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View Full Version : 13th Novmber - Sprained Wrist

11-13-2004, 12:16 PM
My mum came to see me skate today! We'd decided that I'd probably fall, just because she was there, and guess what?! I did! I fell backwards and landed on my wrist, and sprained it. I refused to let it get to me, so I stayed on for a further 5 hours, and near the end of my session...I fell again!

I don't usually fall, but it all came at once today! It was so not my day. Last night a fortune cookie told me "Your hard work will pay off soon"...

11-13-2004, 01:43 PM
Sorry to hear of your fall and sprained wrist. It's such bad luck that you fell when your mum was there watching you, but unfortunately that's the nature of the sport. I hope you're applying an ice pack regularly to your wrist and have put on a compression bandage. Take it easy. I'm in pretty much the same way having fallen and hurt both my right leg and right arm last week.
