling a bit better today. I can turn my neck and raise my arms above my head. Oh well, I guess I have to start somewhere, right? I'm not looking forward to sitting for 2 1/2 hours (except for a 10-min break) in class tonight.

Hi erdehoff, it's been a while! I hope all is going well with your skating. I admire your persistence on the forward power pulls. The only way I've ever been able to do them is by doing the 2-foot thing first.

04-13-2005, 10:38 PM
Hi, Debbie! Work was crazy in the last year and it's really only been in the past two months that I've been skating consistently again. The two-foot thing is helping me get the feel of power pulls, but when I pick up a foot I'm back at Square 1. Either I'll get them eventually or I'll break several bones and be maimed for life trying. ;) Are you doing Cherry Blossom this month?

Debbie S
04-13-2005, 10:43 PM
Are you doing Cherry Blossom this month?

No, after New Year's in February, I decided to hold off on comps until the summer. I thought I might be ready to test Bronze MIF in May, but after a series of setbacks (injury, bronchitis, boot problems, take your pick) that's not going to be possible. Depending on how much schoolwork I have to do that weekend, I may try to make it down there to watch the Adult comps.

Are you competing there? Good luck!

NoVa Sk8r
04-13-2005, 10:47 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Am at AN and am meeting lots of folks, young and old, in singles, pairs, and dance! :D
Received a few compliments on some pair elements and on my flexibility.
Also, I can't wait to see skateryum, er, skaternum tomorrow.
Loops and I had a little treat at the frozen custard place next to our hotel. 8-)

Dead Branches:
Injured my arm this evening in a practice session (that turned out to be a dance session?!)--basically, I have no feeling in my left arm from the shoulder down to the forearm. Ibuprofen is my friend. And I compete tomorrow in pairs. :??
I'm also still a nervous wreck, though less so than yesterday. Whenever I step onto the ice, the whole enormity of this competition overwhelms me, and I get this horribly anxious feeling; I hate it. I keep telling myself that this is only a hobby and that this is supposed to be fun. My brain's not buying it yet.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the gold pairs event tomorrow, as well as some of the interp events, and the master ladies. Anything to distract my frantic head!

04-14-2005, 01:03 AM
YIKES, NoVA!!! Hope you're better tomorrow!!! EEEEK!!!

Frozen custard.... :yum:

As for what to do to calm you do -- ask yourself what you normally do in the other competitions you've been in before? In the end, this competition is really no different from all the other ones except that you're competing against other people. You have no qualifers... and either way, you and Loops WILL bring home a medal in this event!!! No losers in this event!!! Soooo... SKATE YOUR HEARTS OUT, both of 'yas!!! 8-)

04-14-2005, 05:51 AM
Cherry Blossoms: I have been having a sucky week and was not in the best of moods, so my coach decided we should do some different things, which turned out to be a good idea. Worked on all different spirals, forward and backward, and then he had the bright idea to try a LBO spiral directly into a RFO spiral. 8O He held my hand, but boy, the first time I tried, I straightened up from the LBO spiral and was completely freaked by how fast I was going and afraid to step forward. (You're probably wondering how this can be Cherry Blossoms, right?) He said, "Step forward!" I said, "I can't!" Repeated that sequence of Step-forward-I-can't maybe 4 times, then I turned and stepped forward into the RFO spiral like it was nothing, and then we both burst out laughing and had to stop. The whole thing was a lot of fun.

Good luck to everyone competing, and remember to breathe!


04-14-2005, 07:05 AM
Cherry Blossoms: I have skating tonight!

Dead Branches: It is a test day so they take some of my skating time of... :evil:

Terri C
04-14-2005, 11:54 AM
Cherry Blossoms:
Primary coach told me today that I should be ready to take my Bronze moves by June! She really wants to work on this test. She asked me how I felt about the free and I told her that with any hope the sitspin will be on autopilot by the time we get the moves down pat.So we decided that the moves test will go out this summer with the free sometime after.

Dead Branches:
Turns out my club wants to hold the next test session in May- I will not be ready by then!

