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12-11-2004, 10:54 AM
Is there a special name for this? I'll try to explain it.

Going backwards, you do a crossover with one foot and then alternate with crossing over with the other foot. Right, left, right, left back crossovers.

Anyone know? Thanks! ~AF

12-11-2004, 11:41 AM
It could be one of two moves.

If you do (for example) a CCW crossover, then step to a RBI edge before doing the next crossover, do a CW crossover, then step to a LBI edge before the next, etc. then the move is called power back crossovers, AKA Russian stroking and is in the USFS Pre-Juvenile moves test and the Adult Bronze moves test.

If you are crossing your free foot in front of the skating foot onto either an O or I edge and then doing exactly the same thing again without the step to a BI edge, then it is called crosscuts (British) or devil rolls (American). This move is not in any USFS tests, but I believe it is in the NISA test structure (Mrs. Redboots will know more about that).

12-11-2004, 02:42 PM
In the UK they're called 'Cross Rolls' (I'm presuming that you're crossing behind instead of in front when, as dbny said, they're cross cuts). In the Cross Roll, though, you go from BO edge to BO edge tracing a semi circle on each edge.

They used to be in the UK Inter-Bronze field moves (the cross cuts were in Prelim) but that could have changed now as the UK seems to change the test system CONSTANTLY which also seems to involve a huge hike in test fees!!! Cyncical? Moi?

12-11-2004, 10:57 PM
In the UK they're called 'Cross Rolls' (I'm presuming that you're crossing behind instead of in front when, as dbny said, they're cross cuts). In the Cross Roll, though, you go from BO edge to BO edge tracing a semi circle on each edge.

They used to be in the UK Inter-Bronze field moves (the cross cuts were in Prelim) but that could have changed now as the UK seems to change the test system CONSTANTLY which also seems to involve a huge hike in test fees!!! Cyncical? Moi?

OK, now I'm totally confused about UK terminology vs US. Cross strokes are what you call Cross Rolls. That is, when going Backwards, stepping behind the skating foot (placing the free foot in back of the heel of the skating foot) onto a BO edge. When going Forwards, stepping in front of the skating foot onto a FO edge.

I'm pretty sure that Mrs. Redboots said (on another forum) that UK cross cuts were a B move in which the free foot takes the ice in front of the skating foot (meaning over the toe of the skating foot), consecutively onto either BO or BI edges.

12-11-2004, 11:03 PM
OK, now I'm totally confused about UK terminology vs US. Cross strokes are what you call Cross Rolls. That is, when going Backwards, stepping behind the skating foot (placing the free foot in back of the heel of the skating foot) onto a BO edge. When going Forwards, stepping in front of the skating foot onto a FO edge.

I'm from Canada, and would call those cross-rolls. For a specific example, the Paso has forward cross-rolls and the Argentine has backward cross-rolls.

I think I understand vintagefreak's description, but I have never heard that move given a specific name. To me it's just one of the edge exercises I do to warm up.

12-12-2004, 12:34 AM
OK, now I'm totally confused about UK terminology vs US. Cross strokes are what you call Cross Rolls. That is, when going Backwards, stepping behind the skating foot (placing the free foot in back of the heel of the skating foot) onto a BO edge. When going Forwards, stepping in front of the skating foot onto a FO edge.

I'm pretty sure that Mrs. Redboots said (on another forum) that UK cross cuts were a B move in which the free foot takes the ice in front of the skating foot (meaning over the toe of the skating foot), consecutively onto either BO or BI edges.

When I did Cross Cuts for my Prelim Field Moves (the test has probably changed name by now :roll: ) it's (going backwards) BO edge crossing in front onto a BO edge again tracing semi circles or as near as possible. You *can* do forward cross cuts (where you cross the foot behind but they're not in any of the tests and they're difficult to get momentum on). I don't know where the BI edges come in :?: We also (again for Prelim or whatever it's called now) had to do consecutive BI edges which were quite quick and done from BI edge to BI edge down the length of the rink.

As I said the test that they come from is probably called something else by now so it could be Bronze Level Somethingorother.

12-12-2004, 04:14 AM
All the Field Moves tests are still the same except for the addition of Novice before Prelim. They were supposed to be changed at the end of last year and this year but nothing has happened with this yet.
I think the idea is that they will eventually be changed to match the elements and free levels.

I always used to call the move just back cross in fronts, I've never really heard a proper name for it.

Mrs Redboots
12-12-2004, 04:36 AM
At the moment the Field Moves are still the same, with the crossing in front (cross cuts) in one level and the crossing behind (cross-rolls) in another; in Dance moves, they are both Level 3. I'm desperately trying to get my Level 3 before the system changes at the end of next year (allegedly), and also to catch up with Husband, who passed his Level 3 two weeks ago.

The back cross-cuts are still impossible - I simply can't maintain any momentum on them for the length of the rink. And my cross-rolls, although better, are very far from passable yet.

12-12-2004, 02:02 PM
I'm from Canada, and would call those cross-rolls. For a specific example, the Paso has forward cross-rolls and the Argentine has backward cross-rolls.

Exactly, and in the US they are called cross strokes. But I think vitagefreak is describing either UK cross cuts (US devil rolls) OR power stroking (Russian stroking).

Vintagefreak, we are waiting for you to clarify!

12-12-2004, 05:22 PM
Is there a special name for this? I'll try to explain it.

Going backwards, you do a crossover with one foot and then alternate with crossing over with the other foot. Right, left, right, left back crossovers.

Anyone know? Thanks! ~AF

Hi Vintage

Im not sure what this step is called but my coach and I worked on it and its now in my new freestyle number, Looks great when you do it fast and its not that hard. :) Its just a matter of steping behind with the left foot on the inside edge before the next x-over. Its great fun :D :D

12-12-2004, 06:10 PM
I didn't realize there could be so many answers. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the replies. Hmm, I guess for clarification I could say they look more like what dbny described as devil rolls. I'm kinda confused but, yeah, I think thats what I;m doing. Better ask 'ye old coach, huh?

Thanks :) ~AF

12-12-2004, 06:54 PM
They were called devil rolls at an ISI coaching seminar I attended last year. The presenter said "I always call them devil rolls", so they might have some other name too, since they are not part of either the ISI or USFSA test structure.

Mrs Redboots
12-13-2004, 06:55 AM
they are not part of either the ISI or USFSA test structure.envyenvyenvyenvyenvy....:mrgreen: They are so-o-o impossible for me just now, and I work on them every time I'm on the ice :frus: