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supa sk8er
11-11-2004, 04:29 PM
I think my sk8s have mold!!!! There are these dark spots on it. Help!!!!! How do I remove it? How can I prevent it??? Help!!! It's :oops: (disgusting) Yuck! I think I'm gonna puke................

11-11-2004, 05:21 PM
Take them to the person you bought them from (or another pro shop with figure skates and someone who knows enough about them) and have them look at them. Only they can help you out and tell you if it is rot or not, and what you can do. If it's rot though, most likely you'll need new skates sometime relatively soon because you can't stop it once it has started. Do you always keep everything dry/take your skates out of your bag at night/etc...?

11-15-2004, 10:07 PM
i had the same problem with my skates. Mold was covering the inside under the foot insert piece. I asked my coach about it and she said that i HAVE to start airing out my skates, so now i hang them by a warm spot in my house right after i get home from skating. If you skate it would be a good idea to do this anyways because A) your skates will break down quicker if they are always damp B) mold may start to grow inside causing foot problems - especially those with sensetive skin - C) it allows the dark leather part on the bottom of your skates to get saturated with water making your skates heavier D) your skates won't stink as much if you have bad foot odor :lol:

also, to get rid of mold or odor, i've found this to work reaaaallllllly good:
lay your skate bag and it's contents - including skates obviously - outside in direct sunlight for the whole day on a sunny day. This helps 'cook' them out, drying them and gets rid of that skate bag stench so you don't smell like a hockey player anymore! LOL
well i hope at least some of that was helpful... :roll:
good luck.
as for removing the mold, my dad helped me scrape it
out...but i'm not sure what else can be done...

11-22-2004, 05:11 PM
8O OMG....I don't air out my skates...i should check if they ARE Molding!!! I hope not... :cry: Those skates have been with me to my first compitition. I don't want them to go!!