Hey NoVa, tonight, just think of the competition as any other adult event you've been to, except that I'm missing! I will be thinking of you and Loops tonight!

04-14-2005, 12:41 PM
Wash. Fig. has a MIF/FS test session the first weekend in June.

04-14-2005, 05:59 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Ran through my programme for the first time in ages (due to hols etc I haven't had many lessons recently). It wasn't great but it did generate a spontaneous round of applause from some recreational skaters who had been watching (it was during a morning public session) - which I hope was because they enjoyed it! :D
Landed some decent toe-loops and salchows in my programme with good speed. Coach was pleased I have stopped slowing down considerably to do the jumps (except for the Loop -see below)

Dead Branches:
could not land my loop today despite having landed a couple (rotated, on one foot but no flow out) yesterday. It's so annoying when you think you finally have something and then it goes again. :frus:

Sit spin - I can either get low enough or I can bring my free leg in close but not both it seems :frus:

Mrs Redboots
04-14-2005, 10:11 PM
Cherry Blossoms: Husband and I are at AN and having a lovely time. Before that, it was our Opens. Did I post about our lessons on Tuesday afternoon? I don't think I did. I had my lesson while Husband and Other Woman were having one from Husband's normal coach, who said afterwards that "she quite understood what I meant about his edges!" My own lesson went well, but I can't remember much about it now.

We have been watching the dancers here (and loads of others, including Novask8er & LoopLoop, who were AWESOME!) & Michigansk8er, who was great and made everyone laugh, and loads of others.

Dead Branches: ALL the pre-bronze dancers are infinitely better than us, especially JenLyon's friends from Washington DC (I so have to dance with the man of that couple if they are here for the social dance on Saturday). Most disheartening of them.... wish we were better....

04-15-2005, 07:26 AM
Annabelle, you have nowhere to go but up! Have fun.

Cherry Blossoms: Last night we finished the choreography for my Interp program (about time, huh?) and i can know concentrate on fleshing out the character. That's the fun part for me. There's nothing technically difficult in the program - unless you count the change-edge spiral and spins in both directions - so I can really focus on the presentation.

Dead branches: Figure loops sucked. I haven't seen any improvement in them in weeks and I'm getting totally discouraged because I can't even figure out what I'm doing anymore. I feel as if I'm doing - or overdoing - everything Coach says but nothing changes. Plus I need to get my blades sharpened. It's a good thing I had free skating after that lesson to cheer me up or I'd have chucked the skates into the trashcan on my way out the door.

Oh, one more blossom: for the first time ever my rink will be open this summer. I won't have to travel and the times are close to what I skate now so I don't have to juggle my schedule much.

04-15-2005, 02:27 PM
cherry blossoms: I finally got on the ice after the longest time off it. It felt wonderful. Everything just felt so good. It all felt right being on the ice. I cant even describe it.

Dead Branches: I wasn['t able to do any jumps because I didn't want to risk injuring myself, seeing as how I have to take the MCAT tomorrow morning.

If the nerves get really bad, I'l probably go to the public session at 8:30 just to calm down and be able to actually sleep tonight.

04-15-2005, 02:50 PM
Cherry Blossoms
I ran through my programme twice in my lesson today, and both times clean.

Dead Branches
Feeling somewhat depressed about life and skating in particular. Firstly my coach is leaving at the end of the month. She's been my one and only coach for 12 years now and is so much more than just a coach, so I'm really going to miss her. On top of that I'm still getting my head round my poor competition experience from Tuesday. I'm unsure whether to bother competing again as I don't need to pay over that amount of money just to find out I'm no good.


04-16-2005, 10:51 AM
Let me just say that I love the title...the cherry blossoms are beautiful right now.

Cherry Blossoms - did the best forward scratch of my life and my coach and others just happened to be watching.

Dead branches - I went to lesson this morning running on 3 hours of sleep and it shows. Also, I have put on far too many pounds (read: I've gotten fat) and am breaking down my skates too quickly because of it.

04-16-2005, 01:58 PM
Feeling somewhat depressed about life and skating in particular. Firstly my coach is leaving at the end of the month. She's been my one and only coach for 12 years now and is so much more than just a coach, so I'm really going to miss her.

That has to be tough! Have you got a new coach lined up yet? I love my coach also. I've been planning a move for the past several years, and think that I might still come back for a lesson once in a while and maybe even to test.

On top of that I'm still getting my head round my poor competition experience from Tuesday. I'm unsure whether to bother competing again as I don't need to pay over that amount of money just to find out I'm no good.

If you enjoyed the overall experience of competing, or if it was beneficial to you in terms of motivation (I'm talking about before the competition), then it might be worth the expense. Also, just because you didn't place as well as hoped does not mean that you are "no good!" It just means that others were either better prepared, or better performers on that occasion. I would love to compete, but don't jump. Someday, I hope to be able to have dance lessons with my husband, and then we can compete in dance. I want the nice dresses :)

04-16-2005, 02:14 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
I went to my usual Friday public session practice, and had a pretty good work out. Discovered that when I can't do the FO alt threes, I need to make the lobes smaller! My theory is that I should do whatever works, and improve it from there. When I try to make the lobes big enough to do four across, I often cannot do the turns at all, especially the L. I was also able to do the power threes, which was nice since I they were pathetic on Wed in my lesson. One of four FI threes was done properly in the FI alt three pattern. Just the fact that I could do the pattern, once again, was a positive. Spiral pattern is getting better, and I'm starting to put in some of the spirals on each side.

Dead Branches:
I need to do the BXO at the top of the lobe on the Prelim power threes, but when I do, my free leg gets stuck and I can't do the BI Choctaw without that little toe touch down first! I know that I somehow need to bring the free foot out and open my hip, but it seems to be a big stumbling block for me.
Spins - what spins? I'm going to start doing balancing exercises on my L foot every day, as the big problem is that I'm scared.

On the Pre-Juv power pulls, does anyone know if the transition from one foot to the other has to be from O to O edge? That's what the diagram in the rulebook shows, but it doesn't say anything about it. I've always done I to I, which is much easier.

04-16-2005, 03:11 PM
For the forward pulls, one of my coaches teaches it as an Inside to Outside, so that in effect, you're first continuing the same lobe until the first "pull" on the new foot. Also so that you're doing a more natural push onto the new foot.

(As you probably have seen, for many skaters, if they don't get a good push onto the new foot, the 2nd side often degenerates rapidly into a series of foot wobbles.)

On the Pre-Juv power pulls, does anyone know if the transition from one foot to the other has to be from O to O edge? That's what the diagram in the rulebook shows, but it doesn't say anything about it. I've always done I to I, which is much easier.

04-16-2005, 03:49 PM
That has to be tough! Have you got a new coach lined up yet? I love my coach also. I've been planning a move for the past several years, and think that I might still come back for a lesson once in a while and maybe even to test.

It is pretty hard especially since she's leaving the country and heading to Chicago. She's terrified of flying so I fear that once she's there she won't ever come back to visit us. She's my daughter's coach also and between us we have four half hour lessons per week, so of course I do see a lot of her in a week. I am really going to miss her. I do have a new coach lined up for us both who is a lovely girl and I hope that once I get used to being coached by someone new, I'll benefit from the change.

If you enjoyed the overall experience of competing, or if it was beneficial to you in terms of motivation (I'm talking about before the competition), then it might be worth the expense. Also, just because you didn't place as well as hoped does not mean that you are "no good!" It just means that others were either better prepared, or better performers on that occasion. I would love to compete, but don't jump. Someday, I hope to be able to have dance lessons with my husband, and then we can compete in dance. I want the nice dresses :)

I guess I'm just being tough on myself. It doesn't help that I'm one of those people who suffers with nerves when competing and I suppose this shows, but overall I skated pretty well and was pleased to have landed not one, but two combinations so I do feel disappointed. I'm not making a decision regarding future competitions just yet. I've never really found competing an enjoyable experience (not unless I've had a good skate and a suitable placing!) but I find that having something to work to really does help in terms of progress. We'll just have to wait and see, but thanks for your input.


04-16-2005, 04:18 PM
For the forward pulls, one of my coaches teaches it as an Inside to Outside, so that in effect, you're first continuing the same lobe until the first "pull" on the new foot. Also so that you're doing a more natural push onto the new foot.

(As you probably have seen, for many skaters, if they don't get a good push onto the new foot, the 2nd side often degenerates rapidly into a series of foot wobbles.)

I don't see how you can do an I to O at all, and still maintain the long axis, unless you make the change off axis after half a pull, which seems excessively tricky.

04-19-2005, 08:50 PM
Cherry Blossoms:I skated today and one cherry blossom is that my coach wasn't there to criticize my skating :). I was spinning good today and my sit change foot spin is getting better.

Dead Branches:my footwork sequence is toooooooo slow .I need to speed it up to be able to do a flip after it. Another dead branch is that there were three other skaters doing axels! I felt left out :cry:
~cutie ;)

04-20-2005, 05:18 AM
I think most judges are just happy to see skaters change feet cleanly and not trip... I don't know of any of our judges who even look to see which edges are on the transition. But your best bet would probably be to ask any of the judges at your rink or club.

04-20-2005, 06:51 PM
Cherry Blossom: Ummmm... how about that I physically made it to my lesson on time??? :P :lol: (Okay, one more would be that my LFO3 are stablizing. :mrgreen: NOW she wants POWER!!!) :twisted:

Dead Branches: Well, I thought my RFO3 side is stronger... guess again!!! :evil: (It's just faster, but now she wants it done correctly!!!) We managed to finally get the RFO3 the way my secondary coach wants it. NOW I have to fix the back crossover on that side, which unfortunately has been another bane of my existence!!! :frus: (And of course, still manage to step onto a RFO edge instead of a RFI edge and then turning the foot out.) Sounds like I have to work on turning the torso on that side while doing back crossovers in the CCW direction, so I would not be blocked and be forced to step to a RFI edge.

Of course, at that point, the secondary coach REPEATED the need for me to either do yoga or get a personal trainer to work on the flexibility (and build some strength too!) I might just go and get a personal trainer from my gym (who is ACSM certified) and have my coach feed him/her what she wants out of me!

04-20-2005, 07:21 PM
Of course, at that point, the secondary coach REPEATED the need for me to either do yoga or get a personal trainer to work on the flexibility (and build some strength too!) I might just go and get a personal trainer from my gym (who is ACSM certified) and have my coach feed him/her what she wants out of me!

Jazz- You might also consider Pilates since that will help your core strength. I have hated yoga with a passion every time I've tried it, but I really enjoy Pilates and we also do some good stretching with it. Plus my coach works with me off-ice for 20-30 minutes a week, working on flexibility and posture and choreography and so on. It's been a long, slow process but I am so much impoved it is really amazing. Good luck with everything!


04-20-2005, 08:37 PM
We managed to finally get the RFO3 the way my secondary coach wants it. NOW I have to fix the back crossover on that side, which unfortunately has been another bane of my existence!!! :frus: (And of course, still manage to step onto a RFO edge instead of a RFI edge and then turning the foot out.) Sounds like I have to work on turning the torso on that side while doing back crossovers in the CCW direction, so I would not be blocked and be forced to step to a RFI edge.

This is just what I heard in my lesson today. The good part was that my coach kept repeating that I have such good back crossovers....but I don't do them in the power three pattern. I'm starting to get it on the R side, but on the L, I always feel like I am going to fall into open space if I really push against the RBI edge for the Choctaw. I've been doing just the crossover and step forward heading towards the wall, so I can grab it if necessary :oops: . Trying to build a little confidence.

04-21-2005, 12:46 AM
Jazz- You might also consider Pilates since that will help your core strength. I have hated yoga with a passion every time I've tried it, but I really enjoy Pilates and we also do some good stretching with it. Plus my coach works with me off-ice for 20-30 minutes a week, working on flexibility and posture and choreography and so on. It's been a long, slow process but I am so much impoved it is really amazing. Good luck with everything!Funny you mentioned that! Another skating friend thought the same...so, when I saw secondary coach later on tonight, I asked her would she consider Pilates in place of yoga or this trainer she recommended. She said "Yes!!!" :mrgreen: So now I'm also hunting for a Pilates coach!!! I think it'll give me exactly what she's looking for.

We'll see. I haven't heard from that particular trainer yet, so I may end up taking up Pilates after all... :P

04-21-2005, 05:55 AM
Jazz- Well, great minds think alike! :) Anyway, I just wanted to recommend to you that you either find someone for some private lessons or make sure any group Pilates classes you take are not too big. When you're starting out, it's easy to get hurt if you are not doing the exercises properly. Also, there are Pilates classes/lessons that are mat-based or apparatus. My teacher does a combination of both with me. Then during the rest of the week I do a number of the exercises as part of my warmup before I skate.

Good luck!

04-21-2005, 02:18 PM
dead branches: my sister's cold/flu attacked me.
blossoms: finally got to the rink and managed to skate for about 45 min. Still no word on the elusive skates.

04-21-2005, 04:25 PM
Blossoms : I can retire my AN program and work on something else.

Branches : The something else is a show program. I have learned 1/2 of it. The show is next Friday. Our costumes got tossed in the dumpster (by a rink janitor not paying attention). Things are not going well with this show.

04-21-2005, 04:56 PM
Cherry Blossoms: Show is over/rink is closed and I can finally get caught up on much needed sleep.

Dead Branches: Our Navy routine for the Sunday show took a nosedive and sunk! Hopefully, not many in the audience was very wise to what a synchro team should really look like :oops: ! Of course, Murphy's Law states that the videographer had to tape that night....

Terri C
04-21-2005, 05:21 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Skated for 3 hours today- skated 2 hours this morning when I had a lesson with Coach and then one hour this afternoon when I had to come back to the rink for a club board meeting- just came a little earlier and skated a hour before the meeting. Spins were good today!

Dead Branches:
Will I ever get this Bronze MIF test down pat? :frus: One day, I'm ready, the next, it seems like I need more work!
Also mad because while the rink CD player would play the kid's program CD's, it would not play my newly purchased ZZ Top Greatest Hits CD. Wanted to do moves to it, since the band is from Texas, where AN will be next year!

04-21-2005, 05:38 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Will I ever get this Bronze MIF test down pat? :frus: One day, I'm ready, the next, it seems like I need more work!NOW you know how I feel!!! :frus: :evil:

Dead Branches:

I have spies for my secondary coach watching me do my 3turns and it ain't pretty. And of course, my spies is gonna tattle and my secondary coach on my case next Wed. GRRRR!!! :twisted:
5 step was fine on the first half but really bad on the second half. Me? I think both sides were sucky... but just that the first side didn't suck as much... :P
Alt. forward crossovers were sucky... but my primary coach reasoned that it's b/c I'm getting tired and tend to be lazy towards the end of the lesson (Strange?) ... b/c he's the same way. (AHHH!!!) ;) :P
Cherry Blossom:

The BI inside of the alt. back crossovers and the back xover to BO edge weren't as bad...
He did say that I have improved this year but there's a lot to still work on.
Did some final backspin. First one sucked. Second better. Third one was a "YAAAAY!!!" :mrgreen:

Mrs Redboots
04-22-2005, 06:05 AM
Cherry Blossom: Back on the ice after our holiday. Worked out a new start and end to our Swing Dance (copying like mad, but none of the pre-bronze dancers at AN are going to be at MC, which in one sense is a pity, but in another I'm very thankful!). Also tried starting our Canasta in the same place as the pre-Bronze dancers started it, which is going to work, I think. Walked through parts of our Free Dance, but....

Dead branches: Still a bit jet-lagged, plus we have our Latin dance class tonight, so didn't stay on for very long, only an hour. Didn't run through my Interp at all, as my boot got loose and decided it wasn't worth tightening it!

04-22-2005, 06:42 AM
Dead Branches: Figures are stuck in Mediocre Mode. After a spate of progerss that lasted from October to mid February, where I could see SOMETHING improving almost every week, I've been stuck at the same level for the last month and can even see things getting worse. Frustrating as all-get-out. Plus I picked up some nasty nicks on my patch blades. My coach stoned out the worst of them but I really need to get the blades sharpened. Only problem is finding a sharpener who has some experience with figure blades, no easy task in this area.

Cherry Blossoms: The Interp program is complete and fun and a couple parents who saw me run through it last night told me that I should do it in the club show just because it's so entertaining to watch. And that was without costume and with the props tied together with an old boot lace. It should be better with complete costume. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about it. The freeskate program is another matter....

04-22-2005, 09:10 AM
Michigan - the dumpster? grrrr.
Perhaps you can all skate in Janitor outfits.

04-22-2005, 09:53 AM
Cherry Blossoms:

- Major breakthrough on the Paso back breakout. It's amazing what doing something as simple as keeping the foot tucked during the back change edge after the slip-steps can do... improved the shape of the bit of the dance from the break-out through to the step-forward almost totally.

- Tango slowly getting better. Working hard on ensuring neat feet with flexed ankles and good edges and flow.

- Starlight about the same. It only got about 15 minutes of time this week, other than my practice. I did do the end pattern (the 3-turns into the closed mohawk) faster solo than I've been doing it. Not yet at full power/speed solo, though (at that point solo, the chicken factor takes full control of my mind).

Dead Branches: Only twigs this week.... the only non-twig is that my boots are starting to feel like they're dying although they don't look it. I changed laces and still can't keep the left boot from going wobbly within about 10-15 minutes without lacing so tight that I cut off circulation.

04-22-2005, 10:22 AM
Michigan - the dumpster? grrrr.
Perhaps you can all skate in Janitor outfits.And skate to this parody song:

(song to the tune of Prima Louis' "Jump And Jive and Wail...") :twisted: :P

04-22-2005, 10:34 AM
Michigan - sounds like the stuff at my rink.

We've just been informed that the management company that runs our rink has double booked youth hockey for the same time as our club show, which is already sanctioned and has been under rehearsal for the last three weeks. The hockey group is the same one who has already bumped us off club ice twice since February. Mind you, the rink manager confirmed the dates with us before we sent in the sanction request and HE didn't know about this until yesterday when his monthly schedule came from headquarters.

The management company sucks Zamboni scum. :evil:

04-22-2005, 01:29 PM
Blossoms: the flowers are blooming and making my...........

dead braches: or my head wants to explode! 8O :oops:
my heads been hurting all week from the awful flu/ but not flu virus, you can do nothing about!!!!! :frus: :?:

but back to BLOSSOMS:
I'm okay as long as i dont spin or jump(my equilibrium is off besides loss of too much wait too fast)

i had my first dance lesson!!
it helped my stroking so much, it's like it finally "clicked" and i was all:"why didn't any one tell me this four YEARS ago????! :roll: :frus:

but at least i think that will help my lower back problem (im always slouching).
Plus the weather has been all freaky, just ask michigan skater! :roll:
messing everyone up i think.

but hey at least im not the only one.... ;)

~kittie(feeling like this: :giveup: and head in the clouds or sand... or under the ice?! 8O )

04-22-2005, 02:41 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
My new pair of boots and blades seem very helpful on my skating. My coach was very happy with me finally changing skates. ^^

First time I'm able to find the 'spot' for a spin and I was able to do a 3 rev's upright spin (not scratch spin tho... ><). I've never been able to find that 'spot' becasue with my old pair of skates either I spin on my toepick or I spin on the centre of my blades! Now I need to work on keeping the spin on the 'spot' instead of going down to my toes.

Now to jumping... seems like I am not fighting for where to land again.

Dead Branches:
Not today. :P

04-22-2005, 03:20 PM
Cherry Blossoms:

Skated today for the first time in weeks, I was off with injury. Being back on the ice is such a good thing I can't believe it.

I remembered all my dances. I didn't even put my foot down on the 3 turn in the Willow.

Dead Branches:

Spinning. Aaack. It's such a finicky skill and it took me forever to build up resistance to dizzyness which is now gone. I'll have to start that all over again.

04-22-2005, 06:04 PM
Cherry Blossoms: My coach was in a really good mood :D .We changed my program alittle bit and she helped speed up my footwork sequence.I was jumping really good too! :)

Dead Branches:I still haven't gotten my axel :cry:

~cutie ;)

04-22-2005, 06:53 PM
Can I just say I don't like to see trees in bloom because it reminds me of my chronic allergies? Cherry blossom, dogwood, WHATEVER, I see a flowering tree and my eyes start to itch. Dead branches? We FINALLY got our tree trimmed in our backyard. So my blossom/branch is switched this week.

Lovely Dead Branches: really worked on spins, muscle memory is coming back slowly, even got up enough courage to do a bad camel and an even worse sit. I wasn't ready to really do a sit because I didn't want to throw my butt on the ice. My flip is back! Sort of. I can actually do it but I'm not jumping high or with speed. But at least I did it.

Horrible, allergy inducing Cherry Blossoms: three turns in the field. Hah. Like I'll ever get them. Those back cross cut thingies (is that what they're called? any silver movers out there?) -- I'm so afraid of touching blades and falling. My worst falls have always been those catch an edge fall. Will be taking these slooowwwly.

04-22-2005, 08:04 PM
Cherry Blossoms: Flip,loop,toe............ Lutz,loop,toe, ........... Waltz,loop,toe ......... Sal,toe......... running 3's toe,toe all were great today as well as 5 step mohawk, power 3's and back crossovers. Over all great skate.

Dead Branches: Rink as issued new "no jump/spin" rule outside of cone area in public sessions. Will the guards keep the non jumping/spinners out of the center?(DOUBTFUL!!!) :evil: :evil: :evil:

NoVa Sk8r
04-22-2005, 08:18 PM
Dead Branches: Rink as issued new "no jump/spin" rule outside of cone area in public sessions. Will the guards keep the non jumping/spinners out of the center?(DOUBTFUL!!!) :evil: :evil: :evil:You're referring to MtV? Oh brother! That rule comes in and out of fashion. I guess posting their rules is "the new black." (And why do they let idiotic hockey players rough each other up and have races?)

04-23-2005, 09:27 AM
Pruning those dead branches to get Cherry blossoms:

After coming back from nationals I have decided to try a little harder.

Better layback w/ two positions, ending w/ straight leg. Legs are okay arms are more interpetitive dancish.

Land that double loop because the 2toe is being cranky. Almost there currently at 1 1/4 revolutions but landing on correct foot, unfortunately done so slowly that moths usually pass me during preparation for the jump. (small moths that are slowly freezing to death in the rink)

Started work on double flip again, actually got full rotation in harness and landed on correct foot. Then for some reason started to get similar rotation as 2 loop and also landing on correct foot. So it seems hopeful. Coach saw it and almost passed out.

Learning how to do flying camel to catch foot, more like chase foot, I wonder, if I touch my nose to the ice while spinning and don't die if I'll get extra points.

Gotta make that sit back sit faster, flipped out of it, wheeeeee. But all in all, not that bad. Just make the list for ISU and then learn how to do all the stuff on the sheet in 4 weeks.

8O 8O

Mrs Redboots
04-23-2005, 10:18 AM
Cherry Blossom: Worked on choreographing our free dance this morning, remembering the mantra "Simple steps, beautifully done!" Also did a couple of Canasta Tangos, when the music was playing - our new start is going to work well, I think.

Just as well we skated - our coach had forgotten we were back this weekend, and had thought we weren't in tomorrow!

Dead Branches: Our dance spin kept going wrong, although we got a couple of good ones. I have no idea how well we will be able to skate tomorrow, both of us with new blades and me with new boots, too. The boots won't be a problem to break in, though, assuming I get the lacing right, but I think I'm going to take the laces out of my old boots as the ones they have come with are a bit short.

