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View Full Version : Strength Training

11-20-2004, 12:36 AM
I saw on another, more professional forum, that they recommended strength training for figure skaters. It is a sport, so that does make sense.

It seemed like it was more for high level skaters, but I'm wondering if anyone knows any excercise that is helpful. The reason I ask is that I already have been strength training for a good while, and I'm trying to incorporate excercises that have more of an emphasis on balance. Escpecially since I'm also an avid snowborder.

11-20-2004, 06:19 AM
Anything that works muscles in your legs & abs is good for skating, but I'd suggest including upper body work too. I started (again, after stopping because of a back problem) working on my upper body because I took up pairs, and I needed the shoulder, arm, & chest strength to support myself in lifts. But I found, surprisingly enough, that it was also very helpful to my singles skating. Increased upper back & shoulder strength allows me to support better posture; arm & shoulder strength allows me to pull in faster in spins or be able to fight centrifugal force to try to get my arms into more interesting positions. Notice I say, "try!" :)

Plus, I was able to open my own jars again, without asking my husband for help. :D

I use Cybex machines at my local gym, plus a few free weight and dumbells.