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12-27-2004, 11:32 AM
I'm just thinking, cause it seems like i have the most stuff out of everyone i know in my bag. besides me skates, i have different nylon socks (some days my feet want to be funky, some days plain black) water bottle, money, chapstick, hand lotion, gloves, hair ties and brush, hard guards and soft guards, an old towel to wipe off my blades, band aids, eye drops ( i wear contacts, hte cold sometimes makes my eyes dry) tissues, knee brace, and i'm not even sure what else. the thing is, i usually end up using this stuff, and if i don't bring something with me, of course i'm going to need it.

anyone else come with lots of stuff?

12-27-2004, 12:19 PM
Skates, soakers, towel, hard guards, three pairs tights, two pairs skating socks, wooly socks for after, skate dress, thin sweater, tshirt, stretch pants, (sometimes it's a skirt day, sometimes a pants day), fleece jacket, windsuit jacket and pants. Good mitts and stretchy thin gloves. Thats the main part. In the pockets I have tapes and CD's, toiletries, ankle brace, gel socks, knee padding, water bottle, copies of dance patterns, markers that I use during Canskate sessions and a lock and key for lockers. Sometimes I'll even have a lunch box because I go to the rink directly after work and pack a sandwich.

Really, it's not that big a bag.....

12-27-2004, 01:19 PM
fun topic!

in my bag theres: soakers, 2 pairs of skate guards, 4 pairs of mittens, 2 extra pairs of laces, a headband warmer thingy, lots of packages of kleenex, program cd's, cd case with fun practice music, 3 ring binder (my goals, notes on what i need to practice, etc), left over tissue paper from christmas gifts, 2 granola bars, a water bottle, all my foot cushion pads(for blisters, etc), a jump rope, money, chapstick, and skates of course.

12-27-2004, 01:22 PM
Not at the moment because I'm not skating but used to have:

Dance skates
Free skates
Face cloth to wipe blades with
Spare laces
Dance skirts
Compulsory CD's
Water or juice or other drink
Gloves (more than one pair unless they've been 'borrowed' by other people
Blade Guards
Underwear (for when I got to work)
Bunga Pads
Hair bands
Assortment of screwdrivers (to tighten blade)
Selection of screws (for if a screw falls out)
Mustn't forget the wide variety of painkillers :)

I used to wear my skating cossies under my 'going to work' clothes as I had to change into scrubs at work anyway.

I would sometimes have fruit or more often chocolate in my bag too :)

12-27-2004, 02:12 PM
Alrightttttt let's go:

- Furry soakers
- Neon blade-guards
- Giant band-aids
- Ankle wrap
- Ankle foam-cusions
- Bunga Pads
- Towel rag
- Jump rope
- 3 scrunchies
- 2 pairs of gloves
- 2 pairs of tights, 1 pair footless tights
- 5 dresses
- 2 pairs of stretchy pants
- 1 pair of stretchy shorts
- 1 T-shirt
- 2 zip-up hoodies
- 2 leotards
- 1 pair of sneakers
- and yes, I EVEN have skates in there.
- Warm-up/program cd's
- USFS rulebook
- Practice notebook/pen
- Bottled water
- a dead body....(just kidding)

My bag is bigger than your largest travel suitcase....

12-27-2004, 02:21 PM
I can't fit much in my bag, most of it is crammed inside my boots
2 pairs of boot covers
Tights (I usually wear them underneath my pants, nice and warm!)
Feathery Socks
CD player
CD holder (I have a new one shaped like a hamburger for christmas, it's soooo cool!)
3 pairs of batteries
A bar of choc or two...

12-27-2004, 03:34 PM
In addition to the usual stuff already listed by everyone else, my skate bag also includes:

Static Guard (travel size; very useful)
Blade lights (happily purchased from our own beccapoo)
my lucky Dr. Pepper-flavored lip smacker

12-27-2004, 04:53 PM
Skates w/soakers, inside terry-cloth skate bags
3 pairs of guards (I used to carry two pairs of skates, one for patch)
About 17 pairs of gloves (I'm not kidding!)
Three towels
Water bottle
First-aid kit
Kleenex box
CD case (contains 2 CDs and a digital voice recorder)
Cassette case (contains 6 cassettes)
Bunga pads
Jump rope
Extra batteries
Screwdriver set

12-27-2004, 06:16 PM
I always take two bags. A small bag just for skates and few skate items and a backpack, very lightly filled.

The skate bag has my skates, with the soakers on. The hard guards are in their too. In the two side pockets I keep nylons to wear under with a couple of very thin pads to cushion the trouble spot on my foot. I also have one tampon (just in case!), an icy hot patch and two hair clips.

In the backpack, I keep the kleenex, purell, my phone, a snack, water and my gloves. Also clothes if I will need to change at the rink.

12-27-2004, 06:58 PM
Skates, Blade Guards, Soakers, Tissue, Jump Rope, Stop Watch, Hair Bands, Brush, Screw Driver, Bunga Pad, Tights, Gloves, Sweatshirt, Skirt, Cd's/tape, Mini-tape Player, Cd Player, Wallet, Cell Phone, Tennis Balls, Stretching Book, And Water Bottle.

12-27-2004, 07:49 PM
A positive attitude and passion to entertain. ;) :D
Ill be at the Washington event , New York and Nationals.
Win or loose I just want to entertain you all, thats the best thing I can put in my bag. :D See you there.

12-28-2004, 11:15 AM
Somehow I manage to fit my skates, a pair of soakers, a pair of guards, two towels, two pairs of socks, two sets of gloves, bunga ankle sleeves, bunga pads, a pack of moleskin, three pens, ISI patches from pre-alpha through freestyle 3, a card from my old coach, my SP-Teri bill of sale, a card from my friends, a small notebook, tissues, loose change, assorted hair bands, a pair of tights, a cassette of old program music, hair straightening balm, hand lotion, chapstick, and for the time being a late Xmas gift for my current coach, in my little duffle bag.

Mel On Ice
12-28-2004, 11:15 AM
soakers, hard guards, a tape box with room for 6, towel, spare pair of trouser socks, earband, gloves, my good luck charm Lucky Pete the Lake Placid Black Lab, skates (of course), a pen, spare cash, freestyle tickets, business cards for SP Teri and my blade sharpener, a skating journal, and a folder containing skating routine diagrams, contact lists, dance pattern diagrams, and testing requirements for silver and gold free/MIF (USFSA) and requirements for passing freestyle 4 and 5 (ISI).

12-28-2004, 12:03 PM
I carry a small over-the- shoulder skate bag, so there's not a lot of room. However, I do have a belly-bag that I attached to the skate bag to carry additionals.

Skate bag: Skates, blade guards, soakers, chamois (for drying blades), bunga sleeves, gloves, packet of tissues.

Belly-bag: Extra gloves, assorted sizes of band-aids, neosporin, foam pads, extra laces.

12-28-2004, 12:15 PM
What's not in there?

Here goes:
Knee Pads
Blade Guards
Water Bottle
Lace Hooks (two different kinds, I use them for my students)
Extra Laces
Contact Lenses
Reading Glasses
Hard Case for my glasses
Band Aids
Foam Cosmetic Pads
Park Skating Schedule
Screw Driver
Extra Screws
Extra Gloves
Ear Muffs
Neoprene Boot Covers
Stickers (for my tot students)
Skate School Badges for two different schools
Washable Markers
Packet of Tissues
Raffi Tape for tots class
Knee Highs (for anyone who needs them)
MP3 Player
Lock for lockers

12-28-2004, 01:14 PM
a small notebook

Oh! I sometimes take my diary for something to do on the train.

12-28-2004, 03:29 PM
I thought I had a lot of stuff until I read some of those lists! Here's mine:

Skates (duh)
Hard guards
2 towels
2 pair gloves
Extra laces
Fleece head band (the Garner rink is FREEZING this time of year)
Barrettes and headband to hold hair out of my eyes
Program music on CD
Rink schedules
Small bag with makeup (from when I used to skate before work)
Water bottle if I leave from home (I carry it when I go from work)
Freestyle and moves punch cards
Change, chapstick, and hard candies
Luna bar (protein after I get off ice)

And, skate dress/tights when I come from work, or regular clothes when I come from home and need to do something after I skate.

Once I get to the rink, I usually drop my keys and cell phone in (and ID badge if I'm coming from work)

12-28-2004, 03:46 PM
I have the typical collection of lots of stuff, but the most interesting item in my bag is a tiny, working socket wrench given to me by a friend. It is completely made out of plastic using a fancy method on the computer to tell the machine where to put the plastic (i.e., NOT injection molded or molded in any other way). I know nothing more specific about this, but it is a very interesting toy, and it works, too. I think my friend might lurk here--maybe this person will de-lurk and explain it better than I do. I actually forgot until recently that I had this in my bag.

If I see any of you at tests, competitions, etc. I'll show you the wrench. It's a very neat thing.

(I also have a flat 4-in-one screwdriver from Sears Craftsman, and I've actually used it to fix a young skater's plastic guards once--the screw holding in one spring came out, and I was able to put it back in.) :D

12-28-2004, 03:55 PM
I have the typical collection of lots of stuff, but the most interesting item in my bag is a tiny, working socket wrench given to me by a friend. It is completely made out of plastic using a fancy method on the computer to tell the machine where to put the plastic (i.e., NOT injection molded or molded in any other way). I know nothing more specific about this, but it is a very interesting toy, and it works, too. I think my friend might lurk here--maybe this person will de-lurk and explain it better than I do. I actually forgot until recently that I had this in my bag.

If I see any of you at tests, competitions, etc. I'll show you the wrench. It's a very neat thing.

(I also have a flat 4-in-one screwdriver from Sears Craftsman, and I've actually used it to fix a young skater's plastic guards once--the screw holding in one spring came out, and I was able to put it back in.) :D

so, this may sound like a rather stupid question, but what exactly is a socket wrench used for? my knowledge of tools is limited to hammer, screwdriver, and saw.

12-28-2004, 04:39 PM
I can see that the real reason I'm not making more progress with my skating is that I don't carry enough stuff in my bag. :lol: I have:
2 pairs of guards
Extra laces
3 pairs gloves
Small notebook & pen
Change for vending machines
Hockey puck (why? I'm not sure)
Change of clothes (if I'm going straight to campus from the rink)

I should add chapstick and hand lotion, though (she says, contemplating her chapped lips and dry hands).

12-28-2004, 04:43 PM
Hee hee, it has nothing to do with how much stuff you have in your bag, but why not throw a lead weight in your bag, a pillow, and an apple. It might help you improve, and just break your back with the weight. :lol:

12-28-2004, 04:59 PM
I guess I need to pack a screwdriver since everyone else has one. Although, if coach gets wind of it, I might have it confiscated, when I'm in a bad skating mood, sharp pointy objects within my reach are a bad idea.

What does everyone write in their skating journal/diaries? I don't have one of those either.

Mrs Redboots
12-28-2004, 05:01 PM
Oh! I sometimes take my diary for something to do on the train.You'd be advised to take a notebook, too, and write down what you did in your lesson, and what you need to practice.

As for me, my skate-bag has:

Soakers and individual bags for each skate
Blade lights (only until 6 January! They're our "Christmas lights")
Two towels - one to stand on, one to wipe my blades with
Walkman and earphones
One of those balls on a string that you loop round your ankle and jump over (I can't skip, it hurts my knees, but I can do that)
Very often my practice-skirt, tights and big black pants to wear over the tights, or else my dress I wear for dance club, thanks to Jenlyon60!
Emergency socks (I once arrived at a competition with over-boot tights and no socks and had to skate barefoot, which was not nice)
My music, in both CD and tape format, plus "our" music ditto
Small bottle of hand cleanser in case I want to take my lenses out and can't get to wash my hands
Sharpening stone
spare batteries for Walkman
That's all that lives in my skate bag, but in my "other bag" that goes back and forth to the rink (my skates tend to live there unless I want them at home for other reasons) I keep:

That day's boot covers
Bottle of water
Bag with arnica, rescue remedy etc
reading-glasses and sunglasses
Sometimes my ordinary glasses and contact-lens case
Small bottle lens cleaner
Anything else I'm liable to want that day!

12-28-2004, 05:09 PM
Emergency socks (I once arrived at a competition with over-boot tights and no socks and had to skate barefoot, which was not nice)

I once did that, well not at a competition, but before I bought my skirt and tights etc, I dont know how I managed to walk out of the door not knowing I hadn't put my socks on, but I soon found out. I still skated, but found that I didn't notice after a while, and I was expecting it to be horrible and wreck my day.

12-28-2004, 08:12 PM
Hard guards
a plastic bag
bunga pads
icy hot
duck tape
medical tape
trail mix
prewrap for taping
a book
a coin purse with hair bands and clips
crash pad

12-28-2004, 08:50 PM
Well i have 2 sk8 bags, in my "main sk8 bag" i have:

my sk8's, hard guards, soakers, note book, folders, markers, a whole bunch of footed tights and over the boot tights, sk8ing dresses, stretchy pants, 2 ankle sleeve's a heel gel, knee pads, hip pads, 2 program cd's (long and short), 2 tapes for each = 4 tapes, band aids, chap stick, moves in the field book, toiletries, water bottle, a lunch half the time cause i sk8 from 7am-1pm... and in my 2nd bag, i usually have a pair of jeans a shirts socks... lots of other stuff! :D

Mrs Redboots
12-29-2004, 10:56 AM
Forgot to mention guards (which probably goes without saying) and, thankfully, a packet of tissues! Which have now been transferred to my "portable" bag, which also, I notice, contains an umbrella!

12-29-2004, 11:24 AM
Water bottle
Hard guards which I almost never wear
At least two pairs of gloves
Windbreaker stuffed way in the bottom of the bag
CDs of all program music
Small notebook I always forget about
Hair clips
Emergency backup socks
Very small stuffed bear a friend gave me at one of my first competitions
Jade good-luck charm given to me by my old coach when she moved away (tied on the outside of the bag)

12-29-2004, 11:45 AM
I'm sore there must be some bricks in there - it's so heavy.
Most of the usual stuff - and a mini hair dryer to warm my boots, a small bag with my crash pads to take to the boards.

12-29-2004, 04:16 PM
so, this may sound like a rather stupid question, but what exactly is a socket wrench used for? my knowledge of tools is limited to hammer, screwdriver, and saw.

Sorry, I think I used the wrong name. I think it's a regular wrench, but the kind with moving parts so that you can change the size of the "mouth" of the wrench. (If you type "wrench" into the Google Images search engine, you'll see the kind of tool I mean.) I've never used the one in my bag, but other people have and have told me it works.

12-29-2004, 07:08 PM
What does everyone write in their skating journal/diaries? I don't have one of those either.

I use one to keep track of what I worked on and how long each session is. The other is for things my coaches tell me--What I did wrong, how to fix it, and how I did "fixing" it, as well as what they want me to work on before my next lesson. At my age, if I don't write it down, I forget it. :roll: :lol:

12-29-2004, 07:43 PM
I use one to keep track of what I worked on and how long each session is. The other is for things my coaches tell me--What I did wrong, how to fix it, and how I did "fixing" it, as well as what they want me to work on before my next lesson. At my age, if I don't write it down, I forget it. :roll: :lol:

I do that, too. Sometimes I also write down ideas I get for footwork sequences to try at the rink the next time I skate. (When I'm about to fall asleep, I think of all kinds of things to torture myself trying!)

I also write down when I get a sharpening and if, I changed the hollow, what I changed it to.

12-29-2004, 08:33 PM
Also a pair of ballet slippers. I've attached a clip pen to the inside of the bag, and a lip balm hanging from my boards bag.

12-30-2004, 01:23 AM
I used to use a wheeled black suitcase for the rink, till recently I started using a purple bag specifically for skates/skating. My bag usually contains:

-Tie-dye terry soakers
-Skates (always, of course!)
-Hard plastic grape-colored (or white) guards
-1 or 2 sweaters
-2 or 3 lightweight shirts
-Small towel for drying the blades
-Black gloves, plus an extra pair sometimes
-3 headband things for warmth, which I rarely use
-Tights, if I'm wearing a skirt/dress and need to change
-1 or 2 pairs of socks
-Pair of leggings, pants or jeans if I need to change
-Jacket, occasionally
-Small kneepads which I don't normally use

In my purse I keep Kleenex, lipgloss, small tube of lotion and hair accessories. There isn't enough space to put those items in my bag, especially when the skates take up so much space.

12-30-2004, 11:33 AM
- skaters
- soakers
- skateguards
- many gloves (some without matches...some with holes...)
- Kleenex (a MUST-Have!)
- all my music for skating
- extra pair of socks for those days I accidentally wear ankle socks
- extra skate laces (I'm a chronic lace-cutter)
- warm sweater
- my skate canada membership cards
- hair ties
- hair clips
- bobby pins
- safety pins
- make-up
- first aid (i.e., bandaids, gauze, etc.)
- money
- a marker for teaching Learn to Skate
- memoires (keychains, etc)
- two towels for skate - regular towel and a chamois cloth

I believe that's all!

01-04-2005, 03:18 AM
I guess I need to pack a screwdriver since everyone else has one. Although, if coach gets wind of it, I might have it confiscated, when I'm in a bad skating mood, sharp pointy objects within my reach are a bad idea.

What does everyone write in their skating journal/diaries? I don't have one of those either.

What I do in my notebook is I have all of my spins, jumps etc. My friends and I also have these competitions where we will do an element and get a mark for it and the person with the most points at the end of the week wins. Since I'm the only one with a book, everyone uses mine which means the rules for our comps are in my book!!!!!

01-05-2005, 05:29 PM
ok lets see:

Hard guards
soft guards
2-3 pairs of gloves
2 pairs of tights
a skirt
2 or 3 t shirts
a club jacket
an extra sweater for the days where our arena is freezing
a box of kleenexes
a water bottle
a towel for my skates
my music
a pair of pants for coaching (which say SKATE across the back)
hair clips
hair elastics
extra laces
a snack because Im usually coming from school
running shoes for off ice

I guess thats about it for normal practice sessions

01-05-2005, 07:44 PM
I don't have nearly as much stuff in my bag, but here goes...

I use an old laptop bag for skating...in the main compartment are where my skates go, along with the soft guards when I'm not wearing them.

In the next compartment with some dividers in it, I have a hand towel for drying the blades when I'm done, and a wool scarf for those times when it's absolutely freezing and it takes me a few minutes to warm up.

In the front pocket are where my hard guards are - which change places with the soft guards when I get to the rink, along with a pair of gloves, a screwdriver that I started carrying after a screw came partway out, a pair of fairly thin wool socks, a pair of really thin nylon socks, and fingernail clippers.

I had band-aids for a while but used them up and haven't replaced them nor needed them really, and I need to add chapstick.

01-05-2005, 08:04 PM
i've recently added some more stuff to my bag. ready? here goes

blister band aids
that heat stuff they sell at the drugstore that you put on your back or knees or whatever and it feels oh so good.
change of clothes
book to read for when i take the train
changed my lotion bottle
and my metrocard, otherwise i lose it

since my current list is still accurate, but additions have been made, so i figured why not put it up here.

01-06-2005, 02:29 PM
In my bag...

# skates

# soakers

# guards

# kleenexes

# a bandage

# bengay

# some foam rubber

# my music

# a bottle of water

# 2 pairs of gloves

# 2 hair elastics

# a brush

# a towel

# a little teddy bear

# 2 lump of sugar

# wallet

# cellphone

.. I'm quite sure I forgot something.. :D :D

Mrs Redboots
01-07-2005, 05:54 AM
Why the sugar-lumps, Florence?

I've just added a notebook, and for the first time today made notes on my practice. I hope I can read them - I certainly couldn't see what I was writing!

01-07-2005, 07:01 AM
Why the sugar-lumps, Florence?

I've just added a notebook, and for the first time today made notes on my practice. I hope I can read them - I certainly couldn't see what I was writing!

because sometimes I have low blood pressure..(I don't know If you spell this thing like that in english...) ..and If a eat a little bit of sugar I immediately feel better :D

the notebook idea seems very nice :) I have to try too!

01-07-2005, 11:06 AM
because sometimes I have low blood pressure..(I don't know If you spell this thing like that in english...) ..and If a eat a little bit of sugar I immediately feel better :D

the notebook idea seems very nice :) I have to try too!

you know something? i should have thought of that. i have low blood pressure and low blood sugar, and i usually need to eat something when i start feeling dizzy, but i usually eat a granola bar or something. but sugar is much more durable. it doesn't crumb.

Mrs Redboots
01-08-2005, 03:44 AM
because sometimes I have low blood pressure..(I don't know If you spell this thing like that in english...) ..and If a eat a little bit of sugar I immediately feel better :D That makes sense! And, of course, a good moment to take a breather and have some hot chocolate, if you like hot chocolate, which I don't, but at least one skater I know seems to have it as her main source of energy....

01-08-2005, 03:56 AM
That makes sense! And, of course, a good moment to take a breather and have some hot chocolate, if you like hot chocolate, which I don't, but at least one skater I know seems to have it as her main source of energy....
Wish I could say the same Annabel, I just cant live without chocolate.