Edited to add: I'm not sure if these are blossoms or branches, but have just discovered our competition schedule for June:
2-4 Mountain Cup
10-12 Oberstdorf (not that I'm skating in it, but Husband is)
19 Lambeth Festival (local closed Club competition; if I do it, will be a 2-minute version of my Interp.....)
23-24 Bracknell Adult Opens (qualifier for British Adult Championships, plus possibly Interp on the Thursday)
26 (I think), Team Challenge competition (which we may be dancing in)

Sheesh..... exhaustion, here we come! Oh, and I forgot the recreational matches over the summer, not sure exact dates but first one is last weekend in May!

Terri C
04-23-2005, 12:22 PM
Cherry Blossoms:
Moves felt good today! I went to the rink near my house which has a smaller surface. I might be taking my Bronze moves there in June- I'll leave that call to my coaches.
Loop was good today also!

Dead Branches:
The only downfall to this rink besides the small surface, is that the kids there can be rather rude. The session had just started and I had put a CD in, only for the kids to come over to the CD as soon as I skated off, said "let's change it" all the while looking at me. Last time I checked, you're supposed to share the CD player and you ask before you change someone's music, right? :roll: :evil:

04-23-2005, 03:28 PM
Michigan - the dumpster? grrrr.
Perhaps you can all skate in Janitor outfits.
That would be just my luck! :roll:

04-23-2005, 06:57 PM
Dead Branches!!! GRRRR!!! KIDS!!! :frus: (The worst offender actually are the preteen kids who just barrel thru... And of course, we have our cast of regular kiddie skaters who ends up playing TAG!!! (Ummm...should you kids be PRACTICING!?!?!) :P

Why do I bother going to the public session knowing that there's a HUGE crowd!?!?! :frus: (Oh, yeah... b/c I have AOSS and I want to get in some amount of ice time! That's why!!!) :P

Cherry Blossoms:

Oh, my! I did managed to get in a good back crossover to BO edge practice. But knowing me, I probably didn't do it right... :P
Note to self on power 3's: BEND BEND and MORE BEND on the knees!!! It really does wonders!!! I managed to own my power 3's by the end of the afternoon!!! WOOO HOO!!!

Terri C
04-23-2005, 06:59 PM
Note to self on power 3's: BEND BEND and MORE BEND on the knees!!! It really does wonders!!! I managed to own my power 3's by the end of the afternoon!!! WOOO HOO!!!

No wonder my knees are so sore right now- I worked the power threes to death today!

04-23-2005, 07:49 PM
No wonder my knees are so sore right now- I worked the power threes to death today!You and me both! I was working on those power 3's to death for the last 2.5 years!!! (Nothing like a good long hot shower afterwards though! AHHHH!!!) :mrgreen:

I really felt like I had to squat down AND keep my back straight at the same time. And I could hear my secondary coach yell in my head PUSH going into the next FO3 each time (and "mindful" of the hockey BRAT that just went rushing thru me...) GRRRR!!! :frus:

I better start coming to FS sessions if I have any hope of practicing power 3's at speed...

04-23-2005, 07:57 PM
I have no idea how well we will be able to skate tomorrow, both of us with new blades and me with new boots, too. The boots won't be a problem to break in, though, assuming I get the lacing right, but I think I'm going to take the laces out of my old boots as the ones they have come with are a bit short.
Good luck with the boots and blades! (Ugh! Breaking in boots! )

04-23-2005, 09:06 PM
Good luck with the boots and blades! (Ugh! Breaking in boots! )

My laces were way short and were all nylon skinny things-ended up replacing them with all cotton (easier for my arthritic hands to lace). I waxed the first 18 inches (actually the middle that goes through the boot holes) so they wouldn't slip as easily (or get as dirty). :D

04-23-2005, 09:30 PM
I went skating yesterday and it was a nightmare, the zamboni wasn't working so the ice was beyond terrible.
It's also a very small rink, and they were having two partys at the same time so the ice was crowded with little girls, and hockey boys ; it was awful! :cry: