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03-12-2005, 07:58 PM

I'm just curious about this, since it came up in a conversation recently. When a skater gets an international assignment, does USFS pay the coach's travel expenses? One skate mom I know says she had to pay all coaching expenses (travel, room, meals.........but the coach never charged for lost wages) when her daughter had an international assignment. The other said USFS paid for travel & lodging, but they were responsible for lost wages. Anyone know? I just assumed when our top skaters had international assignments USFS paid for their coach's travel and lodging. Anyone know how it really works?

03-12-2005, 08:14 PM
My understanding was that USFS paid airfare, lodging, and food costs for the skater(s) and one coach. If the skater or team wanted to bring a secondary coach, choreographer, etc., they were responsible for those costs. I'm almost sure that was what I read on the USFS website within the last couple of years.

03-13-2005, 12:27 AM

I'm just curious about this, since it came up in a conversation recently. When a skater gets an international assignment, does USFS pay the coach's travel expenses? One skate mom I know says she had to pay all coaching expenses (travel, room, meals.........but the coach never charged for lost wages) when her daughter had an international assignment. The other said USFS paid for travel & lodging, but they were responsible for lost wages. Anyone know? I just assumed when our top skaters had international assignments USFS paid for their coach's travel and lodging. Anyone know how it really works?

There are such competitions called the "Young International", is this the type of competition the skater had done? YI is where skaters who meet the USFS criteria can apply for a spot at an international competition and the USFS assigns a handful of skaters to these events. However, the skaters assigned *are not* Team USA members, and most of them are not national competitors/medallists. Most of the skaters assigned are regional and sectional skaters. Its a great program, imo, for young and promising skaters to get experience. It is my understanding that the USFS *does not* cover the expenses. If a skater were to go, they would have to pay from his/her own lodging, etc, and the travel expenses of their coach as well.
When a skater is a member of Team USA and the USFS assigns them to an event, then yes, the USFS does cover the travel expenses of the skater and the coach.

03-13-2005, 09:04 AM
I believe it depends on the competition. My coach is currently in Europe with one of our Novice level skaters and Mom paid the airfare, USFS paid the hotel and food.

03-13-2005, 02:26 PM
It also depends how high up on The List you are with the USFS. The more they n$$d you, the more they'll sp$nd on you. Gotta spend money to make money!

03-13-2005, 05:25 PM
Thanks for all of the info. One skater had an international assignment at the Novice level (after doing well at Nationals), the other had junior and senior level assignments. I would guess level might have something to do with it. So many things to learn about this sport and how it works.

03-14-2005, 06:31 PM
Not so much to learn about how it works. Here are the basics.

$$$$$$$ > talent
kissing butt > kicking butt
85 percent politics + 25 percent ability = Gold medal

Crash course over. :)

03-14-2005, 07:25 PM
There are such competitions called the "Young International", is this the type of competition the skater had done? YI is where skaters who meet the USFS criteria can apply for a spot at an international competition and the USFS assigns a handful of skaters to these events. However, the skaters assigned *are not* Team USA members, and most of them are not national competitors/medallists. Most of the skaters assigned are regional and sectional skaters. Its a great program, imo, for young and promising skaters to get experience. It is my understanding that the USFS *does not* cover the expenses. If a skater were to go, they would have to pay from his/her own lodging, etc, and the travel expenses of their coach as well.
Here's the link to USFS' page on "Young International Competitions":
Copenhagen Trophy this past weekend was a YIC for the USA skaters and a "regular" international for the Canadian and other countries' skaters.

When a skater is a member of Team USA and the USFS assigns them to an event, then yes, the USFS does cover the travel expenses of the skater and the coach.
For example, the U.S. junior singles skaters assigned to Gardena Spring Trophy in Italy at the end of this month and the novice and junior singles and pair skaters assigned to Triglav Trophy in Slovenia in mid-April will have all their expenses paid for them by USFS (except for the coaches' lost wages and chaperones' travel and other expenses). These USA international assignments are all listed at: